
2011-09-26 09:08熊淑慧




(上海理工大学外语学院,上海 200093)










Suppe通过研究1000篇科学文章,总结出这些文章的言语行为:展示数据、找出关联、描述方法、解释数据等。这些言语行为创造出学术论文的论辩性结构,目的是对研究结果提出合理的解释。学术语言结构由元语言术语搭建,如cause,effect,obse- rve,hypothesis,data,results,explanation,prediction;还由论证其研究方法和结论的合理性的论证结构构成。学术语言在宏观层面上是论辩性的,以支持基于证据基础上的结论。在微观层面上,学术语言执行一系列的言语行为,这些言语行为结合在一起就组成了论辩性的结构。只有理解了微观各部分之间的联系,才能在宏观上理解学术语言。




Cummins针对二语学习者,区分了“认知学术语言能力”(Cognitive Academic Language Proficie- ncy)和“基本人际交往能力”(Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skill)这两个概念。Cummins认为,“基本人际交往能力”比较容易且可以自动学会,而“认知学术语言能力”则需更长期的过程。



Tab.1 Linguistic features of academic language



例1 Dear friends

I am so sorry for disturbing you but I really need to take a few minutes to finish our questionnaire. Thank you very much.

例2 My dear friend

I am sorry for bring you some trouble. I would be glad if you could help me to finish the question- naire about the issue of family. Thank you so much.

例3 The purpose of this investigation is to find out about personal opinions of the good family in Chinese culture. Please take a few minutes to answer these questions be selecting the most suitable choice or choices according to your situations. We will appre- ciate your time and efforts very much.

Research Team

对比例1、例2和例3,可以看到学术语言的主要特点。例3去掉了介入的话语(I am so sorry for disturbing you; I am sorry for bring you some trouble);去掉了冗长的话(I really need; I would be glad if you could help me);从个人化话语转变为非个人化话语(Thank you so much改为We will appreciate your time and efforts very much);以及权威的立场(The purpose of this investigation is…)。


例4 Rationale: The result of a questionnaire in the form of multiple-choice is quite objective. From the questionnaire, it is convenient for us work out the percentages scientifically.The more respondents take the questionnaire, the more accurate numbers will come out. Thus from the numbers, we can directly and clearly analyze the results. What’s more, in the questionnaire, we can also ask the respondents’ opi- nions. It’s quite easy to collect their ideas.

例5 Rationale: The method we employed was a survey through a questionnaire which was designed based on the group members’ brainstorming after studying the information provided in the textbook. The questionnaire…contained six sources of respect as well as their influence on teachers’ job satisfaction.

The questionnaires were distributed by email to five male teachers and five female teachers…Hence, 100% questionnaires were returned. In the question- naire, the teachers were required to provide answers to the questions in a multiple choice form. The ques- tions included their idea towards the relationship between respect and job satisfaction, whether they received respect in their current career and how they influenced their job satisfaction.

例4中出现了在学术论文语境下不恰当的口语化特点,如松散的对话式结构(The result of a questionnaire in the form of multiple-choice is quite objective...The more respondents take the question- naire, the more accurate numbers will come out. Thus from the numbers, we can directly and clearly analyze the results.);简单语法(It’s quite easy to collect their ideas)。例5则体现了学术语言的特点:客观权威的立场、词汇密度大、词汇丰富、正式的表达、复杂的语法,(The questions included their idea towards the relationship between respect and job satisfaction, whether they received respect in their current career and how they influenced their job satisfaction.);抽象的个体做主语(academic research also have a great influence on teachers’ future deve- lopment),使用多样的连词(However; In addition to; Hence)等。


学术论文有个被称为IMRAD(introduction,method,results,and discussion)常用的语篇结构,帮助写作者用逻辑严密的形式写学术论文。Swales和Feak把语篇结构中组成部分称为“语步(moves)”。在Hartley的分类基础上,表2列出学术论文语篇的语步。



表2 学术论文语篇结构的语步

Tab.2 Moves in IMRAD

表3 科学思维在英语学术论文写作中的体现

Tab.3 The representations of scientific reasoning in research article writing


例6 Teachers’ job satisfaction, which describes how content teachers are with their job on both material and spiritual aspects, is of cardinal impor- tance to their teaching quality and productivity, and consequently exerts a great impact on students’ self-esteem (Peck, 1977).


