
2015-03-16 00:08
时代英语·高二 2015年1期


Top readers read at a speed of above 1,000 words per minute (wpm) with near 85% comprehension, but they only represent 1% of readers. Average readers are the most and only reach around 200 wpm with a comprehension of 60%. This seems surprising since most readers practice daily for at least one hour by reading work papers, newspapers, magazines or books. With so much training everyone should be a top performer. Unluckily, this isnt the case.

Every computer-user who is also a slow typist knows the benefit he could get by doing a typing course, but almost nobody doubts that improving reading comprehension and speed is even more helpful. The rapid improvement of voice recognition may slowly make typing obsolete (淘汰的) since a good typist types well under the speed of speech. On the other hand, human or computer speaking, with an average speed of 150 wpm, will always remain much slower than a good reader.

There are three possible ways to improve reading. The fastest is a speed reading training class. It is quite usual for a slow reader to double his reading efficiency (效率) during a two-day class offering an encouraging situation, carefully chosen texts and comprehension tests. However, this rapid improvement, if lacking practice, often disappears with time. A book about speed reading is the second possibility. Such a book usually provides speed and comprehension tests as well as reading skills. But this method calls for much time. A speed reading computer program is probably the best way to achieve top reading levels. Speed reading software provides enjoyable and fast-paced training, thus giving the lasting practice necessary to break lifelong slow reading habits. This is the task that the other two methods usually leave to the reader.

1. Compared with average readers, top readers ___ .

A. spend less time training to increase their reading speed

B. have faster speed but worse reading comprehension

C. have faster speed and better reading comprehension

D. make up a large percentage of all the readers

2. What will reduce the importance of fast typing?

A. Progress in the speed of human speaking.

B. Progress in voice recognition.

C. The wide use of computers.

D. The laziness of the typists.

3. The common disadvantage of a speed reading book and a speed reading training class is failing to ___ .

A. provide good materials

B. supply ongoing practice

巧设情境 提升课堂效率
“慢”过程 “高”效率
遵循记忆规律 提升高中历史学习效率