Women and exercise in aging

2014-03-21 03:20KristinaKendallCiaranFairman
Journal of Sport and Health Science 2014年3期

Kristina L.Kendall,Ciaran M.Fairman

Department of Health and Kinesiology,Georgia Southern University,Statesboro,GA 30458,USA

Women and exercise in aging

Kristina L.Kendall*,Ciaran M.Fairman

Department of Health and Kinesiology,Georgia Southern University,Statesboro,GA 30458,USA

Aging is associated w ith physiological declines,notably a decrease in bone mineral density(BMD)and lean body mass,w ith a concurrent increase in body fatand centraladiposity.Interest in women and aging is of particular interestpartly as a resultof gender specific responses to aging,particularly as a result of menopause.It is possible that the onset of menopause may augment the physiological decline associated w ith aging and inactivity.More so,a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome(an accumulation of cardiovascular disease risk factors including obesity,low-density lipoprotein cholesterol,high blood pressure,and high fasting glucose)has been shown in m iddle-aged women during the postmenopausal period.This is due in part to the drastic changes in body composition,as previously discussed,but also a change in physical activity(PA)levels.Sarcopenia is an age related decrease in the cross-sectionalarea of skeletalmuscle fibers thatconsequently leads to a decline in physical function,gaitspeed,balance,coordination,decreased BMD,and quality of life.PA plays an essential role in combating physiological decline associated w ith aging.Maintenance of adequate levels of PA can result in increased longevity and a reduced risk for metabolic disease along w ith other chronic diseases.The aim of this paper is to review relevant literature,examine current PA guidelines,and provide recommendations specific to women based on current research.

Aerobic;Exercise prescription;Flexibility;Older adults;Strength training


It is anticipated that there w illbe almost89 million people 65 years old or above by the year 2050.1As the number of elderly people worldwide increases,2interest in health related outcomes of aging has concurrently increased.It has been suggested that an age-associated decline in physical function, cardiorespiratory fi tness,and muscle mass may accelerate the physiological decline in later decades of life3and lead to an increase in morbidity and mortality rates.2,4

Women are of particular interest due to some gender differences accompanying aging,particularly as a result of menopause.Physiological decline,particularly a reduction in bone m ineral density(BMD)can be attributed to estrogen deficiency as a resultof menopause.5Reductions in BMD put olderwomen at risk forosteoporosis which can lead to balance and gait issues,a higher risk of injury,subsequent financial costs,6and even a higher risk of mortality.2More so,a decrease in muscle strength in combination w ith reduced BMD can further impair balance and mobility,leading to a decline in functional capacity.7Thus,it becomes apparent of the need for resistance training to attenuate the decline in lean mass,muscle mass,and BMD that accompany aging and inactivity.Other physiological changes that occur w ith aging are alterations to the cardiovascular(CV)system,which can further impair functional capacity.Remarkably,by the age of 75 years,more than half of the functional capacity of the CV system has been lost,8leading to VO2maxvalues lower than that which is required for many common activities of dailyliving.9More than just leading to decreases in quality of life, low cardiorespiratory fi tness has been associated w ith CV disease and all-cause mortality.10—12The CV system remains adaptable atany age,13,14w ith relative increases in VO2maxin older populations equivalent to those seen in younger individuals.

Physical activity(PA)has long been associated w ith the attenuation of physical decline associated w ith aging.15The purpose of this article is to:

1.Exam ine the decline in physiological variables associated w ith aging and a sedentary lifestyle.

2.Review recent research investigating exercise interventions on health related components in women.

3.Provide recommendations for PA that build on prior research and guidelines to improve physiological functioning in aging women.

