
2022-11-20 11:22张伟平刘思宇
现代英语 2022年5期

张伟平 刘思宇

(湖南工学院外国语学院,湖南 衡阳 421002)







例 1:Hengyang makes instant deployment,makes every effort to prevent and deal disaste weather.

例2:...promote the rectification work with high quality and high efficiency,and strictly prevent the reoccurrence of the sloved problems,so as to address both symtoms and root cause,comprehensively rectify the problems,and always grasp the long-term governance.

例 3:...drug resistance and drug control,and gather the great power of drug control of the whole people,on June 23,on the verge of the 33rd “International Anti-Drug Day”,Hengyang held the fifth “6.26” anti-drug publicity run and“Healthy Life,Green and Grug-free”large-scale anti-drug theme publicity campaign.

例1当中的disast weather应为disaster weather,意为灾难性的天气,例2中的sloved problems应为solved problems,意为已经解决的问题,address both symtoms and root cause应为 address both symptoms and root cause,意为标本兼治,例 3中的 Healthy Life,Green and Grug-free,应为 Healthy Life,Green and Drug-free,意为健康生活,绿色、无毒。


例4:June 1 is the International Children's Day.A Party day volunteer service activity themed“a warmly Children's Day in hospital”Pediatrics love class was held by the second Party branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of South China University,...

例4中、例1中warmly为副词,一般不用于修饰名词性的成分Children's Day in hospital,用warm修饰较为妥当,a warmly Children's Day in hospital应改为 a warm Children's Day in hospital,意为:在医院度过一个温暖的儿童节。

例5:Hengyang Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

为避免头重脚轻,译为Hengyang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security较为妥当。

例6:Emperors Tomb in Zhuhui District Hengyang天子坟


例7:Standing on the viewing platform of Linhu park,with visions broad and lake sparkling,the park presents warm-toned yellowish under the sunshine.It is in the early spring that the vegetation in front of spacious viewing platform is lush.

例7中presents warm-toned yellowish存在语法错误,因present表示呈现出某种效果应接名词性宾语,应在后面加上中心词 colour,改为 presents warm-toned yellowish colour。

例8:Linghu Park,build by Hengyang Binjiang New District Investment co.,LTD.,connects with Jianglin Road and Linhu Avenue under planning in the east and faces Qingquan Road in the south,situates at the west of XiLin Road and the north of Hengchow Avenue.The total investment of project has completed 50%,and the clearing of lakebed mud and sewage treatment is in progress.

例8中,situates用法有误,situate意为“使位于”,后面接宾语,当用于表达坐落某位置时,应采用被动语态be situated,此例中...situates at the west of XiLin Road and the north of Hengchow Avenue应改为...is situated at the west of XiLin Road and the north of Hengchow Avenue。



例9:Huiyan Peak is the first of 72 Nanyue peaks.This famous Tang Dynasty poet Dufu wrote about the peak,saying that each year the swallow from the north will never go further south,and wouldn't return home until the nextspring.Entering the gate of the mountain,visitors will first see the half-hill pavilion.

英文网站的主要目标读者群主要包括国外客商、游客以及其他对中国文化社会感兴趣的他人。其目的是对外宣传介绍本地的经济状况、投资环境、社会人文气息等,使他人了解当地的经济、文化等各个方面。要确保翻译能被外国友人接受理解就应尽量避免中式英语[3]。笔者查阅了例9中回雁峰的介绍资料,half-hill pavilion.此处应指的是半山亭,此翻译直接把半山亭译为half-hill pavilion是一种典型的中式英语,实际上英文中的半山应为山腰,笔者认为翻译为hill-side pavilion或者直接采用音译Banshan pavilion较为妥当。

例10:It is known that the total area of Linhu park is 2465 mu,among which the water area is 800 mu,the project planning and design includes landscape zone with themes like Hunan Guild Hall,county life in Linhu county,Hengchow paradise,...

此例为酃湖公园的介绍,It is known that一般用于表达大家熟知的事物,而酃湖公园的面积一般人是不知道的,用It is known that不符合常识,应去掉,应改为the total area of Linhu park is 2465 mu,...

例11:Water:Hengyang is surrounded by major rivers,including Xiang,Leishui,Zhengshui and Mishui.The port of Hengyang is located on South Xiang River Road,received more than 94.85 million tons in 2010.The port,which totals 39.1 square kilometers,is comprised of 3 berths,of which two are of 1,000 tonnage class and one is dedicated for liquid chemical products.

此例为衡阳水路运输情况的介绍,虽然 by water可以表示通过水路的方式,但单独使water表示水路不太恰当,应改为waterway较为妥当。

此外,衡阳市政府网站英文版还有一些栏目仅仅是几张图片,没有文字介绍,比如:Taxi一栏无外文介绍,Emperors Tomb in Zhuhui District Hengyang(天子坟)一栏也无文字介绍,出租车和名胜古迹是外国友人关注的一个重点,如果在这两个方面留有空白会大大减弱宣传效果。











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