——2022 新高考Ⅰ卷用词分析及启示

2023-10-10 16:47:58巩玉香
教学考试(高考英语) 2023年2期



2022 新高考Ⅰ卷较往年试卷在用词方面特色更鲜明,考查考生综合素养方向更清晰。据粗略统计,全卷有2 812 个词,实际用词约967 个(不计重复)。在这960 多词中,涌现了约130 个“非课标词”(未在课标词汇表中出现的词语)。这些“非课标词”在新高考中不算“生词”,是有意为考查学生英语核心素养而设置的“关卡”。这些非课标词汇在以往主要出现在text(文章)中,但让人吃惊的是,在2022 新高考中却多次出现在test(试题)中(包括阅读、完形填空和语法填空),这是新高考的一个“新动向”。笔者大胆预测,今后这种现象会成为一种常态。

2022 新高考Ⅰ卷中使用“非课标词汇”设题的情况可归结为五种类型,为考生设置了“五道关”。高三同学备战高考若过了这“五道关”,就能扫除词汇障碍,在高考中获得满意的成绩。


在2022 新高考英语I 卷中,利用构词法衍生出的“非课标词”最多,有110 词,这类“非课标词”较往年试题偏多,几乎每个题型都有这类词的身影。在语法填空中尤为明显,有两题涉及构词法考查,其中一题涉及缩略词。

猜测这类“非课标词”的词义并非都很简单。譬如有些派生词经过多次变化而来,猜义就有点难,如think →thinking →unthinking →unthinkingly(不假思索地);再如英语中单词多为多义词,其派生词意思也就不唯一,譬如mind(头脑;注意力;智慧;心思),由此派生出的形容词mindful 是何意呢?这就需要费一番心思并且结合上下文去推断了。

【典型例题1】(除特别说明外,本文例题均出自2022 新高考Ⅰ卷)Like most of us,I try to be mindful of food that goes to waste.The arugula(芝麻菜)was to make a nice green salad,rounding out a roast chicken dinner.But I ended up working late.Then friends called with a dinner invitation.I stuck the chicken in the freezer.But as days passed,the arugula went bad.Even worse,I had unthinkingly bought way too much;I could have made six salads with what I threw out.

24.What does the author want to show by telling the arugula story?

A.We pay little attention to food waste.

B.We waste food unintentionally at times.

C.We waste more vegetables than meat.

D.We have good reasons for wasting food.

【解析】细节理解题。本题涉及两个“难词”,即文中的unthinkingly 和选项中的unintentionally。

unintentionally 是由课标词intention经过3次变化而来,intention 为多义词,结合语境可判断unintentionally 意为“无意地”。文中的unthinkingly 为副词,其意为“不假思索地”,这与选项中的unintentionally 对应,为同义关系,这是解题的关键点。


Tips: 对于“派生词”,可采用“剥洋葱法”猜测词义,也就是一层一层地去掉词缀显露“真面目(词根词)”的方式,然后根据语境和词根词的词义推测出派生词的词义。请看:

unintentionally adv.→intentionally adv.→intentional adj.→intention n.→intend v.(打算;想要;计划)

对于“合成词”,我们可以采用“拆分法”,如wellbeing 可拆分为well+being(好+生存)=福祉;幸福。而该词正是28 题解题所依附的关键词,即wellbeing 对应试题中的welfare。

【典型例题2】The project was dreamed up by a local charity(慈善组织)to reduce loneliness and improve elderly people’s wellbeing.It is also being used to help patients suffering dementia,a serious illness of the mind.Staff in care homes have reported a reduction in the use of medicine where hens are in use.

28.What is the purpose of the project?

A.To ensure harmony in care homes.

B.To provide part-time jobs for the aged.

C.To raise money for medical research.

D.To promote the elderly people’s welfare.

但实际上,有些考生对wellbeing 的理解不到位,不能与welfare 建立对应,主要原因在于他们对be 作“生存”的用法不熟悉。


【典型例题3】...No luck.We were stuck in the middle of the lake with a dead motor.As we all sat there 52 ,a fisherman pulled up,threw us a rope and towed(拖)us back.We were safe.