方面1 对问题的理解(理解研究主题,发现问题空间,形成研究问题)

例7 On the basis of these two theories, we find that many university teachers are working unhappily with great pressure, which not only does harm to teachers themselves, but also brings negative effects on their students. If this situation remains unchanged, the educational system would be confronted with stern challenges. This research is devoted to finding out about the opinions of teachers on the relationship between job satisfaction and working pressure.

方面2 找出解决办法(选择研究方法,选择研究对象,设计研究工具)

例8 A questionnaire was designed for teachers who were requested to provide quantitative infor- mation. This information was used in our correlation analysis in the relation between teachers’ job satisfa- ction and their working pressure. The questionnaire was distributed to 10 teachers.


例9 According to Xie, one’s job satisfaction is related to his working pressure (Xie, 2000). Generally speaking, a worker with high working pressure will not be satisfied with his job and vice versa. Also, a work with less working pressure will have higher job satisfaction. On the basis of Xie’s theory, we conduct this research trying to examine and certify the corre- lation between the working pressure and the job satisfaction of teachers.


例10 Regarding those two phenomena, we start to conduct the survey to see whether there are problems in the curriculum structure for students.


例11 From the table, we can see the result as follows: 12 respondents chose the teacher’s role as instructor; 10 chose the role as guider; 8 chose the role as controller; 7 regarded the teacher's role as helper and authority; 5 regarded the role as facilitator and only 1 thought the teacher’s role was playmate.


例12 Here we notice that in universities, alt- hough sometimes teachers do not know their students’ real opinions and attitudes towards them, they still feel respected. Our group attributes the phenomena to the reason that teaching) is a job widely respected by almost all the citizens in the society, and thus their self-respects do not necessarily come from their students.


例13 Emphatically, the EPS courses are con- sidered helpless to their future career. About 60% consider helpless, 33% hard to say, and only 7% generally helpful. Obviously, it proves that it is a waste of time for undergraduates to take the current EPS courses.

例14 According to several studies, the increase of income can stimulate people’ enthusiasm for work, and teachers are not excluded. At present, many university professors go out of campus to seek opportunities of part-time jobs, and torturing is prevalent among middle schools teachers…Nowadays, the voice of complaining about low income, parti- cularly that among university teachers is louder… People may wonder that if teachers are so dissatisfied with their jobs why they do not just quit. The reason is that there are also other important factors that can lead to teachers’ job satisfaction. …teachers gain more spiritual satisfaction than many other workers do. Their success can not only be measured by income but also by self-respect and students’ achievement.


例15 This study shows that teachers in the English Department hold quite similar views towards the sources of job satisfaction. From their perspec- tive, job satisfaction in most cases derives from the realization of spiritual ambitions rather than the fulfillment of material ambitions.




图1 英语学术写作的活动模型




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English Research Article Writing Competence and a Tentative Model of English Research Article Writing Process

Xiong Shuhui


English research article (RA) writing is the highest stage for Chinese college-level learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) in classroom settings. After mastering English for daily communication, EFL learners need to learn English RA writing preparing for their future academic study in English. In previous research, English RA writing has been much focused on mechanical skills (such as referencing techniques) and linguistic features. Previous writing models are intended to describe the writing process of general writing tasks, rather than RA writing. This paper argues that English academic writing should include three major components: academic language, discourse structure of RA, scientific thinking and reasoning. This study discusses features of academic language, characteristics of the discourse structure of research paper, and the representations of scientific reasoning in RA writing. A tentative model of RA writing process is proposed under the framework of activity theory.






熊淑慧(1979-),女,讲师。研究方向:二语习得。E-mail: xionglisa@163.com
