Creative Writing

2014-12-08 11:14赏析/夏辉
新东方英语 2014年10期



埃特加·凯雷特(Etgar Keret),1967年出生于以色列的拉马干,父母均为纳粹大屠杀幸存者。1992年,他出版了第一部短篇小说集《管道》(Pipelines)。1994年,他的第二部短篇小说集《消失的基辛格》(Missing Kissinger)获得广泛关注。从1998年起,他的作品开始被翻译成英文。2004年,他的英文版短篇小说集《想做上帝的巴士司机》(The Bus Driver Who Wanted to Be God & Other Stories)出版。2006年,凯雷特当选为以色列“文化杰出基金”优秀艺术家。2007年,他和妻子合作导演的首部电影《水母》(Jellyfish)获戛纳电影节金棕榈最佳处女作奖。凯雷特喜欢在作品中使用日常语言、方言、俗语,文风简练,他对20世纪90年代以来以色列短篇小说的繁荣有很大贡献。短篇小说《创意写作》(Creative Writing)收录在凯雷特2012年出版的短篇小说集《突然,响起一阵敲门声》(Suddenly, a Knock on the Door)中。


The first story Maya wrote was about a world in which people split themselves in two instead of reproducing. In that world, every person could, at any given moment, turn into two beings, each half his/her age. Some chose to do this when they were young; for instance, an eighteen-year-old might split into two nine-year-olds. Others would wait until theyd established themselves professionally and financially and go for it only in middle age. The heroine of Mayas story was splitless. She had reached the age of eighty and, despite all the social pressure, insisted on not splitting. At the end of the story, she died.

It was a good story, except for the ending. There was something depressing about that part, Aviad2) thought. Depressing and predictable. But in the writing workshop she had signed up for, Maya actually got a lot of compliments on the ending. The instructor3), who was supposed to be this well-known writer, even though Aviad had never heard of him, told her that there was something soul-piercing4) about the banality5) of the ending, or some other piece of crap6). Aviad saw how happy that compliment made Maya. She was very excited when she told him about it. She recited what the writer had said to her the way people recite a verse from the Bible. And Aviad, who had originally tried to suggest a different ending, backpedaled7) and said that it was all a matter of taste and that he really didnt understand much about it.

It had been her mothers idea that she should go to a creative writing workshop. Shed said that a friends daughter had attended one and enjoyed it very much. Aviad also thought it would be good for Maya to get out more, to do something with herself. He could always bury himself in work, but since the miscarriage8), she never left the house. Whenever he came home he found her in the living room, sitting up straight on the couch. Not reading, not watching TV, not even crying. When Maya hesitated about the course, Aviad knew how to persuade her. “Go once, give it a try,” he said, “the way a kid goes to day camp.” Later he realized that it had been a little insensitive of him to use a child as an example after what theyd been through two months before. But Maya actually smiled and said that day camp might be just what she needed.

The second story she wrote was about a world in which you could see only the people you loved. The protagonist9) was a married man in love with his wife. One day, his wife walked right into him in the hallway and the glass he was holding fell and shattered on the floor. A few days later, she sat down on him as he was dozing in an armchair. Both times, she wriggled out of it10) with an excuse: shed had something else on her mind; she hadnt been looking when she sat down. But the husband started to suspect that she didnt love him anymore. To test his theory, he decided to do something drastic11): he shaved off the left side of his mustache. He came home with half a mustache, clutching a bouquet of anemones12). His wife thanked him for the flowers and smiled. He could sense her groping the air as she tried to give him a kiss. Maya called the story “Half a Mustache,” and told Aviad that when she had read it aloud in the workshop, some people cried. Aviad said, “Wow,” and kissed her on the forehead. That night, they fought about some stupid little thing. Shed forgotten to pass on a message or something like that, and he yelled at her. He was to blame, and in the end he apologized. “I had a hellish day at work,” he said, and he stroked her leg, trying to make up for his outburst, “Do you forgive me?” She forgave him.

Her third story started out funny. It was about a pregnant woman who gave birth to a cat. The hero of the story was the husband, who suspected that the cat wasnt his. A fat ginger13) tomcat14) that slept on the lid of the dumpster right below the window of the couples bedroom gave the husband a condescending15) look every time he went downstairs to throw out the garbage. In the end, there was a violent clash between the husband and the cat. The husband threw a stone at the cat, who countered with bites and scratches. The injured husband, his wife, and the kitten she was breastfeeding went to the clinic for him to get a rabies16) shot. He was humiliated and in pain, but tried not to cry while they were waiting. The kitten, sensing his suffering, curled itself from its mothers embrace, went over to him, and licked his face tenderly, offering a consoling “Meow.”

“Did you hear that?” the mother asked emotionally. “He said ‘Daddy.”

At that point, the husband could no longer hold back his tears. And when Aviad read that passage, he had to try hard not to cry too. Maya said that shed started writing the story even before she knew she was pregnant again. “Isnt it weird,” she asked, “how my brain didnt know yet, but my subconscious did?”

1. 英文节选部分选自小说的前半部分,主要介绍了女主人公玛雅(Maya)写的三个小故事的内容。

2. Aviad:阿维亚德,小说中玛雅的丈夫

3. instructor [?n?str?kt?(r)] n. 教员;指导者

4. piercing [?p??(r)s??] adj. 打动人心的

5. banality [b??n?l?ti] n. 平庸,陈腐

6. crap [kr?p] n. 废话

7. backpedal [?b?k?ped(?)l] vi. 改变立场;变卦;(意见等的)撤回

8. miscarriage [?m?sk?r?d?] n. 流产

9. protagonist [pr???t?ɡ?n?st] n. (故事或戏剧中的)主要人物,主角

10. wriggle out of sth.:逃脱,避开

11. drastic [?dr?st?k] adj. 极端的

12. anemone [??nem?ni] n. 银莲花

13. ginger [?d??nd??(r)] adj. 姜黄色的

14. tomcat [?t?m?k?t] n. 公猫

15. condescending [?k?nd??send??] adj. 表现出高(某人)一等的,带有优越感的

16. rabies [?re?bi?z] n. [内科]狂犬病









