
2014-12-21 08:15王伟滨
英语学习(上半月) 2014年4期



我很喜欢西方的蛇,因为它们没有中国同类们那么驯良。在中国故事中,虽然蛇与龙称兄道弟,甚至有时互相转化,但毕竟从外形到性格都要软弱得多了,比如,能行云布雨的龙王敖广,变作条小白蛇时,便只能乖乖地被哪吒揣入袖中,任其摆布。中国的蛇,即使幻化为人形,也脱不了柔弱的个性,比如,《义妖传》中的白蛇与青蛇,为了向一个软弱的男人许仙“报恩”,竟然葬送了自己的千年修行,“义”是“义”了,总难脱“被侮辱与被损害”形象的窠臼。与之相比,倒是西方的蛇更有“妖气”,比如,约翰·济慈(John Keats)笔下的蛇妖拉弥亚(Lamia),因为爱上了小伙子里修斯(Lycius),便不顾人妖殊途,一定要与他成婚。婚礼上,哲人阿波罗尼(Apollonius)看破Lamia的真身,于是Lamia只得逃遁,而Lycius则伤心而死,这故事虽然也是悲剧,但至少爱得爽快,死得干脆,没有《义妖传》中那份拖拖拉拉的感觉:

Then Lamia breath’d death breath; the sophist’s eye,

Like a sharp spear, went through her utterly,


Keen, cruel, perceant(古语,piercing之意),stinging: she, as well

As her weak hand could any meaning tell,

Motion’d him to be silent; vainly so,

He look’d and look’ again a level—No!

“ Serpent!”echoed he; no sooner said,

Than with a frightful scream she vanished:

And Lycius’rms were empty of delight,

As were his limbs of life, from that same night.

On the high couch he lay! —his friends came round

Supported him—no pulse, or breath they found,

And, in its marriage robe, the heavy body wound.













不过,在西方,除了伊甸园里的那一条,蛇一般不会成为故事中的首恶,因为那个角色常常要由dragon担当,轮不到蛇这样的无名小辈。的确,蛇不可能像dragon那样倨傲自夸,不时地占据某座城堡,掳走谁家的公主,或守卫某处宝藏;蛇只是谦卑地做它自己。但是,你千万不要去惹(provoke)它。虽然《创世记》中,上帝对犯了错的蛇宣判说,“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head,and you will strike his heel”,似乎人与蛇是注定要为仇作对的,不过,聪明的人最好还是不要故意挑衅,因为,那至少会是个两败俱伤的结果。

法国小说家阿尔贝·加缪1. 阿尔贝·加缪,法国小说家、哲学家、戏剧家和评论家,存在主义文学领军人物,“荒诞哲学”的代表。(Albert Camus)写过这样的句子:“Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow.Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend”。这话用来形容蛇倒也算合适——它既不对别人发号施令,也不听别人的发号施令;不过,对于蛇来说,是否“be my friend”也不打紧,至少“Don’t be my enemy”。

大概很多人并不知道,最初代表美国的旗帜并不是我们熟知的星条旗(Stars and Stripes),而是黄色背景下,一条身体像弹簧一样蜷曲,伸颈昂头,随时准备攻击的响尾蛇( a yellow field depicting a rattlesnake coiled and ready to strike),在蛇的下方,还有一句狠话 “Don’t tread on me” 。这图案由当时的政治领袖之一,克里斯托弗·加兹登(Christopher Gadsden)将军设计,后来这面旗帜便被称作“加兹登旗”(the Gadsden flag)。当然,以响尾蛇为美国象征,并非Gadsden的独创,它更像是美国人民的某种集体意识的创造,在Gadsden之前和之后,曾经有很多人用响尾蛇来表达美国精神。比如,独立战争时期的著名报纸The Massachusetts Spy的报头上,便画着代表美国的响尾蛇与代表英国的dragon交战的图案。

本杰明·富兰克林2. 本杰明·富兰克林,18世美国最伟大的科学家和发明家,著名的政治家、外交家、哲学家、文学家和航海家,美国独立战争的伟大领袖。(Benjamin Franklin)曾经这样赞颂蛇:

“I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids—She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance(警觉)—She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders:She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity(宽宏)and true courage—As if anxious to prevent all pretensions of quarreling with her, the weaponswith which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenseless animal;and even when those weapons are shown and extended for her defense, they appear weak and contemptible(可鄙的); but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal—Conscious of this, she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of stepping on her—Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?”