52.A.patiently B.tirelessly

C.doubtfully D.helplessly

【解析】本题既考查原文理解也考查副词辨析。从选项看,这四个副词均为非课标词,除A 外,B、C、D 都有多次变化,猜测词义有一定难度。可利用前面介绍的“剥洋葱法”逐步分解猜测:

patiently(耐心地)→patient [课标词]

tirelessly(不知疲倦地)→tireless →tire →tired [课标词]

doubtfully(怀疑地)→doubtful →doubt [课标词]

helplessly(无助地)→helpless →help [课标词]




在高考真题中,影响文本阅读和理解的“生词”通常会带汉语注释(只提供词义,不提供词性)。新高考试题十分“珍惜”加注汉语的词,尤其在阅读中,这些词也成为试题的“题眼”。譬如2020 新高考Ⅰ卷6 题线索中含关键词sacrificed(动词);2022 新高考Ⅰ卷26 题线索中含关键词blemished。

可是,在2022 新高考Ⅰ卷中,这类词的应用又出现了“新变化”,那就是在试题中使用了它们的转化词和派生词等,让许多考生感觉“生疏”,这无疑增加了一定的难度。

【典型例题4】They discovered that the upper and lower front teeth of ancient human adults were aligned(对齐),making it hard to produce labiodentals,which are formed by touching the lower lip to the upper teeth.Later,our jaws changed to an overbite structure(结构),making it easier to produce such sounds.

33.Why was it difficult for ancient human adults to produce labiodentals?

A.They had fewer upper teeth than lower teeth.

B.They could not open and close their lips easily.

C.Their jaws were not conveniently structured.

D.Their lower front teeth were not large enough.

【解析】推理判断题。本题涉及纯生词labiodental,还有加注汉语单词structure。但选项C 中的structured 是动词过去分词,而文中structure 为名词[...an overbite structure(结构)]。显然这是考查转化法。根据文中所给汉语注释的意思,再结合语境可推断,structure(vt.)的意思是“建造,使形成”。



Tips: 如果在试题中遇到带汉语注释的生词的派生词或转化词,要从其词形和在题干和选项中所充当的成分推断其词性和词义,尤其要注意结合构词法相关知识进行判断。

【温馨提示】在阅读时,对带汉语注释的生词所在句子要特别留意,很可能这个句子就是解题线索,或理解该词所在语句就可顺藤摸瓜找到答案。如26 题涉及blemished(有瑕疵的)(见【典型例题6】,该词与选项D 中的unwanted 相呼应),33 题还涉及aligned(对齐)等。

【典型例题5】(2022 新高考Ⅱ卷)Levine and his research team selected volunteers aged between 45 and 64 who did not exercise much but were otherwise healthy.Participants were randomly divided into two groups.The first group participated in a program of nonaerobic(无氧)exercise — balance training and weight training—three times a week.The second group did high-intensity aerobic exercise under the guidance of a trainer for four or more days a week.After two years,the second group saw remarkable improvements in heart health.

“We took these 50-year-old hearts and turned the clock back to 30-or 35-year-old hearts,”says Levine...

34.What does Levine’s research find?

A.Middle-aged hearts get younger with aerobic exercise.

B.High-intensity exercise is more suitable for the young.

C.It is never too late for people to start taking exercise.

D.The more exercise we do,the stronger our hearts get.

【解析】推理判断题。本题涉及陌生词语high-intensity 和aerobic。这两个词中,前者重复使用文中high-intensity;后者aerobic 是由已给汉语注释的nonaerobic(non+aerobic)变化而来的。

文中提到第二组志愿者在教练的指导下每周进行高强度有氧运动两年后,他们的心脏健康状况有了显著改善,后一段指出了受实验者的心脏更年轻了(took these 50-year-old hearts and turned the clock back to 30-or 35-year-old hearts)。由以上信息可推知,莱文的研究发现通过有氧运动中年人的心脏会变得更年轻。




2022 新高考Ⅰ卷中有两道含完全生词的阅读理解题,这在以往是鲜见的。与加注汉语生词一样,含这类完全生词或纯生词的题目仅出现在阅读(第一节)中,这是阅读的一种新探索,目的是检测学生的核心素养。完全生词在试题中既可以其本身形式出现(指与文中该词的词性和词义相同),也可以其派生词或逆生词的形式出现,难度较大。

【典型例题6】...Mike Curtin sees my arugula story all the time—but for him,it’s more like 12 boxes of donated strawberries nearing their last days.Curtin is CEO of DC Central Kitchen in Washington,D.C.,which recovers food and turns it into healthy meals.Last year it recovered more than 807 500 pounds of food by taking donations and collecting blemished(有瑕疵的)produce that otherwise would have rotted in fields.And the strawberries? Volunteers will wash,cut,and freeze or dry them for use in meals down the road.

26.What does Curtin’s company do?

A.It produces kitchen equipment.

B.It turns rotten arugula into clean fuel.

C.It helps local farmers grow fruits.

D.It makes meals out of unwanted food.

