《牛津英语词典》(The Oxford English Dictionary)依历史原则编纂,是英语世界最大、最权威的英语词典。自2010年底整合资源,更新条目、定义与书证后,以在线版的形态重新问世。在线版的《牛津英语词典》收录了300个左右源自中文的词汇,或音译(loanword)或借译(loan translation)。
【词源】[ < pot + sticker, after Chineseguōtiēr
【定义】 n. N. Amer. A filled dumpling, typically crescent-shaped, esp. one that is pan-fried until brown on one side, then turned and simmered in a small amount of broth. 一种有馅面团,一般为弯月状,特指一边煎至焦黄,然后翻面加少量汤汁以文火慢煎者。
Place about 1 teaspoon of filling in the middle of each potsticker skin. 将一茶匙左右的馅料置于每张锅贴皮的中间。——美国《日落杂志》(Sunset),1983年1月号
All we served was pot-stickers and 7-Up. 我们只提供锅贴和七喜。——美国《纽约时报杂志》(The New York Times),2002/4/14
【词源】[ Chinese (Cantonese), Pinyinhúntun. ] 源自中文(广东话)“云吞”
【定义】A small round roll or pocket of dough containing a savoury filling, eaten alone (after being deep-fried) or boiled in soup ( won ton soup). 一种小而圆的面团,或包起或开口,馅料咸鲜,可单吃(油炸之后)可入汤(馄饨汤)。
The theater and night-club performers drop in late for chicken egg foo yong, a won ton soup, squab, or Chinese steak. 剧场和夜店表演者深夜都会过来吃鸡肉芙蓉蛋、馄饨汤、鸽肉或是炒牛肉。——《纽约何处吃》(Where to Eat in New York),1948
The Chinese deep-fry everything from shrimp toast and won tons to beef and chicken. 中国人什么东西都油炸,从虾肉吐司和馄饨到牛肉和鸡肉无一不炸。——美国《时代杂志》(Time),1976/9/27