A tall tree on Chinese mainland found in Tibet在西藏发现新大树

2023-07-24 08:48刘同功
疯狂英语·爱英语 2023年4期



主题语境:自然趣闻 篇幅:322词 建议用时:7分钟

Towering 76.8 meters, a giant Bhutan pine discovered in Metog County of the TibetAutonomous Region, has become one of the tallest trees ever found in China, according tothe countys forestry and grassland bureau.

A large?scale surveying and mapping project using a drone?mounted lidar system,which uses lasers to scan its environment, discovered 11 trees that could potentially mea?sure over 70 meters. The team then entered the forests with backpack lidar scanners anddid more detailed surveying of the 11 trees. Lidar is an internationally recognized technolo?gy used for measuring trees height, especially for very tall trees, as lidar is safer and moreaccurate than using height finders or climbing to the top.

The joint surveying team used drone?mounted and backpack lidar scanners to create3D models of the 11 trees, and did detailed surveying of their actual height, 3D structureand environment. After 10 days of fieldwork, data collection and processing, the 76.8?meterpine was found. The team obtained the precise 3D point cloud data of the tree and created afull?size composite photo using images taken by drones. Using drones to drop measure ropes and a tape measure, the team verified the height and diameter at the breast height ofthe tree.

Seven other trees taller than 70 meters were found during the survey in the village ofJeling, making it the place with the largest number of tall trees in China. This also demon?strates the authenticity of the forest ecosystem of the Yarlung Zangbo River Grand CanyonArea.

Liu Zhen, an official from the Metog forestry bureau, said finding such a giant Bhutanpine in this area reflects the ecological protection along the Yarlung Zangbo River, and itshows how effective governmental efforts in ecological protection have been in this area.“Taller trees may be found in this area in the future. We will continue to explore and seekto find more striking trees,”he said.

“I am pleased and honored to hear the great news of our village having some tallesttrees found on the Chinese mainland. I believe more people will pay attention to our home?town, and to the importance of ecological protection,”said Dorje Phuntsok, village leader ofJeling.

Reading Check

1. Lidar is used in the research work mainly for its .

A. flexibility B. fuel efficiency

C. lighter weight D. safety and accuracy

2. How is paragraph 3 mainly developed?

A. By space. B. By example.

C. By process. D. By importance.

3. Whats the significance of the giant tree according to Liu Zhen?

A. It belongs to a rare tree species.

B. It signals a well?preserved ecosystem.

C. It may bring in huge economic benefits.

D. It may lead to the discovery of taller trees.

4. How does Dorje Phuntsok sound in the last paragraph?

A. Proud. B. Worried. C. Surprised. D. Uninterested.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

A large?scale surveying and mapping project using a drone?mounted lidar system,which uses lasers to scan its environment, discovered 11 trees that could potentially mea?sure over 70 meters. 研究人员在一次大规模的利用无人机搭载激光雷达系统的调查和测绘活动中,发现了有11棵树的高度都有可能超过70米。

【点石成金】本句是一个复合句。discovered是主句的谓语动词;which引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是a drone?mounted lidar system;that引导限制性定语从句,先行词是11 trees。

Ⅱ. Text?centered chunks

according to 根据……

do detailed surveying of 对……做详细的调查

seek to do 试图做;努力做

be pleased to do 很高兴做……

pay attention to 注意……

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