Water Science and Engineering
- Hydrological response to climate change and human activities:A case studyof Taihu Basin,China
- Possibilities of urban flood reduction through distributed-scale rainwater harvesting
- Toxic response of aquatic organisms to guide application of artemisinin sustained-release granule algaecide
- Effects of water application intensity of micro-sprinkler irrigation and soil salinity on environment of coastal saline soils
- Responses of river bed evolution to flow-sediment process changes after Three Gorges Project in middle Yangtze River: A case study of Yaojian reach
- PIV analysis and high-speed photographic observation of cavitating flow field behind circular multi-orifice plates
- Multi-objective reservoir operation using particle swarm optimization with adaptive random inertia weights
- Scour around submarine pipes due to high-amplitude transient waves
- Deformation coordination analysis of CC-RCC combined dam structures under dynamic loads