李舰君 陈艳红 杨传鸣
(1.东北农业大学,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030;2.黑龙江八一农垦大学,黑龙江 大庆 161139)
Halliday&Hasan于1976年出版专著Cohesion in English,标志着衔接理论的创立。Crewe对香港大学英语学习者英文写作中逻辑衔接词的多用与少用进行分析,研究发现英语学习者对衔接词的使用比较混乱,逻辑不清晰[4]。Granger&Tyson采用语料库的方法,对比法国高级学习者和英语本族语者的英文写作,发现法国高级学习者倾向过多使用增补型衔接词,过少使用对比型衔接词[5]。
通过总结分析当前学者的研究,为使研究结果更具科学性、客观性,本研究选取影响因子较高的几本国际期刊(例如:American Journal of Agricultual Economics,SCI影响因子近五年为1.607)的英文摘要100篇,建立国际期刊学术论文英文摘要语料库,共计18978词,本研究所有例句均来自此语料库,语料来源真实,因此研究方法更具创新性。
指称表示的是语义关系,通过代词等语法关系来体现。它不受制于严格的语法条件,其指称项不必与其所指的项目属于同一语法类别。Halliday&Hasan依据指称成分的不同,将之分为三类:人称指称(Personal Reference)、指示指称(Demonstrative Reference)和比较指称(Comparative Reference)。
(1)After a 10%increase in agro-manufactured export prices,I find that:(a)the employment probability would increase by 1.36 percentage points,matched by a decline in the unemployment probability of 0.75 percentage points and an increase in labor market participation of 0.61 percentage points.
(2)We conducted surveys on 33 trails within National Forests in Colorado and Montana to test whether forest fires affected recreation demand.
(3)This allows us to study the impacts of ageing on consumption and harvesting decisions as well as to see how the impact of taxes changes among different age groups of forest-owners.
(4)Our analysis of these two cases and various CO2e price levels indicate different responses in carbon stock and flux,forest land area and management,forest product prices,and forest conditions.
(5)However,as with all empirical tests of this hypothesis conducted to date,ours focus only on the demand side of the hypothesis.
例1至例5中,第一人称代词“I/we/us/our/ours”在语篇中主要指称的对象是作者本人(其中作者可以是一位或多位)。当第一人称代词做主语时,后面常见的动词或动词短语有adopt,apply,believe,conduct,consider,compare,develop,employ,estimate,evaluate,find,focus on,identify,investigate,illustrate,modify,present,provide,report,show,solve,study,use等;后面长接的名词有analysis,application,article,benefits,results,study等。
(6)The approach aims to determine the optimal stock of each species to be maintained in the stand conditional on the observed stand state and timber prices,whereas thinning in density is given by the difference between the existing and the optimal stocks.
(7)This paper provides panel data evidence on the question of how forest endowment and economic activity affect net exports of industrial round wood and forest products.
(8)These results demonstrate the importance of estimating public values for forest protection in terms of heterogeneous groups rather than as a homogeneous whole.
例6至例8中,作者通过“the”加名词或是“this/that”加名词来叙述作者当下的研究,例如“the approach/article/study”或“this approach/argument/article/study”或“these approaches/data/experiments/findings/measures/observations/results”等。其实,作者在使用第一人称代词和指示指称表达当下研究时,从语义的角度讲是相似的,比如“the article investigates”等于“I investigate”,“this study advances”等于“I advance”等。作者在撰写科技论文的英文摘要时使用指示指称,主要是为了避免用第一人称代词称呼自己而已。
(9)Further analysis indicated that consumptive forest users(i.e.,hunters and anglers)held forest protection values that were sensitive to a change forest condition,while non-consumptive forest users(i.e.,campers and hikers)held values that were insensitive to the same condition change.
(10)We use two experimental valuation methods to estimate consumer demand for genetically modified golden rice.The first one is an open-ended choice experiment(OECE)where participants name the quantities of golden rice and conventional rice demanded at each of several price combinations,one of which will be randomly chosen as binding.
