(涪陵广播电视大学,重庆 408000)
(涪陵广播电视大学,重庆 408000)
学生工作作为高校教书育人的重要环节,本应发挥其应有的引导人、鼓舞人、塑造人的积极作用。但是,在学生工作实践中,却往往更突出 “管理”的成分,而且这种管理多是带有强制性的成分,缺乏必要的自我管理机制。如此一来,学生的独立性也在日益丧失,更多的是按辅导员老师的意志来活动。显然,这样的工作机制不利于学生独立意识的培养。而且,仅就以院系的基层管理单位如院、系学生会的学生工作而言,大多是在主管领导或教师的授意下开展工作的。这种意义上的管理其实存在的最大问题在于将学校与学生、管理者与被管理者置于相互对立的境地,这种管理模式对于高校学生工作的实际效果有很大影响。
另一方面,学生工作者有义务促使学生对自身的优缺点及存在的潜能有一个明晰的判断,也有义务为学生的后续发展 (包括专业发展、人生规划等)提供引导和咨询。这里其实也就涉及到高校学生工作者的知识结构、学缘结构、个人影响力等多方面的因素。既要有学生工作者的现身说法、言传身教,又要求学生工作者的循循善诱、不离不弃的耐心引导,帮助学生正确认识自我,对自己的优缺点了熟然于心,从而在自我人生规划和自我定位中避免盲目性,保证教育教学的有效性。
高校的人际关系大体而言可从师生关系、同学关系、朋友关系、老乡关系等几方面来把握。就师生关系而言,高校师生关系中首先应确立这样一种观念——师:学高为师,身正为范,以丰富的知识武装学生,以高尚的人格魅力感染学生,以谆谆的教导鼓励学生,充分发挥教师 “教”和 “育”的职责及功能;生:求知为学,做人为生。学生者,以学有所得、业有所成作为自己日后在社会安身立命和社会活动之动力能源。“学然后知不足”,并以此为契机来求得自身潜能的开发。乍看起来,师与生是如此的泾渭分明,但是作为一种培养人的活动,其至少包含以下三个方面的内涵:其一,教师传授知识,以一定的知识储备陶冶、感染学生,塑造学生的完美个性和健全人格;其二,学生接受知识、发现学习,并在学习、生活过程中领悟、体验教师所传递的信息;其三,师生双方相互影响,相互学习,亦即教学相长。由此可见,师生之间还是有许多 “共同语言”,教师要 “一切为了学生、为了一切学生、为了学生一切”,视学生的差异为教育资源;学生则要尽可能地不断更新、完善自己的智力储备和人格体系。理论上讲,这种共同语言会使师生之间的亲和力增加,师生关系更为融洽。实践而言,这种共同语言是师生推心置腹地长期磨合中酝酿而成。师生关系是教育活动中最基本的关系,其涉及师与生、教与学、知识传授与人生引导等方面。正如雅斯贝尔斯曾在 《什么是教育》中所说:“苏格拉底的教育思考,包括反讽 (刺激学生感到离真理甚远),催产术 (通过顺答逐渐使真理显明),以及探索真理,而非传递真理。”[2]在此情景中,以 “头脑风暴”的方式来刺激学生的思维,鼓励师生之间的论争,这种理性地切磋与碰撞,是思想的火花交汇产生新思想的催化剂。同时,这种对话型的师生关系的构建,师生之间的心理距离明显缩小,在对待学术、处理学与思的关系等问题上也较为自然。《学记》中也如是写道:“善待问者如撞钟,叩之以小则小鸣,叩之以大则大鸣。”以期实现师生的共同进步,是为“教学相长。”[3]
如今,高校的教育功能已有了很大程度地拓展,已不再是单纯地探究学问的场所了,其教学、科研和服务社会及创新等功能都是通过教育及其培养的人去实现的。因此,在高校教育活动的全过程中要注重“育”的深化而不能重言轻行,不能有教无育。完美健全的人格和一定的知识储备同时构成社会对人才准入的 “双核”标准,任何一项的缺失或偏颇都将会对整个社会造成一种隐患和不和谐。这就要求高校教师,要追求大教育而非停留在 “大教学”的水平上;要切实认识到 “教师和学生之间的关系首先是教育关系,这种关系建立在责任的基础上”[4]。而且更多地通过 “育”人来体现。要以自己高尚的人格魅力感染学生,我们的每一项活动都应该规范在是否教会了学生学习,是否使学生具备了学习和运用知识解决问题的能力,是否使学生具备了自我发展的能量,是否真正地实现了教书育人,使学生达到 “离师辅而不反”的境界。具体而言,无论是学生工作还是教学工作,都不能偏离育人这一本分,否则大学教育的效果就要大打折扣。因此,要求大学里的学生工作者在进行思想教育的同时要注重对学生的学习积极性、主动性的激发以及学习兴趣的培养,任课教师要注意加强对学生学习的引导。这种引导不仅表现为在课堂上知识的传递,还表现为在平常的学习、工作及生活中的言传身教,即一切场景中都要注意到其对学生的教育影响。
总之,教育管理工作的有效性,很大程度上是通过教、学双方的有效配合,较多地表现为学生成长的、反映教学管理水平及效率的变量。这一变量的变化,是学校为实现教学管理目标所显示的能力以及管理效率、效果、效益等参数的综合反映,也是 “学校合理运用各种资源后表现出的结果状况,其特征是导向组织目标,强调资源的有效利用”[5]。因此,从教与学有机融合的角度入手,注重教学教育性的发挥,又注重对学生日常管理工作中教育教学理念的传递、思想的渗透、行动的潜移默化,将学生的教育管理工作与教育教学活动全过程有机关联,为提升教育教学效能提供有效路径。
