Issue 1
1 Induction of avirulence byAVR-Pita1in virulent U.S.fiel d isolates ofMagnaporthe oryzae
10 Molecular characterization of α-gliadin genes from common wheat cultivar Zhengmai 004 and their role in quality and celiac disease
22 Three photosynthetic patterns characterized by cluster analysis on gas exchange data in two rice populations
28 Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) evaluation and regional analysis of Chinese fava bean (Vicia fabaL.)
38 Establishment of the integrated applied core collection and its comparison with mini core collection in soybean (Glycine max)
46 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on distribution of starch granules in different regions of wheat endosperm
55 Induced defense responses in rice plants against small brown planthopper infestation
63 Impacts of post-anthesis warming at nighttime on rice productivity and grain quality in East China
70 Integration of QTL detection and marker assisted selection for improving resistance to Fusarium head blight and important agronomic traits in wheat
79 Yield and tillering response of super hybrid rice Liangyoupeijiu to tillage and establishment methods
Yuntao Dai, Eugenia Winston, James C. Correll, Yulin Jia
Yuge Li, Ranran Xin, Dale Zhang, Suoping LI
Zaisong Ding, Tao Li, Xianguo Zhu, Xuefang Sun, Suhua
Huang, Baoyuan Zhou, Ming Zhao
Jiaojiao Wang, Hao Liu, Guixing Ren
Yong Guo, Yinghui Li, Huilong Hong, Li-Juan Qiu
Fei Xiong, Xurun Yu, Liang Zhou, Jing Zhang, Yanping Jin, Dongliang Li, Zhong Wang
Canxing Duan, Jiaojiao Yu, Jianyu Bai, Zhendong Zhu, Xiaoming Wang
Wenjun Dong, Jin Chen, Lili Wang, Yunlu Tian, Bin Zhang, Yongcai Lai, Ying Meng, Chunrong Qian, Jia Guo
Chao Lv, Yanxia Song, Lifeng Gao, Qin Yao, Ronghua Zhou, Rugen Xu, Jizeng Jia
M.A. Badshah, Naimei Tu, Yingbin Zou, M. Ibrahim, Ke Wang
Issue 2/3
87 Genome-wide analysis ofWRKYtranscription factor gene family inGossypium raimondiiand the expression of their orthologs in cultivated tetraploid cotton
102 Differential microRNA expression between shoots and rhizomes inOryza longistaminatausing high-throughput RNA sequencing
110 Diversification of primary gene pool through introgression of resistance for foliar diseases from synthetic amphidiploids to cultivated groundnut (Arachis hypogaeaL.)
120 Overexpression ofGmDREB1improves salt tolerance in transgenic wheat and leaf protein response to high salinity
132 Genetic characterization and linkage disequilibrium mapping of resistance to gray leaf spot in maize (Zea maysL.)
144 Effects of exogenous ABA application on post-anthesis dry matter redistribution and grain starch accumulation of winter wheat with different stay-green characteristics
154 Rank correlation among different statistical models in ranking of winter wheat genotypes
Caiping Cai, Erli Niu, Hao Du, Liang Zhao, Yue Feng, Wangzhen Guo
Ying Zong, Liyu Huang, Ting Zhang, Qiao Qin, Wensheng
Wang, Xiuqin Zhao, Fengyi Hu, Binying Fu, Zhikang Li
Varsha Kumari, M. V. C. Gowda, Vinod Tasiwal, Manish K.
Pandey, Ramesh S. Bhat, Nalini Mallikarjuna, Hari D.
Upadhyaya, Rajeev K. Varshney
Qiyan Jiang, Zheng Hu, Hui Zhang, Youzhi Ma
Liyu Shi, Xiangling Lv, Jianfeng Weng, Hanyong Zhu, Changlin Liu, Zhuanfang Hao, Yu Zhou, Degui Zhang, Mingshun Li, Xiaoke Ci, Xinhai Li, Shihuang Zhang
Dongqing Yang, Yongli Luo, Yingli Ni, Yanping Yin, Weibing
Yang, Dianliang Peng, Zhengyong Cui, Zhenlin Wang
Mozaffar Roostaei, Reza Mohammadi, Ahmed Amri
164 Cultivation of high glyphosate-tolerant tobacco by co-expression of glyphosate acetyltransferase gat andEPSPS G2-aroAgenes
170 SSR genetic linkage map construction of pea (Pisum sativumL.) based on Chinese native varieties
Baoqing Dun, Xujing Wang, Wei Lu, Ming Chen, Wei
Zhang, Shuzhen Ping, Zhixing Wang, Baoming Zhang, Min Lin
Xuelian Sun, Tao Yang, Junjie Hao, Xiaoyan Zhang, Rebecca Ford, Junye Jiang, Fang Wang, Jianping Guan, Xuxiao Zong
Issue 4
175 Phenotypic Analysis and Molecular Characterization of an Allelic Mutant of theD61Gene in Rice
183 Development and mapping of SSR markers linked to resistance-gene homologue clusters in common bean
195 Variation and trends in dough rheological properties and flour quality in 330 Chinese wheat varieties
201 Effect of stripe rust on the yield response of wheat to nitrogen
207 Effects of free-air CO2enrichment on adventitious root development of rice under low and normal soil nitrogen levels
213 Evaluation of maize inbred lines currently used in Chinese breeding programs for resistance to six foliar diseases
223 Effect of different levels of nitrogen deficiency on switchgrass seedling growth
