Xiping Liu, Guiyun Wu
(College of Science, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)
Fractional differential equations have been widely applied in various modern scientific fields,such as physics,chemistry,electrodynamics of complex medium,electrical circuits and biology,etc (see [1-5]).Recently,there are many papers discussing the existence of solutions of fractional differential equations (see [6-10] and the references therein) or fractional differential equations with the fractional order linear derivative operator (see [11-13] and the references therein).
In [11],the authors used contraction mapping principle to show the existence of solutions of the following initial value problem of fractional differential equations
In [12],the existence and uniqueness for solution of the following initial problem was discussed:
whereL(D)=Dα-rtnDβ,nis a non-negative integer,r∈,0<β≤α< 1 andDα,Dβare the standard Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives,f:+×→is a continuous function.
In this paper,we study the following integral boundary value problem
whereL(D) =Dα-rtnDβ,nis a positive integer,r∈+,0<β<1 <α< 2 withα-β≥1 andDα,Dβare the standard Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives,fandgare given functions.
In this section,we introduce some notations,definitions and basic lemmas about the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative,which are used to prove our main results.
Definition1 (see [1]) The Riemann-Liouville fractional integral of orderα> 0 of a functionx:[a,b]→is given by
provided the integral exists,whereΓis the Gamma function.
Definition2 (see [1]) The Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of orderα>0 of a functionx:[a,b]→is given by
provided the right side is pointwise defined on (0,+∞),whereN∈+andN-1<α Lemma3 (see [1]) Suppose thatx∈C[a,b] and 0<β<1,β≤α,then fractional derivativeDβx(t) is integrable and (2) Dβ(Iαx(t))=Iα-βx(t). Furthermore,if (I1-βx(t))|t=0= 0,then equation (2) will be reduced to Iα(Dβx(t))=Iα-βx(t). Lemma4 (see [2]) Letx∈C[a,b] and 0<β<1,β≤α.If (I1-βx(t))|t=0=0,then Lemma5 (see [3]) Letα> 0,then the fractional differential equationDαx(t) = 0 has solutions x(t)=c1tα-1+c2tα-2+…+cNtα-N,ci∈,i= 1,2,…,N, whereNis the smallest integer greater than or equal toα. Lemma6 (see [3]) Letα> 0, assume thatx∈C(0,1)∩L[0,1], then IαDαx(t) =x(t)+c1tα-1+… +cNtα- N,ci∈,i= 1,2,…,N, whereNis the smallest integer greater than or equal toα. (i) {x∈P(θ,b,d) |θ(x)>b}≠Ø andθ(Ax)>bforx∈P(θ,b,d); (ii) ‖Ax‖ (iii)θ(Ax)>bforx∈P(θ,b,c) with ‖Ax‖>d. Then A has at least three fixed pointsx1,x2,x3with ‖x1‖ Remark1 If there holdsd=c,then the condition of (i) of Lemma 8 implies condition (iii) of that one. We denote (H1)f:[0,1]×+→+is a continuous function. Lemma9 Suppose (H1) holds,then the boundary value problem (1) is equivalent to the following integral equation (3) where (4) (5) and (6) ProofBy Lemma 5 and Lemma 6,we obtain that IαL(D)x(t)=-Iαf(t,x(t)) and x(t)=-Iαf(t,x(t))+Iα(rtnDβx)(t)+c1tα-1+c2tα-2,c1,c2∈. (7) c2= 0. Therefore, whereG(t,s),Hk(t,s) andφ(t,s) are defined by (4),(5) and (6),respectively. Lemma10 The functionG(t,s) defined by (4) satisfies (i)G(t,s)≥0 is continuous for (t,s)∈[0,1]×[0,1], andG(t,s) > 0, for allt,s∈(0,1); (ii)G(t,s) is decreasing with respect totfor 0≤s≤t≤1 and increasing with respect totfor 0≤t≤s≤1.And (8) (iii) There exists a positive function (9) such that (10) Particularly,s0=0.5 ifα=2;s0→0.5 asα→2 ands0→0.75 asα→1. Proof(i) It is easy to show thatG(t,s) is continuous on [0,1]×[0,1] from the expression ofG(t,s). For 0≤t≤s≤1,it is obvious thatG(t,s)=(t(1-s))α-1≥0.For 