独立战争时的很多民兵组织更是纷纷使用与Gadsden flag类似的图案。比如,来自弗吉尼亚的游击队 Culpeper Minutemen的旗帜便用了与Gadsden flag几乎相同的图案,只是换成了白底,而非黄底,并且除了“Don’t tread on me”外,还加了一句 “Liberty or Death”。 Thrash Metal(激流金属音乐)的鼻祖,美国乐队Metallica,在1991年曾经发行印有Gadsden flag图案的“黑专辑”,其中有一首令人热血沸腾的“Don’t Tread on Me”,便是纪念这两面旗子与这两句话的,歌中这样唱道:

Don’t tread on Me.

said Don’t tread on Me.

Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail (欢呼)once you provoke her, rattling of her tail never begins it, never, but once engaged...never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage said don’t tread on me

so be it

threaten no more

to secure peace is to prepare for war

so be it


settle the score (算总账)

touch me again for the words that you’ll hear evermore...

don’t tread on me

love it or leave it, she with the deadly bite

quick is the blue tongue, forked(使分叉)as a lightning strike

shining with brightness, always on surveillance(监视)

the eyes they never close, emblem of vigilance ooh,No, No, No.

said don’t tread on me

如今这面“别踩我”的旗子虽然被Stars and Stripes(or Old Glory) flag所代替,但它仍然被看作是“a symbol of American patriotism, a symbol of disagreement with government, or a symbol of support for civil liberties”。直至今日,仍然有很多美国人更喜欢把Gadsden flag看作是比星条旗更好的国旗,因为它不像星条旗那样,散发着炫耀、说教,甚至强权的味道,总会让人想到那个带着高帽子,长着粗眉毛,瞪着蓝眼睛,用手指着你的“Uncle Sam”;它更加自我,虽然桀骜不驯,却不指手画脚,正符合美国早期哲学家爱默生(Emerson)、梭罗(Thoreau)等人提倡的自由精神。这里,特别值得一提的是梭罗,他的“Civil Disobedience” (《不服从论》),激励了一代又一代的人们坚持自己的良心,反抗那些不合理的、不道德的法律、条文和规定——从奴隶制、墨西哥战争,到帝国主义统治(比如,甘地领导的反英国殖民统治的斗争)。蛇虽然看似柔弱,却是“强项”,休想把它的头按倒,就像东汉光武帝派人强按其头,欲令其服软而不能的董宣一样。

我总认为“恩怨分明”是一项优良的品质,“睚眦必报”也好,“涌泉相报”也罢,总之,那是一种“讲道理”的行为准则。关于“恩怨”,自然是《摩西律法》的“以眼还眼,以牙还牙”来得痛快,而耶稣的“以德报怨”,难免会被人看作是“恩怨不分”。虽然《伊索寓言》中有“农夫与蛇”的警示,不过,我还是愿意相信蛇是“恩怨分明”的,至少,蛇是不会主动攻击与它相安无事的人的。讲到与蛇有关的复仇故事,我最喜欢埃德加·爱伦·坡3. 埃德加·爱伦·坡,美国文学史上最具唯美倾向的作家,被称为是西方现代派文学的元祖、象征主义文学的鼻祖和西方推理小说的鼻祖。(Edgar Allan Poe)的短篇小说《一桶白葡萄酒》(A Cask of Amontillado),这个故事里其实并没有蛇,但却渗透了蛇的精神。不像其他典型的Poe的故事,比如《泄密的心》(The Tell-tale Heart)、《黑猫》(The Black Cat)那么绝望和疯狂,它十分冷静,虽然同样冷酷;它讲述的是一个精心策划和实施的复仇计划。故事的开篇,在关于revenge的文字中,算是颇为有名的了:“The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could,but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. You,who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose,however, that I gave utterance to a threat. At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitely settled—but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved, precluded the idea of risk. I must not only punish, but punish with impunity.A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.”


为了报复那个多年来一再侮辱他的福图纳多(Fortunato),一个愚蠢而狂妄自大的家伙,故事的叙述者蒙特雷索(Montresor),假称自己新买了一桶白葡萄酒,想找Fortunato这个“行家”鉴定一下,于是一步步把Fortunato带入了自己的陷阱。两人走在路上时,Fortunato问起Montresor家族的徽章(family coat of arms),Montresor回答说,是一条蛇,被一只脚踩在脚下,而蛇的牙齿咬在那只脚的脚踝处,(A huge human foot d’or[金的], in a field azure(天蓝色的); the foot crushes a serpent rampant[狂暴的] whose fangs are imbedded[插入] in the heel.)图案下方有拉丁文的motto,“Nemo me impune lacessit”意为“no one attacks me with impunity”。不知Montresor的祖先,徽章的设计者,是把自己看作那只脚,还是那条蛇;不过根据蛇的性情,我宁愿相信是后者。 犯我者必受罚,哪怕这惩罚意味着我亦必死,又有何妨。当然,抱着必死的决心,而能如故事开篇所说,“punish with impunity”,便是更高一筹了。

