
2014-07-11 19:02林保国等
绿色科技 2014年3期






以Wackernagel 为代表的“加拿大生态足迹小组”,首先应用生态足迹分析法在全球、国家和城市(区域)3个层面上进行了较为成功的相关分析[2~5]。1999年生态足迹的概念被引入国内,区域生态足迹研究的实践成果最早见于2000年,国内多名学者分别对生态足迹从理论、方法、计算模型及其应用方面进行了评价。2004年,生态足迹分析法陆续被引入环境影响评价领域。如刘海涛等(2004年)基于能值生态足迹模型研究了内蒙古自治区生态承载力;陈述文等(2007年)以重庆市为例将生态足迹法的应用在土地规划环境影响评价中;陈秋林等以湖南常德市鼎城区1998年和2006年统计年鉴的数据为依据,计算分析了鼎城区规划实施期间1997年和2005年的生态足迹;林扬碧(2009年)分类生态足迹在区域环境影响评价中的研究与应用。







[1] 张志强,孙成权,程国栋可持续发展研究:进展与趋向[J]地球科学进展,1999,14(6):589~595

[2] 徐中民,张志强,程国栋可持续发展定量评价的几种新方法评价[J]中国人口资源与环境,2000,10(2):60~64

[3] Zhongmin Xu,Guodong Cheng,Dongjin Chen,et alEconomic diversity,development capacity and sustainable development of China[J]Ecological Economics,2002,40(3):369~378

[4] 曹新向,梁留科,丁圣彦可持续发展定量评价的生态足迹分析方法[J]自然杂志,2003,25(6):335~338

[5] Wackernagel M,Monfreda C,Erb,K-H,et alEcological footprint time series of Australia,the Philippines,and South Korea for 1961~1999:comparing the conventional approach to an '“actual land area”approach[J]Land Use Policy,2004,21(3):261~269

[6] Wackernagel M,Onisto L,Bello P,et alNational natural capital accounting with the ecological footprint concept[J]Ecol Econ,1999,29:375~390

[7] Wackernagel M,Onisto L,Bello PetalEcological Footprint of Nations[R]Commissioned by the Earth Council for the Rio+5 ForumInternational council for local Environmental InitiativesToronto:JCLEI,1997

[8] Wackernagel M,David Y JThe ecological footprint:an indicator of process toward regional sustainability[J]Environment Monitoring and Assessment,1998(51):511~529endprint

[9] Hardip,Barg S,Hodge TMeasuring sustainable development:Review of current practice[R]Occasional paper number 17,1997

[10] 滁州市统计局滁州统计年鉴(2008~2012)[R]滁州:滁州市统计局,2012

Abstract:Ecological footprint is an important indicator to analyze the sustainable use of natural resourcesThis article calculates the ecological footprint of Fengyang County from 2007 to 2011 by adopting variable world yield methodThe results show that the ecological surplus per capita has decreased from 1412 hm2 of2007 to 1263 hm2 of2011,which is highly possibly resulted from gradually increased natural resource development in the past few yearsIt shows the conflicts between ecological footprint and ecological capacity are going upAccording to mineral resource development plan of Fengyang County,in the year of 2015,theecological footprint per capitawill reach0960 hm2,the ecological capacity per capitawill reach2013 hm2 and ecological surplus per capita willreach1053 hm2It indicates that the ecological capacity can fulfill the implementation of mineral resource development plan of Fengyang County if the development is under scientific and reasonable indication

Key words:ecological footprint;ecological capacity;mineral resources;Fengyang Countyendprint

[9] Hardip,Barg S,Hodge TMeasuring sustainable development:Review of current practice[R]Occasional paper number 17,1997

[10] 滁州市统计局滁州统计年鉴(2008~2012)[R]滁州:滁州市统计局,2012

Abstract:Ecological footprint is an important indicator to analyze the sustainable use of natural resourcesThis article calculates the ecological footprint of Fengyang County from 2007 to 2011 by adopting variable world yield methodThe results show that the ecological surplus per capita has decreased from 1412 hm2 of2007 to 1263 hm2 of2011,which is highly possibly resulted from gradually increased natural resource development in the past few yearsIt shows the conflicts between ecological footprint and ecological capacity are going upAccording to mineral resource development plan of Fengyang County,in the year of 2015,theecological footprint per capitawill reach0960 hm2,the ecological capacity per capitawill reach2013 hm2 and ecological surplus per capita willreach1053 hm2It indicates that the ecological capacity can fulfill the implementation of mineral resource development plan of Fengyang County if the development is under scientific and reasonable indication

Key words:ecological footprint;ecological capacity;mineral resources;Fengyang Countyendprint

[9] Hardip,Barg S,Hodge TMeasuring sustainable development:Review of current practice[R]Occasional paper number 17,1997

[10] 滁州市统计局滁州统计年鉴(2008~2012)[R]滁州:滁州市统计局,2012

Abstract:Ecological footprint is an important indicator to analyze the sustainable use of natural resourcesThis article calculates the ecological footprint of Fengyang County from 2007 to 2011 by adopting variable world yield methodThe results show that the ecological surplus per capita has decreased from 1412 hm2 of2007 to 1263 hm2 of2011,which is highly possibly resulted from gradually increased natural resource development in the past few yearsIt shows the conflicts between ecological footprint and ecological capacity are going upAccording to mineral resource development plan of Fengyang County,in the year of 2015,theecological footprint per capitawill reach0960 hm2,the ecological capacity per capitawill reach2013 hm2 and ecological surplus per capita willreach1053 hm2It indicates that the ecological capacity can fulfill the implementation of mineral resource development plan of Fengyang County if the development is under scientific and reasonable indication

Key words:ecological footprint;ecological capacity;mineral resources;Fengyang Countyendprint
