
2023-03-27 01:41山东孙启禄
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年2期

山东 孙启禄

主题语境:饮食 篇幅:355词 关键词:popular,dishes

1As we have been rightly told,food is the stuff of life.When it comes to China,you'll find it a most pleasurable Eden of cuisines.Among the numerous kinds of Chinese foods,what is good to order? The following are four of the most popular traditional dishes you've got to try.

Sweet and Sour Pork

2Sweet and Sour Pork is one of the classics of Chinese cuisine.No one can reject its sweet and sour mix flavor and bright appearance.Some people don't eat pork, so some restaurants change it to Sweet and Sour Chicken, which shows how adorable its taste is.

Kung Pao Chicken

3What comes to your mind when you are ordering Chinese food in a restaurant? I bet your answer would be“Kung Pao Chicken”.

4Commonly seen in the US TV series, Kung Pao Chicken has spread around the world as typical Chinese food.It is basically diced (将……切成小方块) chicken cooked with peanuts, cucumbers, and peppers.This red cuisine is moderately spicy with tender meat and delicious flavor.

Spring Rolls

5Spring Rolls are fried pancakes with different fillings.Those from Shanghai and Guangdong are the best known.The name is linked to Chinese New Year.In the past, the Chinese had the custom of having Spring Rolls to mark the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

6The filling can be either sweet or savory depending on your preference.For a sweet filling,sweetened bean paste is a good choice.For a delicious one,Chinese cabbage and shredded(切碎的)pork are particularly popular, while shredded bamboo shoots and mushrooms can be added for good measure.The skins of perfect Spring Rolls should be crispy,and the filling tender.

Ma Po Tofu

7In 1862, Chengdu had a small restaurant operated by Chen Ma Po.The tofu she cooked was tasty and good-looking.People loved the tofu very much and called it“Ma Po Tofu”.

8Ma Po Tofu is actually sauté tofu in hot and spicy sauce.Its main ingredients are tofu, minced beef (or pork),chilies, and Sichuan pepper, which highlight the characteristics of Sichuan cuisine—hot and spicy.

Reading Check

1.What does the underlined word“it”in paragraph 2 most probably mean?


C.The flavour.D.The appearance.

2.Which of the following is linked to Chinese New Year?

A.Sweet and Sour Pork.B.Kung Pao Chicken.

C.Spring Rolls.D.Ma Po Tofu.

3.What do we know about Ma Po Tofu?

A.It has the nicest appearance.

B.It came into being earliest.

C.It is only served in small restaurants.

D.It is named after the owner of a restaurant.





语篇单词cuisinen.烹饪;菜肴 numerousadj.众多的 popularadj.受欢迎的 traditionaladj.传统的 rejectv.拒绝 mixv.混合 flavorn.风味 appearancen.外表 adorableadj.讨人喜爱的 particularlyadv.尤其;特别 fillingn.馅 spreadv.传播 typicaladj.典型的deliciousadj.可口的 customn.风俗 markv.纪念;标记 preferencen.爱好 choicen.选择 actuallyadv.实际上 highlightv.突出 characteristicn.特点重要短语be linked to 与……有关 have the custom of 有……的风俗 either...or...或者……或者……depend on 依靠 for good measure 作为额外增添


1.When it comes to China,you'll find it a most pleasurable Eden of cuisines.当谈到中国时,你会发现它是一个最令人愉快的美食伊甸园。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。you'll find it...cuisines 是主句,其中a most pleasurable Eden of cuisines 是名词短语作宾语补足语,when it comes to...意为“当谈到……时”,是时间状语从句。

2.Chinese cabbage and shredded pork are particularly popular, while shredded bamboo shoots and mushrooms can be added for good measure.中国的大白菜和猪肉糜特别受欢迎,而竹笋丁和蘑菇也可以适量加入。

【点石成金】本句是一个并列句,while 意为“而;然而”,在此是并列连词,表示对比。



1.当谈到教育时,大部分的人认为是终身学习。____________________,most people believe that it is a lifetime study.


Everyone has a desire for success, ____________________.


假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Mary 曾随父母来中国旅游,她非常喜欢中国的水饺,她发来邮件询问水饺的制作方法,请你给她写一封回信。注意:



参考词汇:水饺皮wrapper 擀面杖rolling pole







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