
2023-10-12 09:47:37重庆
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年2期

重庆 曾 强

HSK 指的是汉语水平考试,于1992 年推出,由中国国家汉办开发和实施。HSK每年定期在中国国内和海外举办。

HSK refers to the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, the official standard Chinese proficiency test, which came about in 1992 and was organized by Hanban, an affiliation of the Ministry of Education of China.HSK is the most widely accepted Chinese language test in the world.

Chinese language learners will have to answer 98 questions for the official HSK 7 to 9.They are tested on listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation.While maintaining the current six levels of HSK,the updated HSK will classify the Chinese proficiency of international learners into three stages and nine levels.

HSK 1 to 6 will not change for the time being, and the validity, content, vocabulary and form of the test will stay the same.For HSK 7, learners will have to have a good command of listening, speaking, reading and writing and basic ability in professional translation, and be able to engage in standard, fluent and appropriate social communication on a wide range of level-appropriate topics.

For HSK 9,learners must have a good command of listening, speaking, reading,writing and professional translation, and be able to conduct standard,fluent,and appropriate social communication by using various skills under all circumstances and on all topics.

A total of 212,000 students from more than 140 countries took part in HSK over the first half of 2022, up by almost 10 percent from the same period of 2021.

Reading Check

What kind of qualities should a learner have to take HSK 9?


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