【解析】推理判断题。本题明考文本理解,暗考词义猜测。除了arugula,unwanted 之外,还涉及一个完全生词rotten,若不弄清词义,必然会给解题造成障碍。从词形和在句中的位置和作用来看,rotten 与文中的rotted 同根,且是形容词。

从文中...it recovered...that otherwise would have rotted in fields 提供的语境,以及rotted 与recovered的反义关系,不难猜出rot 的含义。与rot(腐烂)同根的rotten,则为形容词,其意为“腐烂的”,在选项B 中作定语,修饰arugula。


【典型例题7】This research overturns the popular view that all human speech sounds were present when human beings evolved around 300 000 years ago.“The set of speech sounds we use has not necessarily remained stable since the appearance of human beings,but rather the huge variety of speech sounds that we find today is the product of a complex interplay of things like biological change and cultural evolution,”said Steven Moran,a member of the research team.

35.What does Steven Moran say about the set of human speech sounds?

A.It is key to effective communication.

B.It contributes much to cultural diversity.

C.It is a complex and dynamic system.

D.It drives the evolution of human beings.

【解析】推理判断题。这是典型的“一题多考”。本题涉及effective,cultural,diversity 等三个派生词和一个完全生词evolution。显然猜测evolution 的词义是解答本题的关键因素之一。

在文中也有evolve 和其派生词evolution。从文章语境,尤其是not necessarily remained stable,...of a complex interplay of things like biological change and cultural evolution(从300 000年前到现在,未必一成不变……)可推知,evolve 应与stable 意思相反,与change 同义,且指在300 000年间的变化,其意应为“演变”或“进化”。

需要特别指出的是,本题D 项为干扰项,因为该选项说的是“语音”的演变,而不是人类自身的进化。


Tips: 在试题中遇到完全生词或纯生词时,仅从题中很难猜测词义,需要返回到文中斟酌,运用语境,弄清楚线索和关系,如根据举例、反义关系或同义关系等顺藤摸瓜,猜测词义。如33 题中的labiodentals 就是通过举例猜出词义的:...speech sounds called labiodentals,such as“f”and“v”,were more common in the languages of societies that ate softer foods。



熟词生义是历年高考中很常见的现象,2022 年新高考Ⅰ卷也不例外。所谓熟词生义,是相对新课标词汇表而言的。2022 新高考Ⅰ卷中,这类有生义的熟词也不少,至少有三道阅读理解题的解题线索中含有这类词,如way(adv.非常;很)就出现在24 题的关键词信息源中。这种有生义的“熟词”也出现在语法填空中,给考生带来不少压力。譬如62 题(population)。2022 全国甲卷61 题(journey n.→vi.)也是这种情况。

【典型例题8】Such methods seem obvious,yet so often we just don’t think.“Everyone can play a part in reducing waste,whether by not purchasing more food than necessary in your weekly shopping or by asking restaurants to not include the side dish you won’t eat,”Curtin says.

27.What does Curtin suggest people do?

A.Buy only what is needed.

B.Reduce food consumption.

C.Go shopping once a week.

D.Eat in restaurants less often.

【解析】推理判断题。本题中,专有名词Curtin 提示从最后一段中寻找线索。在该部分中涉及熟词生义(side)。the side dish 指“配菜”;其中side为形容词,意为“主菜外附加的;额外的”。


【典型例题9】The GPNP’s main goal is to improve connectivity between separate 62 (population)and homes of giant pandas,and eventually achieve a desired level of population in the wild.

【解析】本题考查名词population 的用法。有些同学不敢填populations,问及原因,他们说,“没见过population 加-s 的情形”,所以直接填写了原形。

其实,population 作“人口”解时,是不可数名词,但也有(have)a population of...的用法。在本题中,population 指“种群”,是可数名词,由空前的separate 可知,此处应用复数形式,且在形式上应与后面的homes 一致。


【拓展】在词典中有时把这种具有生义的“熟词”当作“新词”看待,譬如way 在词典中就占两个词条,即way1和way2,其中way2就是介绍其作副词时的用法。还有2021 全国乙卷中考查到的given,在词典中单独占一个词条,而不是放在give 词条中。

Tips: 遇到熟词生义,可借助其词形和其所在句子中所作成分或所起作用来判断其词性和词义。具体来说,熟词生义可分两种情况,一是词性不变或微调(如名词由不可数变成可数或动词由不及物变成及物等),如click(n.点击→倒吸气音),run(an article)(vi.→vt.发表),travel(the world)(vi.→vt.环游,走遍)等;另一类是词性发生变化,如round,near 由形容词(或副词、介词等)变成动词。round(vi.)和near(vt.)等转化词对解答24 题和26 题有一定的影响。


在高考试题中,新短语主要指两种,一是由“熟词+小品词out/in/on/up 等”构成的短语,在教材或平时学习中鲜为见到,如round out(见24 题解析);二是由“生词+小品词out/on/in/up 等”构成的短语,如embark on。这类“全新短语”有时影响很大,譬如2022 全国乙卷中出现的rule out影响54 和55 两题的解答。

【典型例题10】Wendy Wilson,extra care manager at 60 Penfold Street,one of the first to embark on the project,said,“Residents really welcome the idea of the project and the creative sessions.We are looking forward to the benefits and fun the project can bring to people here.”

