- High Performance of Enhanced Mode Field Efect Transistor and Ultraviolet Sensor Based on ZnO Nanosheet
- Accurate Measurement of Raman Depolarization Ratio in Gaseous CO2
- Decay Dynamics ofN,N-Dimethylthioacetamide in S3(ππ∗)State
- Efects of Carbide Formation in Graphene Growth
- Efcient Near-Infrared Quantum Cutting in Tm3+/Yb3+Codoped LiYF4Single Crystals for Solar Photovoltaic
- Infuence of Triarylamine and Indoline as Donor on Photovoltaic Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Employing Cobalt Redox Shuttle
- Antimicrobial Expanded Polytetrafuoroethylene Film Prepared byγ-ray Radiation Induced Grafting of Poly(acrylic acid)
- Ultraviolet Source Assisted Enhancement of Attosecond Pulse
- Benzene and Toluene Levels Measured with DOAS During Vehicular Restrictions in Beijing
- Quantitative Moisture Measurement with a Cavity Ring-down Spectrometer using Telecom Diode Lasers
- Methanol Adsorption on TiO2Film Studied by Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy
- Electron Momentum Spectroscopy of Outer Valence Orbitals of 2-Fluoroethanol
- Steering Vibrational Population Transfer via Double-Σ-Type Laser Scheme
- Observation of Excitedνs(NO2)and Relaxation Process of HNS in Solution by CARS Technique
- Investigation on Exciton Relaxation Kinetics of ZnCuInS/ZnSe/ZnS Quantum Dots by Time-Resolved Spectroscopy Techniques
- Research on Thermodynamic Properties of Polybrominated Diphenylamine by Neural Network
- A Highly Stable Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Temperature-Dependent Electrical Conductance of Bi Nanowires
- Synthesis of Hierarchically Porous CaFe2O4/Carbon Fiber Hybrids and Microwave Induced Catalytic Activity
- Aromatic Compounds Production from Sorbitol by Aqueous Catalytic Reforming
- Nanosecond Rapid Crystallization of Water Induced by Quartz Glass under Dynamic Compression