Books for all:Selah's literacy journey

2024-05-06 04:21山东位春玲
疯狂英语·新策略 2024年4期

山东 位春玲


主题语境:社会公益 篇幅:349词 篇 建议用时:6分钟

1 When Selah was five years old, she came home from her first day of kindergarten and told her parents that many of her classmates didn't know how to read.She then asked her parents to give away 20 hundred thousand books.Selah's mom Nicole Thompson thought that this equaled two million books!

2 Her parents began to do their own research after hearing Selah's lofty plans.They found that there is a huge amount of illiteracy (文盲) in America.In fact, 85 percent of children in the juvenile prison system were functionally illiterate, and that two-thirds of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of the fourth grade will end up in prison or on welfare.

3 After understanding the need for books and establishing a love for reading, Selah's parents were on board.In 2018, they created the nonprofit Empowered Readers Literacy Project (ERLP).This organization promotes families to form reading habits so that children can see books as something positive.More than 2400 kids and their parents participated in the march for literacy on Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday in the project's first event in the first year.They also run an adventure time readers club and an initiative Project 500 to get books into children's hands.

4 “In addition to being exposed to reading, children are not excited about reading when they do not see themselves on the pages of the book,” Nicole Thompson said.She noticed limited representation of characters of color in kids' literature.“We are just trying to do our little part to heal big wounds that the uneducated have,” she said.

5 Selah, along with her younger sister Syrai, wrote a book with the help of their father that was published in November, 2019 and that was the beginning ofPenelope the PiratePrincessseries.The main character Penelope looks like Selah and also loves science and space.

6 In two years, the ERLP donated 8000 books, including Selah's own series.Although her goal of 20 hundred thousand books is still quite far, Selah is on the right track.

Reading Check

Inference1.How did Selah's parents react to her request for books?

A.They thought little of it.

B.They regarded it as a joke.

C.They thought it impossible.

D.They took it very seriously.

Gist2.What's the main idea of paragraph 2?

A.Illiteracy is the main cause of crime in America.

B.There is a high level of illiteracy among American kids.

C.Selah's parents find it difficult to carry out their research.

D.The majority of American kids drop out of school by grade 4.

Detail3.What's the goal of ERLP?

A.To make more parents love reading.

B.To raise kids' awareness of reading.

C.To get rid of illiteracy among kids entirely.

D.To collect more books for kids in juvenile prisons.

Detail4.What's the problem Nicole Thompson discovered in kids' books?

A.There were very few characters of color.

B.Their covers were not attractive enough.

C.There were less beautiful colors in them.

D.Their plots were not interesting enough.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

This organization promotes families to form reading habits so that children can see books as something positive.该组织促使家庭养成阅读的习惯,让孩子们能够将书籍视为积极的东西。

【点石成金】本句是一个复合句。so that 引导的是一个目的状语从句;positive 是形容词,作不定代词something的后置定语。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

give away 赠送

on welfare 接受生活救济

on board 在船上;在飞机上;在火车上

be exposed to 被暴露于……do one's part 某人尽力而为heal a wound 愈合创伤

on the right track 步入正轨

锲而不舍 点石成金
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