[1]田 洁.提高教学管理工作有效性的思考[J].教学与管理,2011(2):44.
[2][德]雅斯贝尔斯.什么是教育[M].邹 进,译.北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1991:9.
[4]卢丽君,刘 琴.新时期大学师生关系评点[N].中国教育报,2004—09—10.
[5]张 东.论大学教学管理的伦理诉求[D].西南大学, 2012.
[6]华 杰,等.用社会主义核心价值体系构建高校学生网络道德研究[J].重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版),2013(5).
Abstract:The driving force of local service oriented government has direct influences on its level of social ruling.Motivating its driving force is an important premise for improving its’social ruling ability.Currently,we should motivate the local service-oriented government in terms of active drive force,passive drive force, compelling driving force and reforming drive force from the aspects of promoting career development,solving social problems,implementing tasks given by upper authorities and strengthening self construction.We should constantly improve traditional policy,economy,law and executive methods,and innovate social administration by means of democratic consultation,public participation and performance evaluation.
Key words:service-oriented government;driving force for fulfilling duty;approaches to duty fulfilling
Tujia Soldiers’Resistance against Japanese Pirates in Ming Dynasty:Genesis, Process,and the Factors for Their Victory
LI Liang-pin1,ZHANG Xin2
(1.Socio-Economic-Cultural Research Center of Wujiang River Valley,Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100;2.School of Literature and Journalism,Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)
When facing Japanese pirates’robbing and looting which were seriously destroying social production of Ming Mynasty,the soldiers of Tujia nationality resolutely involved themselves in the resistance war against the pirates.During the three years of the resistance,they either fought against the pirates jointly with the soldiers of Guangxi or fought separately.In both cases,they were greatly victorious.Doubtlessly,their victories are attributed to the justice of the war,restrict discipline,excellent tactics and the unique weapons.
