- Effects of Time Delay on Multistability of Genetic Toggle Switch
- Visualization of Melting of Antiferromagnetic Insulator Phase in Phase-Separated Manganite Film using Magnetic Force Microscopy
- Oxidation of Anatase TiO2(001)(1×4)Surface
- Preparation of Cu(In,Al)(Se,S)2Thin Films by Low-Cost Non-vacuum Hybrid Process
- Synthesis,Characterization,and Fluorescence Sensor Property of Polyurethane/Ag2S Nanostrips
- High-Sensitive Glucose Biosensor Based on Ionic Liquid Doped Polyaniline/Prussian Blue Composite Film
- Miniature Boat Fabrication with Striking Loading Capacity in Seawater from Hydrophobic Steel Mesh
- One-Dimensional Scanning of Electronic Wavefunction in Carbon Nanotubes by Molecular Encapsulation
- Chemical Empiricism 2.0 at Age of Big Data:Large-scale Prediction of Reaction Pathways Based on Bond Dissociation Energies
- Pyrene Derivate Functionalized with Acetylene for Organic Field Effect Transistors
- Effects of Sm Co-doping on Luminescent Properties of Sr4Al14O25:M (M=Mn4+,Cr3+)Phosphors
- First-Principles Study of La Doping Effects on the Electronic Structures and Photocatalytic Properties of Anatase TiO2
- Reconstruction of Smoke Plume Concentration Peaks Based on Modified MAX-DOAS Tomography
- Antireflective and Self-cleaning Properties of SiO2/TiO2Double-Layer Films Prepared by Cost-Effective Sol-Gel Process
- Electronic Structure and Circular Dichroism of Natural Alboatisins Isolated from Aerial Parts of Isodon Albopilosus:DFT and TDDFT Study
- Theoretical Study on Inverse Sandwich Complexes[E-C5−nH5−nNn-E]+and [E-C5−nH5−nPn-E]+(n=1,2,3;E=Al,Ga,In,Tl)
- Importance of Metal Cations and Water for Stability of MnO2Crystals
- Elastic Low-Energy Electron Collisions with Methanethiol
- TDDFT Study on Excited-State Hydrogen Bonding of 2′-Deoxyguanosine in H2O Solution
- First Principles Study of Uranium Solubility in Gd2Zr2O7Pyrochlore
- Synthesis and Characterization of PEG Polymer Brushes via Cyclopolymerization of 1,2,3-Triazole Tethered Diacrylates