0≤s≤t≤1, (t(1-s))α-1-(t-s)α-1=(t-ts)α-1-(t-s)α-1≥0. Therefore,G(t,s)≥0,for allt,s∈[0,1] ,andG(t,s) > 0,for allt,s∈(0,1). (ii) For 0≤s So,G(t,s) is decreasing with respect totfor 0≤s (iii) The proof is the same as that in [8]. Lemma11 The functionHk(t,s) defined by (6) satisfies (i)Hk(t,s) is continuous for (t,s)∈[0,1]×[0,1]; (ii)Hk(t,s)< 0 fort,s∈(0,1) and |Hk(t,s)|≤tα-1(1-s)α-β+k-1,k=0,1,2,…; Proof(i) It is obvious that (i) holds. (ii) For 0 Hk(t,s)=tn-k(t-s)α-β+k-1-tα-1(1-s)α-β+k-1,k= 0,1,…,n. Ifn-k≥1,it also means thatk≠n,thentn-k thus Hk(t,s)=tn-k(t-s)α-β+k-1-tα-1(1-s)α-β+k-1< 0. Ifk=n,we have Hn(t,s)=(t-s)α-β+n-1-tα-1(1-s)α-β+n-1< (t-s)α-β+n-1-tα-β+n-1(1-s)α-β+n-1= (t-s)α-β+n-1-(t-ts)α-β+n-1<0. Then,Hk(t,s)<0 for 0 It is obvious thatHk(t,s)=-tα-1(1-s)α-β+k-1<0 for 0 Above all,Hk(t,s)<0.For allt,s∈[0,1] andk=0,1,2,…. Hence,|Hk(t,s)|≤tα-1(1-s)α-β+k-1,k=0,1,2,…. (iii) It follows from (ii) that Since by Lemma 11 (iii),we can assume that the following condition is satisfied: LetE=C[0,1] be endowed with the norm and P={x∈E|x(t)≥0,t∈[0,1]}. ThenPis a cone on the Banach spaceE. We defineA:P→Eby (11) ProofIt is obvious that operatorAis linear. By (H2),we have |Ax(t)|≤M‖x‖,soAis bounded,that is to say the linear operatorAis bounded. It follows from (H2) that ‖Ax‖≤M‖x‖,therefore,‖A‖≤M<1,which impliesI-Ais reversible and In the following,we will give the expression of (I-A)-1. By using the theory of Fredholm integral equations,we havex(t)=(I-A)-1y(t) if and only ifx(t)=y(t)+Ax(t) fort∈[0,1]. The definition of the operatorAimplies that (12) (13) where the resolvent kernelR(t,s) is given by and whereφ1(t,s)=φ(t,s). It follows from (H2) that fort,s∈[0,1]×[0,1],we havemj≤φj(t,s)≤Mj,j=1,2,3,….Then we can obtain the following lemma. Lemma13 Suppose (H2) holds,then (14) LetT:P→C[0,1], So the solutionx(t) of boundary value problem (1) satisfiesx(t)=Tx(t)+Ax(t),that is to say x(t)=(I-A)-1Tx(t). (15) We defineS:P→C[0,1] by According to (12),(15) and Lemma 12,we know thatx(t) is the solution of (1) if and only ifx(t) is the solution ofx(t)=(I-A)-1Tx(t)=Sx(t),andx(t) is the fixed point ofS. Lemma14 If (H1) and (H2) hold,thenS:P→Pis completely continuous. ProofBy Lemma 10,(H1) and (H2),we can easily showS:P→P. SinceG(t,s) andf(t,x) are continuous,by using Ascoli-Arzela theorem,we can show getT:P→Pis completely continuous. On the other hand,(I-A)-1is linear bounded operator.It followsSis completely continuous. Denote (i)f(t,x)≤(1-M)L1r1for (t,x)∈[0,1]×[0,r1], Then the boundary value problem (1) has at least one positive solutionxsuch thatr2≤‖x‖≤r1. ProofBy Lemma 14,we knowS:P→Pis completely continuous. Let Ω1={x∈P|‖x‖ r1=‖x‖. Let Ω2={x∈P|‖x‖ r2=‖x‖. So,‖Sx‖≥‖x‖,forx∈∂Ω2. By using Lemma 7,we can get the boundary value problem (1) has at least one positive solutionxsuch thatr2≤‖x‖≤r1. (i)f(t,x)<(1-M)L1afor (t,x)∈[0,1]×[0,a]; (ii)f(t,x)>(1-m)L2bfor (t,x)∈[1/4,3/4]×[b,c]; (iii)f(t,x)≤(1-M)L1cfor (t,x)∈[0,1]×[0,c]. Then the boundary value problem (1) has at least three positive solutionsx1,x2andx3with ProofLet thenθ:P→[0,+∞) is a nonnegative continuous concave functional defined on the coneP. That is, θ(Sx)>b, for allx∈P(θ,b,c). This shows that the condition (i) of Lemma 8 is also satisfied. By Lemma 8,the boundary value problem (1) has at least three positive solutionsx1,x2andx3satisfies Example1 We consider the boundary value problem (16) By a simple calculation,we can shows0≈0.711325,L1≈2.25676,L2≈13.6649,m=0 andM=0.122. f(t,x) =tsinx+ 1≤1.8415≤(1 -M)L1r1≈1.98143,for (t,x)∈[0,1]×[0,1]. f(t,x) =tsinx+ 1≥1≥(1 -m)L2r2≈0.488031,for (t,x)∈[0,1]×[0,1/28]. 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4 Main results
5 Illustrations