(11)In general,we find that tax effects are dependent on the forest-owner’s age.Age tends to intensify the increasing effect of the forest bequest tax on harvesting.The same is true with respect to the decreasing effect on harvesting of the inheritance tax imposed on non-forest assets.
(12)Results indicate that Montana hikers have lower net benefits($12/trip)than Colorado visitors do($55/trip).
例10中,“one”代替了上句所提到的“experimental valuation method”。例11中,“the same”翻译成“同样的(道理)”代替前一句里所表达的涵义。例12中,“do”代替前半句中的动词“have”。这三个例子中所使用的替代,紧密联系上下文的语境,用一个成分解释另一个成分,从而避免了句子中某个成分的重复,使得句子清晰、明了、有机的结合在一起,形成一个紧密的语篇。
(13)The model permitted to estimate in monetary terms two possible costs to be supported:the first is expressed as the expected damage to the forest crop on the basis of the current obtainable woody assortments and the second referred to the potential expenses to pay in order to mitigate the risk.Finally,the framework was tested on an area of central Italy(Tuscany region).
(14)We modify the usual practice of obtaining a single willingness-to-pay(WTP)value by using alternative questionnaire scenarios and conducting tests to examine i)household and recreation group value sensitivity to forest condition,and ii)recreation group differences in WTP for forest protection.A first sample of southeastern U.S.households was asked to value a forest protection program for a spruce-fir forest showing no impact from insect disturbance or atmospheric deposition.The second was asked to value a protection program for a forest already experiencing impact from insect infestation and air pollution.
例13中,第一句中的宾语为“two possible costs”,后面紧接冒号,表示后面的语句为解释、说明,因此冒号后的“the first”和“the second”分别代表“the first cost”和“the second cost”,虽然作者没有明确表述,读者依然可以理解其意思,同时使得整个语篇简洁、清晰。例14中,倒数第二句的开头为“A first sample of southeastern U.S.households”,因此“the second”相当于“the second sample of southeastern U.S.households”。从语法角度讲,撰写句子时应当将句子表述完整,使意思明确,但在具体语境中,“sample of southeastern U.S.households”的涵义非常清晰,为了避免重复,不需要再次提出,从而使文章简洁、明了。
(15)This paper provides panel data evidence on the question of how forest endowment and economic activity affect net exports of industrial round wood and forest products.
(16)The finding of abnormal returns revealed that all six events generated the expected positive or negative returns,and among them,four were statistically significant.
(17)In addition,wastepaper demand has also become more sensitive to changes in energy prices,and its use increases with increases in the price of energy.
(18)In particular,the industries using sawlogs would need to get back to the high levels of production seen a few years ago.For instance,policies leading to the increased use of wood in construction would support the renewable energy goals as well.
(19)On the other hand,net exports do have an impact on timber production.While historical differences in forest industries and resources still exist between developed countries the role of forest resources is becoming less important in shaping the development of forest industries in these countries.
例15和16中,“and”和“or”属于简单增补,表示并列的涵义,例15中“and”前后的“endowment”和“economic activity”共同作为从句的主语,进而共同影响从句的宾语;例16中“or”前后的“positive”和“negative”是选择关系,充当“returns”的定语,从而使得研究结果在语言表述方面更加完整。例17属于强调的复合体,“in addition”(此外)强调它后面的句子为作者所表述的另外一个分论点,与前面所提到的分论点形成一种平行关系,从而使语篇结构更加清晰、明了。例18属于同位语(关系),“for instance”为举例说明,是对前面句子的解释说明,从而将前后语句连接在一起。例19属于对比,“on the other hand”(另一方面)的预设为“on one hand”(一方面),即作者所表述的某一观点有两个分论点,在行文中,也许作者并没有用显性的连接“on one hand”(一方面)来表述以第一个分论点,但当出现“on the other hand”(另一方面),即第二个分论点时,就已经预设了第一个分论点的存在,从而将两个分论点有机的连接在一起,进而共同支撑作者所表述的观点。
(20)Results suggest that as the meat packing industry’s share of a county’s total employment and wage bill rises,total employment growth increases.However,employment growth in other sectors slows,as does local wage growth.Industry growth has little impact on local crime rates or on growth of government spending on education,health,or police protection.
