
2024-12-31 00:00:00宋利华付继京王俊伟
护理研究 2024年19期

Construction and validation of risk factors model related to hemorrhage in patients with coronary heart disease after PCI 1 year

Abstract" Objective:Based on LASSO⁃Logistic regression analysis of hemorrhage related factors in patients with coronary atherosclerotic heart disease(CHD) 1 year after percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI),and to establish a Nomogram prediction model for timely and effective clinical intervention.Methods:226 patients with coronary heart disease who underwent PCI in our hospital from January to December 2021 were selected as the study objects,and were divided into hemorrhage group and non⁃hemorrhage group according to whether they had hemorrhage one year after PCI.LASSO⁃Logistic regression was used to screen the risk factors of hemorrhage 1 year after PCI,and further construct a Nomogram prediction model.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve and calibration curve were used to verify the value of Nomogram prediction model.Results:One year after PCI,the incidence of hemorrhage in 226 patients with coronary heart disease was 11.95%.Age≥60 years old,gastrointestinal history,chronic renal insufficiency,use of vessel closure,balloon dilation times,PARIS score,precision⁃DAPT score were the risk factors for bleeding 1 year after PCI(Plt;0.05).The Nomogram prediction model predicted the AUC of hemorrhage at 1 year after PCI to be 0.959.Conclusion:Age ≥60 years,history of digestive tract,chronic renal insufficiency,use of vessel closure,balloon dilation times,PARIS score and precision⁃DAPT score are risk factors for hemorrhage 1 year after PCI in patients with coronary heart disease.The establishment of a Nomogram prediction model based on LASSO⁃Logistic regression analysis has a certain value in predicting hemorrhage 1 year after PCI.Clinical screening and strict observation of high-risk groups should be carried out,and reasonable treatment measures should be formulated to reduce the risk of hemorrhage.

Keywords" coronary atherosclerotic heart disease; percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI; LASSO⁃Logistic regression; bleeding; Nomogram model; risk factors; forecast

摘要" 目的:基于LASSO⁃Logistic回归分析冠心病病人经皮冠状动脉介入(PCI)术后1年出血的危险因素,并建立Nomogram预测模型,以便临床采取及时、有效的干预方案。方法:选取2021年1月—12月在我院行PCI术的226例冠心病病人为研究对象,依据PCI术后1年是否出血分为出血组、未出血组。采用LASSO⁃Logistic回归筛选PCI术后1年出血的危险因素,进一步构建Nomogram预测模型。利用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线、校准曲线验证Nomogram预测模型的价值。结果:PCI术后1年226例冠心病病人出血发生率为11.95%;年龄≥60岁、有消化道病史、慢性肾功能不全、使用血管闭合器、球囊扩张次数、支架术后抗血小板药物停药模式(PARIS)评分、支架术后双重抗血小板治疗病人出血并发症预测(PRECISE⁃DAPT)评分为PCI术后1年出血的危险因素(Plt;0.05);Nomogram预测模型预测PCI术后1年出血的ROC曲线下面积为0.959。结论:年龄≥60岁、有消化道病史、慢性肾功能不全、使用血管闭合器、球囊扩张次数、PARIS评分、PRECISE⁃DAPT评分为冠心病病人PCI术后1年出血的危险因素,基于LASSO⁃Logistic回归分析建立的Nomogram预测模型对PCI术后1年出血具有一定预测价值,临床应筛查高危人群并实施严格观察,制定合理治疗措施,以降低出血风险。

关键词" 冠心病;经皮冠状动脉介入术;LASSO⁃Logistic回归;出血;Nomogram模型;危险因素;预测



1" 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 治疗方法及分组


1.2.2 临床资料的收集


1.2.3 相关定义

支架置入术后抗血小板药物停药模式(PARIS)[12]:包括年龄、体质指数、目前吸烟、贫血、肌酐清除率、出院时三联抗栓治疗,其中年龄lt;50岁计0分,50~59岁计1分,gt;59~69岁计2分,gt;69~79岁计3分,gt;79岁计4分;体质指数lt;25 kg/m2或≥35 kg/m2计2分,25~lt;35 kg/m2计0分;吸烟计2分,不吸烟计0分;贫血计3分,无贫血计0分;肌酐清除率lt;60 mL/min计2分,≥60 mL/min计0分;出院时接受三联抗栓治疗计2分,未接受计0分。支架置入术后双重抗血小板治疗病人出血并发症预测评分(PRECISE⁃DAPT)[13]≥25分则采用短期DAPT治疗(3~6个月),lt;25分则采用长期DAPT治疗(12~24个月)。

1.3 统计学分析

采用SPSS 26.0软件分析数据,运用K⁃W检验分析连续变量正态性,组间差异采用Student⁃t检验进行检验,符合正态分布的定量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示;分类变量间差异采用检验及Fisher确切概率法,定性资料以例数、百分比(%)表示;采用R 3.6.3软件中glmnet对PCI术后1年出血的潜在危险因素进行LASSO回归分析;符合条件的变量纳入多因素Logistic回归分析,确定最优预测变量并计算比值比(OR);采用R 3.6.3软件建立并输出PCI术后1年出血的个体化Nomogram预测模型,绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线并计算曲线下面积(AUC),采用Z检验评价Nomogram预测模型区分度即准确性;采用Hosmer⁃Lemeshow拟合优度检验、校准曲线评价Nomogram预测模型拟合优度、模型一致性,以Plt;0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2" 结果

2.1 冠心病病人一般资料


2.2 冠心病病人PCI术后1年出血危险因素的单因素分析


2.3 LASSO回归筛选预测模型因子


2.4 冠心病病人PCI术后1年出血危险因素的Logistic回归分析


2.5 冠心病病人PCI术后1年出血危险因素预测模型的构建及验证

将Logistic回归方程筛选出的影响因素(年龄≥60岁、消化道病史、慢性肾功能不全、使用血管闭合器、球囊扩张次数、PARIS评分、PRECISE⁃DAPT评分)纳入Nomogram预测模型,采用R 3.6.3软件建立并输出PCI术后1年出血的个体化Nomogram预测模型,见图3。绘制Nomogram预测模型预测冠心病病人PCI术后1年出血的ROC曲线,结果显示,此模型预测冠心病病人PCI术后1年出血的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.959,预测敏感度、特异度分别为99.50%、81.56%,见图4。对PCI术后1年出血的Nomogram预测模型进行评价和验证,设置因变量为PCI术后1年出血组和PCI术后1年未出血组,自变量为构建Nomogram预测模型风险总分进行校准曲线分析,结果显示,该校准曲线与理想曲线拟合较好,Hosmer⁃Lemeshow拟合优度检验χ2=8.728,P=0.536,表示Nomogram预测模型具有较好的校准能力,见图5。

3" 讨论




4" 小结



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