【摘 要】在初中英语教学中,我们一定要遵循新课标精神,只有真正的做到了以学生为主体,充分的让学生主动地参与到英语教学活动中,才能够充分调动学生学习英语的兴趣和提高学习英语的能力。通过让学生英语演讲和开展辩论赛,不失为达到上述效果的两种好的教学活动。
【关键词】初中英语 创设情景 英语演讲 英语辩论赛
中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-0407.2014.09.041
一是创设条件或情景让学生尽可能的用英语演讲。这种形式可以把语言学习提高到一个新高度,是真正让学生学以致用,也是给一部分学生再创造、再提高的机会。在一次英语教学活动中,我设置了两个活动:一是:If you were in ...,what would you do?学生对不同的事感兴趣,也愿意为自己设计未来。大家纷纷想象自己在某个地方的情景。有的说:If I were in New Zealand, I would speak with native people.有的说If I were in America, I would talk with Mr Bush about the Iraq War.还有的说If I were in Iraq, I would help the people there.另一个是:面对城市越来越多的私家车而导致的交通问题和污染问题,如果你是市长,你将怎么办?先小组讨论,再以竞聘演讲的形式展示出来,选出最有魅力的市长。在这一活动中,学生充分展示才华,不断地说出一些新单词,如forbid, protect, control, environmental awareness, electric, invent等等。这是一位学生演讲的一部分:As we all know, Zhongshan is a very famous city in Guangdong Province, even in China. It is called "Garden City". But I don't think it's good enough, although the air pollution isn't serious, it can be better. If I were the mayor of Zhongshan, I'd try my best to tell everyone how to protect the environment and improve their environmental awareness. If I were the mayor of Zhongshan, I'd reward the people who grow the most trees in a month, I'd only allow the drivers to drive in the day-time. If I were the mayor of Zhong shan, I'd invent a kind of machine or gas that can make less pollution in cars and motorbikes……
另一种方式是组织学生用英语进行辩论赛,也能够起到意想不到的作用。在英语教学中,我们也要想方设法的让学生主动参与英语学习,让他们当英语学习的主人,提高他们学习英语的兴趣和能力。在一次班级组织的英语辩论赛中,学生自信的神态、精彩的语言、敏捷的思维、风趣的插曲让我备感惊喜。下面略举其过程加以印证和分析。第一组的辩题是“Should students be allowed to take the mobile phone to school?”
正方代表Sue发言:“We think students should be allowed to take the mobile phone to school. First, it's very convenient for us to call our parents if we are in trouble at school. Second ...”
反方也不甘示弱:“We think students shouldn't be allowed to take the mobile phone to school. Because, first, it's too noisy if it rings in class. Second, some students may use the mobile phone to cheat in exams. Third ...”
正方几个成员迅速凑在一起商讨,我留心一听,他们商讨所用语言是夹着几个中文单词的英文,还真不错:“The other students know if he takes the mobile phone to school and it is impossible to cheat the teacher.”
反方代表一下子不知说什么,观众席上其他组员急了,一向少言的Tim举手回答:“The students who have a mobile phone will compare with each other.And they will distract on study.”哇,连后面将学到的定语从句也用得那么好,“distract”在练习中出现过,他居然也用上了,我真为这个学生的进步而高兴。给学生时间和机会,让学生当主角,他们可以表现得如此优秀!