(21)Much agricultural economics research has been dedicated to determining the best time for producers to sell their commodities.Unlike this past research,we look at how producers actually sell commodities.
(22)Our results imply that a single market does not exist across the entire U.S.South.Instead,these regions may form a few contiguous market segments.
例20属于“正”转折,“however”强调第一句话和第二句话中的“employment growth”在不同条件下表现出相反的特点。例21属于对比,“actually”与句首的“unlike this past research”相互呼应,对比前一句的表述和过去“producers”的状态。例22属于修正,“instead”的前一句是对当前一种状态的否认,“instead”则是对当前这种状态的修正。无论“正”转折、对比、修正还是删除,都是通过否定、比较等连接词将语篇中的句子有机的联系在一起。
(23)Although intensive managed plantations clearly increase the growth and yield of forests several papers refer to declining forest productivity.Therefore in this paper we study the impact of declining forest productivity on the land expectation value and the optimal rotation length.
(24)We show that market power may reduce or eliminate entirely the net welfare benefits from removing two traditional support mechanisms,price floors and deficiency payments,and may increase considerably the government’s cost of implementing either of them.Accordingly,optimally designed price support measures may improve welfare in the presence of downstream oligopoly and/or oligopoly power.
(25)Finally,the focus turns to a microeconomic perspective on agricultural household decision making and the problems of imperfect and missing markets,asymmetric information,and transactions costs that lead to widespread apparent inefficiency and disequilibrium.
(26)The results show that current consumption first decreases and then increases when moving from younger to older individuals regardless of whether nontimber assets are more or less heavily taxed through bequests than consumption.
(27)Impacts of exchange rates on international forest products trade are widely debated,but the empirical evidence regarding this issue is still incon-clusive.Here,we report findings of the impacts of the exchange rates on the main forest product imports and exports of the US,from January 1989 to November 2004.
(28)This paper analyzes the effects of resin benefit on the optimal rotation age of Simao pine plantation.Timber growth and resin yield functions were first derived,and then an integrated formulation for Hartman rotation was solved by taking both timber and resin benefits into consideration through numerical optimization.Empirical results indicate that:(1)the inclusion of resin benefit results in lengthening optimal rotation age;(2)resin benefit has a greater effect on rotation age when discount rate is lower than when it is high,ceteris paribus;(3)with an improvement of site productivity,resin benefit has a decreasing effect on rotation age,other factors being constant.These effects are also true with respect to benefit gains in present value.
例28 中,“effect”“resin benefit”“rotation age”在整个语篇中反复出现,充当整个科技论文英文摘要的关键词,强调了作者意欲表达的主题,从而起到衔接作用;“optimal”和“optimization”虽然形式不同,但意思相同,将上下文有机连接;“Simao pine”和“timber”形成上下义关系,“timber”是“Simao pine”的上义词,分别出现在第一句话和第二句话中,从而将两个句子连接在一起;“lower”和“high”形成反义关系、“lengthening”和“greater”虽然词性、拼写不同,但意思上相近,从而形成近义关系,同时与“decreasing”形成反义关系,作者通过同义关系和反义关系将实验的三个结果有机串联,衔接统一;“other factors”和上半句的“with an improvement of site productivity”形成互补同现,不但充实了研究发现,而且将两个分句紧密衔接,语言阐述更加完整。
[2]Halliday M A K,Hasan.Cohesion in English[M].London:Longman,1976.
[3]Nunan,D.Language Teaching and Learning[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1993.
[4]Crewe W J.The Illogic of Logical Connectors[J].EFL Journal,1990(44).
[5]Granger S,Tyson S.Connector Usage in the English Essay Writing of Native and Non-native EFL Speakers of English[J].World Englishes,1996(15).