2.Physiological decline w ith aging and inactivity

Aging is associated w ith physiological declines,notably a decrease in BMD and lean body mass(LBM),w ith a concurrent increase in body fatand centraladiposity.16,17Itispossible that the onset of menopause may augment the decline in physiologicaldecline associated w ith aging and inactivity.5Wang and colleagues18compared almost 400 early postmenopausal women and found higher levels of total body fat,as well as abdom inaland android fat in postmenopausalwomen.Consequently,the authorscould notconclude thatthe changes in body fatwere related to menopause ormerely a resultofaging alone. The authors did note,however,that changes in fat-free mass (FFM),including bone mass,may be attributed to menopauserelated mechanisms,including deficienciesin grow th hormones and estrogen.Douchi et al.5had sim ilar findings when comparing body composition variables between pre-and postmenopausal women.The authors demonstrated an increase in percentage of body fat(30.8%±7.1%vs.34.4%±7.0%), trunk fatmass(6.6±3.9 kgvs.8.5±3.4 kg),and trunk—leg fat ratio(0.9±0.4vs.1.3±0.5)w ith aging.Concurrently,they found that lean mass(right arm,trunk,bilateral legs,and total body(34.5±4.3 kgvs.32.5±4.0 kg))also declined w ith age. Bakerand colleagues19found that femaleshad a greaterdecline in BMD w ith age compared to males.More so,a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome(an accumulation of cardiovascular disease risk factors including obesity,low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C),high blood pressure,and high fasting glucose)has been shown in m iddle-aged women during the postmenopausal period.This is due in part to the drastic changesin body composition,as previously discussed,butalso a change in PA levels.In a longitudinal study of over 77,000 (34—59 years)women spanning 24 years,van Dam et al.20found high body mass index(BM I,25+)and lower levels of PA(<30 min/day ofmoderate to vigorous intensity activity)to be attributed with a higher risk of CV disease,cancer,and allcause mortality.Furthermore,Sisson etal.21found higher levels of sedentary behavior(<4 h/day)associated w ith a 54% increase in risk for metabolic syndrome only in those women notmeeting national guidelines.

Sarcopenia is an age related decrease in the cross-sectional area of skeletal muscle fibers that consequently leads to a decline in physical function,gaitspeed,balance,coordination, decreased bone density,and quality of life.22Additionally,due to lower levels of vigorous activity,aging populations experience notably higher losses in type II fibers than type I fibers,23which can reduce strength,speed,power,and overall PA.Subsequently,maintenance ofmuscle mass and strength is imperative to maintain a high quality level of physical functioning,and attenuate measures of frailty.Muscular adaptations to exercise(increase in muscle size,cross-sectionalarea, and consequent strength)may counteract muscle loss and physical decline associated w ith sarcopenia.

Thus it appears that PA plays a pivotal role in the attenuation of physical decline and can potentially improve physical functioning and quality of life w ith age.24,25Furthermore, maintenance of adequate levels of PA can result in increased longevity,and a reduced risk for metabolic disease along w ith other chronic diseases.A list of physiological changes associate w ith differentmodes of activity and their potentialhealth outcome are listed in Table 1.26—28

3.CV exercise

CV disease is the major cause of death in older women.29—31It therefore becomes of utmost importance to decrease the risk for CV disease.Cross-sectional and intervention studies have repeatedly shown that endurance training can improve insulin sensitivity,32,33lower blood pressure,34improve lipid profi les,35—37and decrease body fat,36—38all factors related to CV disease.Furthermore,aerobic exercise has been shown to increase VO2max,an index of cardiorespiratory fi tness that on average decreases 5%—15%per decade after the age of 25.39These physiological responses to aerobic exercise results in an increased efficiency of the system during exercise(increased stroke volume,capillary,and m itochondrial density;lower heart rate and blood pressure)and ability to better deliver oxygen and glucose to working muscles.40

In an investigation into the levelofactivity thatmay protect against CV disease mortality,Hamer and Stamatakis41recruited 23,747 men and women w ithout a known history of CV disease at baseline.The researchers tracked PA levels and causes of death over a period of 7.0± 3.0 years.By calculating a hazard ratio(HR),the authors found that a m inimum of two sessions of moderate to vigorous PA per week was associated w ith a reduced risk of CV disease and all-cause mortality.Compared to active adults,those individuals who were inactive were at elevated risk of CV disease(HR of 1.41vs.active:HR of 0.82)and all-cause mortality(HR of 1.50vs.active:HR of 1.11).Supporting these findings,several studies have demonstrated walking,or walk—jogging,for 30—60 m in,2—5 days per week can significantly decrease body weight,increase BMD and VO2max,and improve glucose levels in older women.42—45