235 Optimal yield-related attributes of irrigated rice for high yield potential based on path analysis and stability analysis
244 Genome-wide analysis and identification of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase (CKX) gene family in foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
Yanan Gao, Guangquan Wang, Shoujiang Yuan, Yanling
Qin, Jinfeng Zhao, Yanpei Zhang, Wenhui Zhang, Xueyong Li
Luz Nayibe Garzon, Matthew Wohlgemuth Blair
Xiushi Yang, Li Wu, Zhihua Zhu, Guixing Ren, Sancai Liu
Rakhesh Devadas, Steven Simpfendorfer, David
Backhouse, David W. Lamb
Chengming Sun, Lijian Wang, Tao Liu, Doudou Guo, Yingying Chen, Wei Wu, Yulong Wang, Jianguo Zhu
Xiaoming Wang, Yunhua Zhang, Xiude Xu, Hongjie Li, Xiaofei Wu, Shihuang Zhang, Xinhai Li
Yi Zhu, Xifeng Fan, Xincun Hou, Juying Wu, Tao Wang
Ganghua Li, Jun Zhang, Congdang Yang, Yunpan Song, Chengyan Zheng, Shaohua Wang, Zhenghui Liu, Yanfeng Ding
Yuange Wang, Huaihua Liu, Qingguo Xin
Issue 5
255 Isolation and characterization of a novel wall-associated kinase geneTaWAK5in wheat (Triticum aestivum)
267 An expedited method to isolation of DNA for PCR fromMagnaporthe oryzaestored on filter paper
272 Morphological,cytological and molecular analyses of a synthesized hexaploid derived from an interspecific hybrid betweenGossypium hirsutumandGossypium anomalum
278 Genetic dissection of tetraploid cotton resistant toVerticilliumwilt using interspecific chromosome segment introgression lines
289 The impacts of conservation agriculture on crop yield in China depend on specific practices,crops and cropping regions
297 Effect of subsoil tillage depth on nutrient accumulation,root distribution,and grain yield for spring maize
308 Identification of QTL for adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew in Chinese wheat landrace Pingyuan 50
315Exp2polymorphisms associated with variation for fiber quality properties in cotton (Gossypiumspp.)
Kun Yang, Lin Qi, Zengyan Zhang
Yulin Jia, Yeshi A Wamishe, Bo Zhou
Xia Zhang, Caijiao Zhai, Linchi He, Qi Guo, Xianggui
Zhang, Peng Xu, Hongmei Su, Yuanyong Gong, Wanchao Ni, Xinlian Shen
Peng Wang, Zhiyuan Ning, Ling Lin, Hong Chen, Hongxian Mei, Jun Zhao, Bingliang Liu, Xin Zhang, Wangzhen Guo, Tianzhen Zhang
Chengyan Zheng, Yu Jiang, Changqing Chen, Yanni Sun, Jinfei Feng, Aixing Deng, Zhenwei Song, Weijian Zhang
Hongguang Cai, Wei Ma, Xiuzhi Zhang, Jieqing Ping, Xiaogong Yan, Jianzhao Liu, Jingchao Yuan, Lichun Wang, Jun Ren
Muhammad Azeem Asad, Bin Bai, Caixia Lan, Jun Yan, Xianchun Xia, Yong Zhang, Zhonghu He
Daohua He, Zhongping Lei, Hongyi Xing, Baoshan Tang, Junxing Zhao, Bixia Lu
329 Genotype × environment interaction effects on early fresh storage root yield and related traits in cassava
338 Productivity,quality and soil health as influenced by lime in ricebean cultivars in foothills of northeastern India
Robooni Tumuhimbise, Rob Melis,Paul Shanahan, Robert Kawuki
Rakesh Kumar, Dibyendu Chatterjee, Narendra
Kumawat, Avinash Pandey, Aniruddha Roy, Manoj Kumar
Issue 6
345 Genetic background effects on QTL and QTL × environment interaction for yield and its component traits as revealed by reciprocal introgression lines in rice
358 Mapping and validation of a dominant salt tolerance gene in the cultivated soybean (Glycine max) variety Tiefeng 8
366 Differences between soybean genotypes in physiological response to sequential soil drying and rewetting
381 A MITE insertion into the 3'-UTR regulates the transcription ofTaHSP16.9in common wheat
388 Growth,photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism in soybean varieties after exclusion of UV-B and UV-A/B components of solar radiation
398 Molecular detection ofXanthomonas oryzaepv.oryzae,Xanthomonas oryzaepv.oryzicola,and Burkholderia glumae in infected rice seeds and leaves
407 Maize forage aptitude: combining ability of inbred lines and stability of hybrids
419 Identification of SNPs in barley (Hordeum vulgareL.) by deep sequencing of six reduced representation libraries
Xiaoqian Wang, Yunlong Pang, Jian Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Yonghong Tao, Bo Feng, Tianqing Zheng, Jianlong Xu, Zhikang Li
Rongxia Guan, Jiangang Chen, Jinghan Jiang, Guangyu
Liu, Ying Liu, Lei Tian, Lili Yu, Ruzhen Chang , Lijuan Qiu
Md Mokter Hossain, Xueyi Liu, Xusheng Qi, Hon-Ming
Lam, Jianhua Zhang
Jingting Li, Zhenzhong Wang, Huiru Peng, Zhiyong Liu
Sanjay Singh Baroniya, Sunita Kataria, Govind Prakash
Pandey, Kadur N. Guruprasad
Wen Lu, Luqi Pan, Haijun Zhao, Yulin Jia, Yanli Wang, Xiaoping Yu, Xueyan Wang
Luis Máximo Bertoia, Mónica Aulicino
Ganggang Guo, Dawa Dondup, Lisha Zhang, Sha Hu, Xingmiao Yuan, Jing Zhang