Glenn McDuffie1 Dies—Sailor in World War II Kissing Photo

2014-12-19 12:12李殊赵阳
英语学习(上半月) 2014年7期

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Glenn Edward McDuf fie, the young sailor who can be seen in one of the most iconic2. iconic: 标志性的。photos from the end of World War II, has died in Dallas in March, 2014,according to family members. The WWII vet3. vet:〈美口〉老兵,下文出现的veteran也是“老兵”。was 86.

Mr. McDuf fie was 18 when he was captured in the famous kiss photo with nurse Edith Shain. She died in 2010 at the age of 91.

Mr. McDuf fie spent 50 years in Houston before moving in 2009 to North Texas to live with his daughter, Glenda Bell, his only living offspring, after his health began to decline. Mr. McDuf fie collaborated with Houston Police Department forensic artist Lois Gibson in 2007 to prove that he was the sailor sharing that lusty kiss with Shain in Times Square on Aug. 14, 1945.4. 2007年,麦克杜菲先生协助休斯敦警察局的法医素描师罗伊斯·吉布森证明他就是1945年8月14日在时代广场上和夏安热吻的那名水手。collaborate: 合作;forensic:法医的,司法鉴定的;lusty: 精力充沛的,强烈的。The kiss was captured by the famous Life magazine photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt on V-J Day5. V-J Day: 全称为Victory in Japan Day, 对日战争胜利日。.


Gibson, who has done numerous reconstructions of crime victims’ faces using only a skull, carefully studied the bone structure of all 11 men who had claimed to be the sailor before coming to her conclusion that the sailor was Mr. McDuf fie.6. 吉布森曾数次仅通过头骨就能重现罪犯容貌,此次共11人声称自己就是当年的那名水手,在对这些人的骨骼结构经过仔细研究后吉布森最终确定麦克杜菲就是那名水手。claim: 声称,要求承认。

“I was able to eliminate all the others based on their foreheads, or the superciliary arch7. superciliary arch: 眉弓。—where the eyebrows are. Unfortunately, your nose grows all your life. I have a picture of Glenn showing that his nose is different. But that growth is normal and was to be expected,” Gibson said in 2007.

Gibson spent much of the past decade championing8. champion: v. 支持,拥护。Mr. McDuf fie’s claim. She said that when they met, Mr. McDuf fie was frustrated9. frustrated: 挫败的,懊恼的。for not being acknowledged as the sailor in the photo. That honor instead went to George Mendonsa. “Glenn told me that there was no tongue in the kiss, but that it was a wet one,” said Gibson.

She said the reason his left arm was cocked the way it was in the picture was because he was half-expecting a jealous boyfriend or husband to come at him.10. 她说当时他的左臂之所以朝上是因为他怕会有某个妒火中烧的男友或丈夫过来揍他一顿。cock:竖起,朝上;come at:袭击,扑向。“ I heard someone running and stopping right in front of us. I raised my head up, and it was a photographer,” Mr. McDuf fie told theHouston

Chroniclein 2007. “I tried to get my hand out of the way so I wouldn’t block her face, and I kissed her just long enough for him to take the picture.” After taking precise measurements of Mr. McDuf fie’s wrists, knuckles, arms, forehead and ears,Gibson compared them to enlargements of the famous photo.11. knuckle: 关节;enlargement: 放大的照片。To replicate the image, Gibson had Mr. McDuf fie pose embracing a pillow, a substitute for the nurse.12. replicate: 重复,复制;embrace: 拥抱;substitute:替代品。

Gibson said that Mr. McDuf fie didn’t want a real-life stand-in13. stand-in: 定位替身,替身演员。for the nurse. Mr. McDuf fie spent his later years traveling the gun show and air show circuit, signing copies of the famous photo for fans young and old. Many women would ask to re-create the kiss with him, but they usually got to kiss his cheek, Gibson said.

Mr. McDuf fie enjoyed the celebrity status that came with him being identi fied as the sailor in the famous photo.14. 每次人们认出他就是那张著名照片中的水手时,麦克杜菲先生都特别喜欢这种当明星的感觉。

“My dad loved it; he ate it up15. eat up: 沉迷于。,” said Bell, his daughter.“He finally got the recognition that he deserved after so many men tried to say that it was them in the photo.”Any time someone invited him to come somewhere, like fundraisers16. fundraiser: 筹款人。for veterans, Mr. McDuf fie was there, Bell said.

“He would re-create the kiss with women happily, but not with men,” she said. He even re-created it with Diane Sawyer for a TV segment17. segment: 片段,部分。. He needed help with crowd control, his daughter says. When he appeared in public,he was mobbed with attention, which he didn’t shy away from.19. inter: 埋葬。”He would wear his WWII veterans cap, and that alone would gain him attention. When they found out who he was, they would all get tears in their eyes,” said Bell.

Bell said that her father was interred19. inter: 埋葬。at the Dallas/Fort Worth National Cemetery. Mr. McDuffie joined the U.S. Navy at 15. He admitted that he lied to get in and forged20. forge: 伪造,捏造。a few documents with the help of his friend.He served as a gunner’s mate on merchant ships in the war.

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