Table 1 Physiological changes and health benefi ts associated w ith different modes of activity.26—28

A lthough reaching current recommended PA levels(30 m in of moderate activity 5 days/week,or 20 min vigorous activity 3 days/week)is sufficient forpartially reducing risk factors for CV disease,it does not eliminate the additional risk that overweight/obesity poses.46Thus increasing levels of PA in order to improve body composition may further reduce the risk of CV disease and mortality.Martins et al.47found that 16 weeks of aerobic training for 45 m in,3 days per week,progressing from 40%to 50%HR reserve to 71%—85%HR reserve significantly improved waist circum ference(pre: 93.3±9.9 cm,post:90.0±8.6 cm),in addition to upper body strength(number of arm curl repetitions in 30 s(pre:15±4, post:20±5)),lower body strength(number of chair stand repetitions in 30 s(pre:12±4,post:18±4))and aerobic endurance,as measured by a 6-min walk test(pre: 380± 75 m,post:438± 85 m).Sixteen weeks after the cessation of the training program,body mass,LDL,and C-reactive protein(CRP)were significantly lower than baseline values(body mass:73.1±11.9 kgvs.72.2±11.4 kg; LDL:79.8± 32.0 mg/dLvs.55.3± 17.6 mg/dL;CRP: 3.38±1.48 mg/Lvs.1.39±1.35 mg/L).This highlights the need to gradually progress the intensity of aerobic training over time to allow for adequate metabolic adaptations to occur.

Evaluating differentmodalities foraerobic training,Bocalini etal.48compared the effects of land(LE)versus water-based (WE)aerobic exercise in sedentary older women over the course of 12 weeks(3 days/week at~70%of age-predicted HRmax).A lthough VO2max,lower body strength,and agility significantly improved in both groups,only the WE group saw a significant decrease in resting HR(pre:92± 2 bpm,post: 83±3 bpm),a significantincrease in upperbody strength(arm curl test,pre:17±3 repetitions,post:25±1 repetitions),and improved markers of flexibility,both lowerbody(sit-and-reach, pre:24±3 cm,post:36±2 cm)and upperbody(back scratch, pre:-10±2 cm,post:-6±2 cm),suggesting its use as an alternative to traditionalaerobic training.More so,walking in conjunction with other aerobic exercise forms,such as sw imm ing,cycling,or dancing,resulted in improving VO2maxand blood pressure,49favorable changes in lipids,49and improved muscle strength and endurance,flexibility,and balance.39

4.Strength training

A fter the age of 30,a decrease in muscle size and thickness, along w ith an increase in intramuscular fat takes place.50The loss of muscle mass,resulting from a decreased number of muscle fibers and atrophy of remaining muscle fibers(sarcopenia),has a strong role in the loss of strength,as wellas the ability to perform activities of daily living.51,52The decline in isometric and dynam ic muscle strength is a consequence of the aging process,w ith approximately 30%of strength lost between the ages of 50 and 70 years.53Furthermore,crosssectional data suggest that muscle strength declines by approximately 15%per decade in the 6th and 7th decade,and 30%thereafter.54—57Resistance training(RT)has increased its popularity among older adults because of its benefi ts on muscle fi tness,body composition,mobility,and functional capacity.More so,regular RT can offset the typical ageassociated decline in bone health by maintaining or increasing BMD and total body m ineral content.58

A lthough there is little question as to the benefi ts of RT in an older population,there is still some disparity regarding the ideal training volume(i.e.,number of sets,repetitions,and load).59,60Previous research has shown thatolderwomen who resistance train intensely(80%1-RM)three times per week (whole-body RT,including elbow flexion and extension,seated row,overhead press,leg extension and curl,bench press,and situps)have sim ilar improvements in FFM and total body strength.Hunter and colleagues61demonstrated a 1.8-kg increase in FFM for the high-resistance group,compared to an increase of 1.9 kg for the variable-resistance group.Additionally,they observed a training effect for all 1-RM tests (seated press,26.6%;bench press,28.5%;arm curl,63.7%; and leg press,37.1%).Interestingly,those who trained w ith a variable resistance demonstrated an increase in ease of performing daily tasks over those who trained intensely three times per week.These findings suggest that training too intensely or too frequently may result in increased fatigue and consequently a reduced training adaptation in older women due to insufficient time to recover.