Ming Dynasty;soldiers of Tujian ethnic group;resistance against Japanese pirates
The Patriarchal Relations of Chieftain Regime of China and Their Influences --A Case Study of Zhuang Chieftain of Mo Family in Nandan,Guangxi
LI Chun-lian
(CPC Nandan County Committee,Hechi,Guangxi 547200,China)
Abstract:Based on consanguinity,patriarchal relations are the code of conduct for regulating intra-family relations and maintaining ruling position of the clan head as well as hereditary prestige.The Zhuang chieftain political power of Mo’s family in Nandan,Guangxi was the earliest and the most lasting local political power in the history of China’s chieftain system.It left a glorious and resplendent chieftain culture and played an important part in China’s chieftain development.From the perspective of patriarchal relations,the writer of this article analyzes the political power of Zhuang chieftain of Mo Family in Nandan,Guangxi in Song Dynasty and the influences,in the hope of giving a glimpse of the patriarchal relations and their influences on China’s chieftain political power as a whole.
Key words:chieftain system;patriarchal relations;Nandan;Mo’s family;Zhuang ethnic group
An Investigation of Chieftain System in Zhuoni Area and Its Cultural Value
SU Xiao-hong1,2
(1.Department of History and Culture,Gansu Teachers’ College for Nationalities,Hezuo,Gansu 747000;2. School of History and Culture,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730000,China)
Abstract:Chieftain system was a local administration system for the central government in Ming and Qing dynasties to administrate minority areas.Chieftain was an official appointed by the central government to administrate“in accordance with the local customs”in carrying out the chieftain system.Chieftain of Zhuoni was the most typical among the chieftains of Gansu,Qinghai and even the whole northwestern area.It was the most lasting and influential chieftain with the vastest jurisdiction area among the major Tibetan chieftains in Gansu.In the long history,the chieftain system which lasted for hundreds of years had great influences on the politics, economy,military affairs and culture not only in the jurisdiction area,but also in the northwestern area and even the whole country.The writer of this article attempts to illustrate the establishment of chieftain system in Zhuoni and its development,in the hope of excavating more in-depth elements so as to disclose its rich cultural value and social value.
Key words:Chieftain system;Grand Temple in Zhuoni;chieftain culture;social value
The Construction of Shilongba Hydroelectric Station:Full Story,Historical Position and Influences
HUANG Quan-sheng1,YANG Ji-chao2
(1.History department,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433;2.Institute of History and Geography,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
Abstract:Built in 1910,Shilongba hydroelectric station in Yunnan is the first hydroelectric power station built completely by Chinese themselves.It was built when China was aggressed by western powers.Its construction was completed through the arduous efforts of people from all walks of life in Yunnan,with the appealing idea of saving the nation with local enterprises.The construction was influenced by the cultural tradition of attaching importance to water conservancy since the Sai Dianchi’governing of Yunnan in early Yuan Dynasty.Its construction accelerated the development of China’s hydropower and facilitated the cultivation and training of personnel in the industry.Its’spirit is a valueless cultural heritage for the Chinese nation.
Key words:Shilongba;construction;influences;status
The Continuation of China Merchants Steam Navigation Co.Ltd.in Rear Area during the Resistance War Against Japanese
GENG Mi1,2
(1.School of Administration,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Chongqing 401120;2.Chongqing Research Center of Rear Area during Anti-Japanese War,Chongqing 400715,China)
Abstract:During the Resistance War against Japanese Aggression,China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. Ltd.,was a famous navigation enterprise in modern China.Because of the serious destruction by the war,it lost most of its property and,even worse,its headquarter once fell into the Japanese’s hand.However,it recovered its headquarter in the rear area and overcame various hardships and maintained the normal operation till the victory of the war.That period is of great significance in the history of China Merchants Steam Navigation Co.Ltd.
Key words:period of Anti-Japanese War;China Merchants Steam Navigation Co.Ltd;continuation
Damage to Farmers’Rights and Interests and Their Maintenance in the Circulation of Farming Land in the Wulingshan Region --A Case Study of Shizhu County,Chongqing
LI Bin,HOU Ai-xia,ZHANG Yu-juan
(School of Economy and Business Administration,Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)
Abstract:In farming land circulation,farmers’rights and interests have suffered serious damage resulting from their unclear knowledge of their rights,their limited free will,and the insecurity of their economic interests. The causes can be attributed to both the local government and the land contractors as well as the farmers themselves.In order to secure farmers’rights and interests,we should standardize the regulations of land circulation,improve the compensation mechanism of land acquisition,intensify the training of farmers and strengthen the social security system and service system for the farmers with their land acquired.