30.What do the underlined words“embark on”mean in Paragraph 7?

A.Improve. B.Oppose.

C.Begin. D.Evaluate.

【解析】词义猜测题。划线短语embark on 由“生+on”组成,需要从语境角度考虑解答。根据Wilson 说的话“居民们非常欢迎这个项目的想法和这些有创造性的活动。我们期待这个项目能给这里的人们带来好处和乐趣 ”,结合画线部分可推知,画线短语所在的句子意思是“第一批开始这个项目的人之一”。整个句子意思弄清楚了,画线短语的意思也就清楚了,即“开始”。


Tips: 当碰到陌生短语时,不要望词生义,如round out 不能理解为“使在圈外”或“跳出圆圈”,其本意为“使变圆”或“完成”等意思。再如rule out(2022全国乙卷)不是“跳出规则”,而是“排除;不考虑”的意思。实际上,有些短语的意思虽陌生但可根据上下文猜出,这就需要我们平时注意通过语篇学习短语,掌握猜测短语意思的技巧。



在高三复习中,“课标—教材—高考真题”三位一体为首选。在词汇方面,《新课标》提供了指导思想和基本词汇(3 000),但不提供词性和词义,这为“自由命题”提供了宽泛的空间;教材则是对这3 000 词的诠释和细化,包括音、性、义和用法,而新高考真题则是依据《新课标》精神对这3 000 词的检测和评价,考查考生的学习潜能和综合运用能力,同时又对高考复习有反哺作用,影响着复习的方向。

新高考选用的文章原汁原味,是用于温故知新、查漏补缺的好“原料”。譬如在travel the world,nearing their last few years 一句中,travel 和near 的用法在教材中很难见到。还有period(课时,学时)、click(吸气音)、weight(哑铃)等。

新高考阅读中的细节理解题使用的同义转换和完形填空中的同义复现等手段,为复习词汇提供了依据,我们可以从同义和反义角度来联想扩展词汇,如hold,seat,contain,accommodate,change,vary,transform,evolve,exchange 等。这启发我们要高度重视新高考真题材料的再利用。


构词法的学习始终贯穿在英语学习之中,不可因高三时间紧而忽略构词法学习。莫要简单重复老路,可借助新高考出现的由构词法推导出的词语来温习构词法。如通过overturn,overbite 和interplay 归纳前缀over-和inter-的用法。

再如,在复习depend 和succeed 时,可多次拓展:


succeed—success—successful—successfully—unsuccess —unsuccessful—unsuccessfully


在高三阶段,若仍沿袭教材词汇表的顺序,从“音—性—义”单独识记词语,效率颇低。正确的方法是与句、段甚至篇章结合记忆,因为只有在句子中单词才有具体的词性、词义和用法,包括搭配等。譬如I had unthinkingly bought way too much.若不结合句子,我们就不知道way 还有副词用法,可修饰too much;而unthinkingly 的意思也较多,只有在句中才能判断其具体含义。

再如,patient 有名词和形容词两种用法,放在句子中才能确定其具体的词性和词义。譬如在to find how best to help her patients 中,patient 是可数名词,指“病人”。


在新高考中,纯生词、低频词和熟词生义现象等主要出现在说明文体中,如阅读D 篇和语法填空。有关“语音”的话题教材中较少,可借助这篇阅读进行归纳和“补缺”。

语音术语:speech,sound,click(熟词生义),language,bite(熟词生义),labiodental(纯生词),upper and lower teeth,lip,jaw,overbite,structure(汉语注释),development,chew,jawbone,overturn,evolve(纯生词),appearance,product,evolution

另外,近几年的全国卷也可作为复习借鉴,如我们在2021 全国甲卷中看到small fry,学习到fry 表示“小鱼;鱼苗”的用法,所以small fry 就表示“小鱼小虾”,即“不重要的人(或事物)”。

望名生义 据理成联——我的获奖之路
对联(2011年14期)2011-09-18 02:49:38