Low volume training(LV,1 set per exercise)compared to high volume training(HV,3 sets perexercise)performed tw ice a week for 13 weeks induced similar improvements in maximal dynam ic strength for knee extensors and elbow flexion,muscular activation of the vastus medialis and the biceps brachii,and muscle thickness for the knee extensors and elbow flexors in elderly women.62The authors suggest that during the initial months of training,elderly women can significantly increase upper-and lower-body strength by utilizing low volume training.However,after longer periods of training,larger muscle groups may require greater training volume to provide further strength gains.63,64

Allow ing individuals to self-regulate their exercise intensity to a preferred intensity may lead to greater enjoyment and stronger compliance to an exercise program.65—67Additionally,it has been suggested that a low-intensity resistance exercise protocol may be more effective for older adults by increasing adherence rates.68,69Compared to a high intensity resistance exercise program,lower attrition rates were observed when training used lower intensities(70%vs.80% 1-RM)and frequencies(2vs.3 days).70However,Elsangedy and colleagues71recently found thatolder women engaged in an RT program that allowed them to self-select their training load selected loads thatwere less than that recommended for improvements in muscle strength and endurance(42%1-RM compared to 50%—70%1-RM).While this intensity is suitable for very deconditioned individuals,it may not provide enough overload to the body to elicit changes in strength and functional capacity.Though limited data exist on the chronic effects of self-selected training load on muscular fi tness and functionalautonomy,a recentstudy by Storer etal.72observed significant improvements LBM,upper body strength,peak leg power,and VO2maxin m iddle-aged males using a personal trainer compared to self-training.Albeit using males,this study supports the idea that guidance from a personal trainer and the use of a progressive overload,in which intensity is gradually increased over time,may be optimal to maxim ize chronic positive effects.

Traditional strength training,including the use of weight machines,has been shown to induce positive changes in strength and FFM in older adults.38,73,74However,it becomes imperative to provide alternative methods of RT to the traditionaluse ofweightmachines,which may be more convenient for certain populations,including older women.In a recent study by Colado et al.,75the authors exam ined three forms of RT(traditional weight machines(WM),elastic bands(EB), and aquatic devices(AD))and compared their effectiveness at improving body composition and physical capacity.Follow ing the 10-week training program,all three groups reduced FM (WM:5.15%,EB:1.93%,and AD:2.57%),increased FFM (WM:2.52%,EB:1.15%,AD:0.51%),in addition to upperand lower-body strength,w ith m inimal differences between the different groups.


Flexibility training has been shown to improve muscle and connective tissue properties,reduce joint pain,and alter muscle recruitment patterns.76Although results from previous studies examining changes in flexibility following an intervention have provided mixed results,more recentstudies have demonstrated significant improvements in range of motion of various joints in older adults participating in regular exercise.77—79While the research exam ining interventions for improving flexibility in an older population is limited,increases of 5%—25%have been shown follow ing interventions using a combination of aerobic exercise,RT,and stretching.80,81The typical duration for each exercise session was 60 m in,performed 3 days per week for 12 weeks to 1 year. Filho etal.82examined the effects of16 weeks of combination (aerobic,flexibility,and resistance)training on metabolic parameters and functionalautonomy in elderly women.Twentyone women(68.9±6.8 years)participated in three weekly sessions of stretching,resistance exercise,and moderate intensity walking for 16 weeks.Significant improvements in metabolic parameters,including glucose,triglycerides,total cholesterol,high density lipoproteins,LDL,blood pressure, and BM I were seen follow ing the intervention.More so,the addition of resistance and flexibility exercises appeared to enhance functional autonomy(the ability to perform activities of daily living).Supporting these findings,Bravo etal.80found that flexibility,agility,strength,and endurance allsignificantly improved follow ing 12 months of an exercise program,in which participants performed weight bearing exercises (walking and stepping),aerobic dancing,and flexibility exercises for 60 min three times a week.The exercise group was also able to maintain spinal BMD while control groups saw significant reductions.Furthermore,in a study by Hopkins et al.,8165 older women participated in a 12-week exercise program,consisting of low-impact aerobics,stretching,and progressive dance movements.Each session was 50 m in long and was performed three times perweek.The exercising group significantly improved cardiorespiratory endurance,strength, balance,flexibility,agility,and body fat.

