张文娴 邓圣福
摘要: 为研究离散非线性薛定谔方程在不动点附近的1∶1共振问题,将离散非线性薛定谔方程化为差分系统,差分系统线性算子的特征值为两重根1;然后,利用Picard迭代及时间1映射,将差分系统转换为常微分系统,推导差分系统不动点的稳定性;最后,用数学软件模拟差分系统的局部相图.研究结果表明:不动点是局部渐近稳定的.
关键词: 离散非线性薛定谔方程; 差分系统; 1∶1共振; Picard迭代; 退化平衡点; 多项式函数
中图分类号: O 175.1文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1000-5013(2023)04-0526-07
1∶1 Resonance of Discrete Nonlinear Schrdinger Equation
ZHANG Wenxian, DENG Shengfu
(School of Mathematical Sciences, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China)
Abstract: In order to study 1∶1 resonance problem of discrete nonlinear Schrdinger equation near the fixed point, firstly, this discrete nonlinear Schrdinger equation is transformed into a difference system, the eigenvalue of the difference system linear operator is double root 1, and then, by the use of Picard iteration and the time-one map, this difference system is converted into an ordinary differential system, the stability of the fixed point of the difference system is obtained. Lastly, the local phase portraits of the difference system are also simulated by mathematical software. The result shows that the fixed point is locally asymptotically stable.
Keywords: discrete nonlinear Schrdinger equation; difference system; 1∶1 resonance; Picard iteration; degenerate equilibrium; polynomial function
4 数值模拟
5 结束语
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(责任编辑: 陈志贤 英文审校: 黄心中)