Jane Austen—A Trailblazer for Female Authors on the Tenpound Banknote简·奥斯汀—十英镑纸币上的女性作家先驱

2023-02-19 11:34朱广春
疯狂英语·初中版 2023年12期


今天,我們一同走进文学历史的长廊,探寻一位在文字间留下不朽印记的女性作家——简·奥斯汀。她不仅是英国文学的明珠,更是18 世纪末女性在文学领域中的一股清流。她的作品不仅有那个时代的人情世故,更有爱、理性和社交的智慧。让我们一同揭开那个时代的面纱,感受她独特的魅力。

Jane Austen is an English novelist. She was born inSteventon, England, 1775, the daughter of a clergyman. Austenwas famous for her 1)humorous words and clever ideas. In hertime, women were not thought to be capable of writing and muchof her work on her novels was done in secret. Austen managedto keep her writing secret from her father and other detractors byusing a 2)pseudonym. But for whatever reason, she never used aman s name, and instead, simply published her incredible storiesunder the pen name “A Lady”.

Jane Austen passed away in 1817. For over 200 years, shehas been still thought of as a trailblazer for female authors and hernovels have 3)remained some of the most famous and belovedbooks of all time.

Jane Austen is considered to be the first person who gave thenovel its distinctly modern character. She was the first author totalk about ordinary people and everyday life in the books.She published four novels during her lifetime: Sense andSensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), MansfieldPark (1814), and Emma (1815). In these and in Persuasion(published posthumously, 1817) and Northanger Abbey(published posthumously, 1817), she vividlydepicted English middle-class life during the early 19th century. Through the love stories of the works, Jane Austenexpressed a 4)rational view of marriage: Without love, it is wrongto marry for the sake of status and money. Marriage without a 5)reasonable economic basis is folly. Love and wealth have muchto do with happiness. Jane Austen emphasized that in a happymarriage, both parties should understand and respect each other,which also reflected womens pursuit of equality and independencein the society at that time.

Besides, in Persuasion, Austen writes, “I hate to hear youtalk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rationalcreatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.” InNorthanger Abbey, Austen also writes, “If I could not be persuadedinto doing what I thought wrong, I will never be tricked into it.” It sclear that Austen wished to experience excitement and intelligencein her life that could not be found in the traditional ways ofthe time.

On September 8-17 of each year in Bath, England, thereis a special festival. People dress up in beautiful clothesand have concerts and balls. They are celebrating theJane Austen Festival.

On July 18, 2017, shortly before the 200th anniversary of Austen s death, the Bank of England issued a newversion of the 10-pound banknote, featuring a portrait of Austen.Below her portrait is printed her favorite quote: “I declare after allthere is no enjoyment like reading!”

Austen was a woman who “braved the winds and waves” for all of her 42 years.

And when did I begin to cultivate an endless love for Austen? To quote Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice:

I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words,which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middlebefore I knew that I had begun.

1) humorous adj. 幽默的

2) pseudonym n. 筆名;化名

3) remain v. 保持不变

4) rational adj. 理智的

5) reasonable adj. 不错的;合理的

简·奥斯汀是一位英国小说家。她于1775 年出生在英国的斯蒂文顿,是一位牧师的女儿。奥斯汀的小说以幽默的文字和巧妙的构思闻名于世。在她那个时代,人们认为女性不具备写作能力,因此她的许多小说作品都是秘密完成的。奥斯汀设法用笔名对她父亲和其他诋毁者隐瞒了她的写作秘密。但无论出于什么原因,她从不用男人的名字,而只用笔名“一位女士”发表她那不可思议的故事。

简·奥斯汀于1817 年去世。200 多年来,她一直被认为是女性作家的先驱,她的小说也一直属于有史以来最著名和最受人喜爱的书籍之列。

简·奥斯汀被认为是赋予小说鲜明现代特征的第一人。她是第一位在书中谈论普通人和日常生活的作家。她一生出版了四部小说:《理智与情感》(1811)、《傲慢与偏见》(1813)、《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(1814)和《爱玛》(1815)。在这些书以及《劝导》(1817 年,去世后出版)和《诺桑觉寺》(1817 年,去世后出版)中,她生动地描绘了19 世纪初英国中产阶级的生活。通过作品中的爱情故事,简·奥斯汀表达了一种理性的婚姻观:没有爱情,为了地位和金钱而结婚是错误的。没有一定经济基础的婚姻是愚蠢的。爱情和财富与幸福有很大关系。简·奥斯汀强调,在幸福的婚姻中,双方应该相互理解与尊重,这也反映了当时社会中女性对平等和独立的追求。


每年的9 月8 日至17 日,在英国的巴斯市,有一个特殊的节日。人们穿着漂亮的衣服,举行音乐会和舞会。他们在庆祝简·奥斯汀节。

2017 年7 月18 日,在奥斯汀逝世200 周年前夕,英格兰银行发行了新版10 英镑纸币,上面印有奥斯汀的肖像。在她的肖像下面印着她最喜欢的一句话:“我要说,还真没有比阅读更让人享受的事了!”

奥斯汀在她42 年的人生岁月里,一直都是一位“乘风破浪”的女性。



节选自简·奥斯汀的Pride and Prejudice