The aforementioned fi ndings primarily include“combination”training where interventions include aerobic and/or RT w ith flexibility training.Thus we cannot deduce what effect flexibility training alone had.However,combination training has been shown to be justas beneficial to flexibility as flexibility training alone.83,84Therefore,w ith the positiveadaptations from RT and aerobic training,the addition of flexibility training to an exercise intervention is warranted, and may improve functional autonomy,range of motion, balance,and mobility in older women(Table 2).26



While current American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)guidelines recommend light-to moderate-intensity activities to optim ize health,moderate-to high-intensity exercise may be necessary to elicit positive CV adaptations and reduce the risk for CV disease.Older adults should aim to get at least 30 m in of moderate activity,or 20 m in of more vigorous activity(≥6 METS or 60%—<90%HRR),3 days a week.It is recommended that programs include low-impact, large muscle,rhythmic forms of exercise,including sw imming,walking,biking,and dancing.More so,women may benefi t from participating in group-based fi tness classes,such as step aerobics and dance classes.Social support and group cohesiveness received from group fi tness classes may help to increase self-efficacy,leading to long term adherence as well as greater enjoyment and satisfaction from the exercise program.85—87The addition of stretching exercises(light-to moderate-intensity,hold for 30 s each muscle group,3—4 repetitions)to these programs can serve to increase flexibility and range of motion.

ACSM recommends thatolder adults perform RT at least2 non-consecutive days per week,including 8—10 exercises involving all the major muscle groups at moderate intensity (selecting a weight that allows 10—15 repetitions of each exercise),w ith 2—3 m in of rest between each set.Additionally, those who are very deconditioned could start RT w ith a“very light”to“light”intensity(40%—50%1-RM)to improve strength,power,and balance.27It is advised that women unfam iliar w ith RT consult a fi tness professional prior to beginning a program.It is suggested that one must use progressive overload to stimulate muscular adaptations to resistance exercise.Typical recommendations for progression of RT is to fi rst increase repetitions,followed by an increase in weight(0.5 kg for upper body,1 kg for lower body)per week. For optimal results from a resistance program,the focus should be on full-body,compound movements(bench press, squat,pull-ups,etc.).Furthermore,adherence to group-based RT programs tends to be higher among older women than home based programs.88,89Additionally,Elsangedy and colleagues71recently found that women who self-selected resistance exercise intensity fell below current ACSM guidelines. Consequently,the participation in a supervised orgroup-based resistance exercise program may improve women’s adherence and health benefi ts stemm ing from a higher intensity attained. Finally,the authors propose circuit training,which incorporates both RTand aerobics,as an attractive alternative for weight training.One of the majorbenefi ts to circuit training is that it can illicit the same positive physiological responses as traditional RT,thus providing a time-efficient alternative to improve muscular strength and functional fi tness.90

Table 3 Recommendations for exercise based on current research.

The ACSM recommendations for flexibility are to aim for greater than 2—3 days per week,ultimately aim ing for daily training.Static stretching should be held 10—30 s ata pointof m ild discom fort,although stretches lasting 30—60 s may provide additional benefi ts.Two to four repetitions per exercise are recommended,aim ing for at least 60 s of stretching for each major muscle-tendon unit(Table 3).27

The recommendations we have provided are general.The frequency,intensity,type,and duration of exercise one is able to achieve and maintain w ill vary from person to person.Thus we suggest thatan individualized approach be utilized.While some activity is better than none,individuals aim ing to improve CV health,muscular strength and endurance,and functional mobility should strive to meet the m inimum recommendations we have provided.

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Received 22 October 2013;revised 29 January 2014;accepted 17 February 2014

*Corresponding author.

E-mail address:kkendall@georgiasouthern.edu(K.L.Kendall)

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