Key words:Wulingshan region;circulation of farming land;rights and interests;maintainance
The Relationship between the Local Political Power in Wuling Region and the Feudal Royal Court
DAI Chu-zhou
(Zhangjiajie Economy and Information Committee,Zhangjiajie,Hunan 427000,China)
Abstract:Since Wuling area was taken into the territory by Qin and Han dynasties,Imperial Court of every dynasty kept Wuling area under its control so that the social stability was maintained in the area.
Key words:subordination;domination;appeasement
Qianjiang City Valley:Excavating Value and Bringing Role into Play
YAO Yuan-he
(Qianjiang Branch,CPC Chongqing Party School,Chongqing 409000,China)
Abstract:Qianjiang City Valley in Chongqing is a nationally rare or even unique natural and human resource.It has a variety of functions such as natural aesthetics,ecological adjustment,cave exploration,rock climbing,folk custom experiencing,and moral influence.To build Qianjiang City Valley into the first national city-valley park is an effective route to Qianjiang’s city theme and characteristics of achieving “Oriental Luxemburg,China Valley City”,and is an important pair of tongs in carrying out the strategy of main function area.Meanwhile,it is a must to handle well the relationships between city-valley park and the surrounding mountains,waters,and landmarks,so that the city valley can be integrated with the building,nature and human being.
Key words:Qianjiang City Valley;value excavation;role playing;win-win
Types of Characters in the Novel Shaanxi Opera
MO Qi1,2
(1.School of Literature and Media,Shijiazhuang University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050035;2.Chinese Language and Literature College,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an,Shaanxi 710062,China)
Abstract:There are three types of characters in the novel Shaanxi Opera that form contradictions on three levels which express how thousands-year-old traditional Chinese agricultural society evolved from an enclosed state to disintegration.The writer’s naming of the characters expresses the aggressive attack of modernization against the tradition and the disintegration of traditional culture.In brief,Jia Pingwa expresses his confession towards his hometown by means of corresponding characters to their cultural condition.
Key words:Jia Pingwa;Shaanxi Opera;character types
Hai Rui’s Feeling of People’s Livelihood
(Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)
Abstract:Hai Rui was a most famous honest and upright official in Chinese history.All his conducts in daily life and his career were oriented to people’s livelihood,carrying forward the spirit of Confucian“policy of benevolence”and Legalist“ruling by law”,regarding people’s benefit as utmost priority.All these are a reflection of Hai Rui’s feeling of people’s livelihood,and an embodiment of his spirit of“putting people’s livelihood first”,which is worth our inheriting and carrying it forward so as to help us combat corruption and build a clean government and improve people’s livelihood in contemporary age.
Key words:Hai Rui;feeling of people’s livelihood;putting people’s livelihood first
Confucian Ideas about Disease in Zhou Dynasty
LV Jin-wei
(School of History and Culture,Central China University,Wuhan,Hubei 430079,China)
Abstract:Life and death have always been unavoidable in human life.Disease intervenes between life and death and it is a universal topic of human beings.Confucian wizards did not feel strange in treating disease,and their social roles made them gradually form a view about disease which had a strong color of interpersonal relationship.Stressing disease,actively preventing and treating disease,fighting against disease constituted the Confucian cognitive mapping about disease in Zhou Dynasty.
Key words:Zhou Dynasty;Confucian;disease prevention;disease treatment;malingering;sickness entrustment
Exploring the Driving Force and Approaches of Local Service-oriented Government in Fulfilling Its Duty
XU Tong-zhu
(School of Literature and Media,Hubei University for Nationalities,Enshi,Hubei 445000,China)