WANG Yi, LI Qing
(People's Liberation Army Institute of Chemical Defense Command, Beijing, 102205, China)
Abstract: Since socialist harmonious society is a people-oriented society, we should build the moral system based on the people-oriented requirements. The people-oriented principle is the most fundamental, most crucial and most important moral principle of the moral system of harmonious society. Therefore, the moral system of harmonious society must meet the people-oriented standard and must be a people-oriented moral system.
people-oriented; harmonious society; moral system; moral principles
FANG Xiang-hong
(School of Philosophy, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093, China)
Abstract: As for the key concept "Dasein" in Heidegger's early philosophy, the academic circle has now made many discussions and put forward various Chinese counterparts respectively, which I think are not accurate enough. "Da" means not "here" or "there" but "Cun (存)". The Chinese character "Cun" lies in an existential accordance with the German word "Da". "Dasein" and its Chinese translational name have experienced similar destiny in the linguistic practice and philosophical development. Besides, the Chinese translation of "Dasein" can go beyond the Heideggerian philosophy and acquire a broader application. "Sein" must be translated in another way.
Keywords: Dasein; Da; Cun(存); Cunzai(存在)
LI Jin-xiang
(Institute of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China)
Abstract: International Organizations play three roles in international politics. Schools of international political science prefer differently to these roles. Realism emphasizes the role of instruments and arena. Functionalism and neo-liberal institutionalism focus on the role of arena. Nonetheless, the principal-agent approach and constructivism regard international organizations as actors. As to the China's international organization diplomacy, we should appreciate the roles of arena and actor, so as to defend the national interest better, to strengthen the influence and get peaceful rise at the international level.
Keywords: international organization; role; actor; China's diplomacy
HU A-xiang, YAO Le
(School of History, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093, China)
Abstract: As an administrative region, Jiangsu province should not be divided into natural areas, economic zone and cultural district. While considering both dialect and diet, we can try to divide Jiangsu province into four major cultural areas and eight typical and atypical cultural sub-regions. Through the analysis of the status, formation and evolution of cultural district and cultural sub-district, the impact of natural factors is weak relatively, while the impact of administrative divisions is strong relatively. However, human being, as the carrier of culture, has the most fundamental role. The appropriate adjustments of administrative region, is currently worth considering.
Keywords: Jiangsu province; cultural district; natural areas; administrative region; mutual relations
ZHU Ze-jie1, ZHOU Yu-fei2
(1. School of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310028, China;2. School of Humanities, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310028, China)
Abstract: the Poetry Sylloge of Qing Dynasty is the den of the poetry of Qing dynasty. However, corresponding to this, the Poetry sylloge inevitably will lead to various problems in the treatment of specific works. To study comprehensively and systematically the works collected in the sylloge will be a huge project. Now we will have the three examples as the primer of the subject: Yao Quan's "The Source of Poetry", Shen Deqian's "The National Poems Collection" and Deng Xianhe's "The Old Collection of Yuan-Xiang Qi".
DUAN Zong-she
(College of Language and Literature, Shanxi Normal University, Xi'an, Shanxi 710062, China)
Abstract: There was a relatively uniform critical mode in Shen De-qian(1673—1769)′s several poems anthologies and his comment on poem. He first asked the emotional attribute of the poets, and secondly discussed genre and rules, and finally tested the aesthetic style. This mode derived from Yan Yu in Southern Song dynasty and Qi-zi school in Ming dynasty. It shows Shen's purpose to maintain political enlightenment function of poetry. It also harmonized well between Confucian poetic ideas and the excellent tradition in Chinese poetry history.
Keywords: the tune-style; emotional attribute; critical mode
FamilyNarration: "EthicalChina"ContemporaryInterpretation
ZHOU Bao-xin, ZHAO Shun-hong
(Department of Chinese, Zhejiang Institute of Finance, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China)
Abstract: In the process of modernization of Chinese society, as containing rich content of modernity and reflecting the political, economic and moral change of "modern China", the family novel is favored by writers. Since the 90s of the 20th century, the family of Chinese writers, on the one hand carried on the "rebellious" written tradition of modern literature, on the other hand, typically reflect the writers' cultural consideration in the change of contemporary. In regard to the cultural motif of the "family", writers give not only new interpretation but also the spirit of contemporary.
Keywords: novels of the 90s of the 20th century; family narration; ethical China
XIE Tong-xiang
(Media School, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai'an, Jiangsu 223300, China)
Abstract: We've got a lot of obvious progresses in several years after the start of education informatization (EI). There are so many existing problems and emerging questions during this period. What is affecting the effectiveness of education information on earth? How to resolve the predicament radically? A gravitation system caused by EI is discussed from an economy perspective of risk-effectiveness in this paper, which insists that chance and challenge, effectiveness and risk both existing in the process of EI. We can achieve the best EI effectiveness after assessing the effectiveness and planning, analyzing, controlling and managing the risk in EI.
Keywords: education informatization; gravitation system; effectiveness; risk