[摘要] 目的:分析肺磨玻璃密度结节人工智能测量、半自动测量与病理数字切片测量之间的相关性。方法:收集91例表现为磨玻璃密度结节的T1a期肺腺癌的CT图像及病理切片资料。使用人工智能肺部影像分析系统(AILIAS)及半自动分割技术(SLLS)测量CT图像上结节的平均直径和体积,并在病理数字切片上测量结节的平均直径与面积。AILIAS及SLLS与病理数字切片平均直径测量值、AILIAS与SLLS体积测量值两两比较行Wilcoxon符号秩检验。采用Spearman秩相关分析AILIAS及SLLS体积测量值与病理数字切片面积测量值的相关性。结果:AILIAS与SLLS所测平均直径均大于病理数字切片(Z=-7.310,-8.557;均Plt;0.001)。AILIAS与SLLS所测直径间差异无统计学意义(Z=-0.744,P=0.457)。SLLS所测体积小于AILIAS(Z=-6.218,Plt;0.001)。AILIAS和SLLS体积测量值与病理数字切片面积测量值均显著相关(rs=0.729,0.727;均Plt;0.001)。结论:人工智能可多维度测量肺磨玻璃结节的直径和体积,与病理数字切片面积测量值有良好的相关性及一致性,可为磨玻璃结节的良恶性判定及临床疗效评估提供数据支持。
[关键词] 肺腺癌;磨玻璃密度结节;体层摄影术,X线计算机;肺结节分割;肺结节三维测量
Correlation study of three-dimensional measurements based on artificial intelligence of pulmonary ground-glass nodule and measurements of pathologic digital sections
WU Yu1,ZHANG Lian2,YANG Yuchan1,DING Xiaoqing1,ZHANG Dongqing1,CHEN Yongqi2,ZHAN Songhua1,ZHANG Min1
1Department of Medical Imaging,Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China;2Department of Radiology,Shanghai Jiading District Hospital of TCM,Shanghai 201800,China;3Department of Pathology,Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China
[Abstract] Objective:To analyze the correlation between artificial intelligence measurements,semi-automated measurements and pathologic paraffin section measurements of pulmonary ground-glass nodule (GGN). Methods:The CT and pathological sections data of 91 patients of T1a lung adenocarcinoma confirmed by operation and pathology were collected. Using artificial intelligence lung image analysis system (AILIAS) and subsolid lung lesion segmentation (SLLS) method,the average diameter and volume of GGN were measured on CT images,and the average diameter and area of GGN on pathological sections were measured. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare the average diameter measured by AILIAS,SLLS method and pathological digital section,and the volume measured by AILIAS and SLLS method. The correlation between the volume measured by AILIAS and SLLS method and the area measured by pathological digital section was analyzed by Spearman correlation analysis. Results:The diameter measured by AILIAS and SLLS method was larger than the diameter measured by pathological digital section (Z=-7.310,-8.577;both Plt;0.001). There was no significant difference between the diameter measured by SLLS and AILIAS method (Z=-0.744,P=0.457). The volume measured by SLLS method was less than that by AILIAS method (Z=-6.218,Plt;0.001). There was a significant correlation between the volume measured by AILIAS and SLLS and the area measured by pathological digital section (rs=0.729,0.727;both Plt;0.001). Conclusions:Artificial intelligence can measure the diameter and volume of GGN in multiple dimensions,which has a good correlation and consistency with pathological section measurement. It can provide reliable data support for the diagnosis of benign and malignant GGN and the evaluation of clinical curative effect.
[Key words] Lung adenocarcinoma;Ground-glass nodule;Tomography,X-ray computed;Lung nodule segmentation;Lung nodule three-dimensional measurements
[基金项目] 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院四明基金项目(4204)。
[通信作者] 张敏,Email:zhangmin81227@163.com。
肺癌是死亡率最高(18%)的癌症[1]。肺腺癌是非小细胞肺癌中最常见的组织学亚型[2],早期CT常表现为磨玻璃密度结节,而磨玻璃密度结节的大小是鉴别病灶良恶性的一个重要指标[3-4]。临床工作中结节的直径可在PACS上使用电子卡尺手动测量,而结节体积的测量则相对复杂。随着人工智能的迅速发展,尤其是深度学习和卷积神经网络技术的应用,使得对肺结节的检出及分割能力明显提升[5-6]。但关于人工智能肺结节测量与病理切片测量之间的相关性分析尚未见报道。本研究拟对经手术病理证实的T1a期肺腺癌的人工智能肺部影像分析系统(artificial intelligence lung image analysis system,AILIAS)测量、半自动分割技术(subsolid lung lesion segmentation,SLLS)测量与病理数字切片测量的数据进行对照分析,以评估人工智能对肺磨玻璃结节测量的可靠性。
1" 资料与方法
1.1" 一般资料
1.2" 仪器与方法
采用Siemens Somatom Force 384层双源CT、Philips 256层CT(Brilliance iCT)、GE 64层CT(LightSpeed VCT 64)及联影64层CT(uCT760)。患者取仰卧位,头先入,行全肺容积扫描。扫描参数:120 kV,自动管电流,层厚、层距均为1 mm,矩阵512×512;标准算法重建。
1.3" 图像分析
将DICOM格式的CT图像导入Siemens工作站,使用多模态肿瘤学分析模块对结节行定量分析。由1位具有15年胸部影像诊断经验的副主任医师在肺窗(-450 HU,1 500 HU)对磨玻璃密度结节行半自动分割,手动调整计算机勾画不满意的层面。分割时尽可能地去除病灶边缘的小血管。勾画完成后,采集病灶体积、平均直径(最大径与其最大垂直径的平均值)(图1a)。间隔1个月行第2次测量,取2次结果的平均值。
对所有结节的最大层面切片使用麦克奥迪EASY SCAN数字切片扫描与应用系统扫描成电子影像,手动勾勒结节边缘,由软件自动测量勾勒区域平均直径及面积(图1c)。
1.4" 统计学分析
采用SPSS 18.0软件行统计分析。对结节平均直径、面积及体积行正态性检验,正态分布数据以x±s表示,非正态分布数据以M(QL,QU)表示。AILIAS、SLLS及病理数字切片平均直径测量值两两比较、AILIAS与SLLS体积测量值间两两比较采用Wilcoxon符号秩检验。AILIAS及SLLS体积测量值与病理数字切片面积测量值间的相关性分析采用Spearman秩相关。以Plt;0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2" 结果
3" 讨论
本研究回顾性分析91例以磨玻璃密度结节为表现的T1a期(病理切片测量直径≤10 mm的结节)肺腺癌,分别以AILIAS及SLLS测量CT图像上结节的体积、平均直径,并在病理数字切片电子图像上测量病灶的平均直径和面积。AILIAS及SLLS测量的体积与病理数字切片测得的面积均呈正相关。AILIAS及SLLS测量的平均直径差异无统计学意义(Pgt;0.05)。
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(收稿日期" 2024-01-18)