
2022-10-31 05:29:21徐海铭
英语学习 2022年7期


根据英语国家的官方要求,无论是他们的公民还是归化的移民都要求使用简单、平实易懂的英语。说白了,就是你写出的英语,别人一看就能明白你要说什么,而不是绞尽脑汁想半天、甚至反复寻思才能弄懂你的写作意图。比如,英国就这样定义:“We define plain English as something that the intended audience can read,understand and act upon the first time they read it.”(李长栓,2008)。可见,地道的英语其实就是平易简洁、有效有力的英语。常读《纽约时报》()、《 大西洋月刊》()、《 纽约客》()或者《时代周刊》()的人都知道,这些报纸期刊上的英语非常平实好懂。我们来看下面一个句子:

1 (a):The reorganization of the old Department into two new Departments should also include the institution of separate detailed bookkeeping (记账) procedures and the maintenance of separate bank accounts for each.

(Gopen, 2004)

这句话语法正确,没有丝毫不妥之处。但是,你试着闭上眼睛,请别人朗读一遍,看看你是否能一下子听懂句义。我估计你得全神贯注,才能抓住全句的意思。最起码说,听完之后,你对整个句子的语义记得不会牢靠准确。这是为何呢?我们来看看此句的语法特点。第一个词组The reorganization of… into…是典型的名物化结构,即从reorganize…into…衍生出来的名词短语;谓语部分是should include;它后面接续的是the institution of…,又是一个名物化结构,由动词institute(制定、创立) 派生而来;另一个名物化结构the maintenance of…是由动词maintain(保持,维持)衍生而来。也就是说,这一句话其实包含了三个名物化结构:主语是,include 后接的两个宾语也是。它们合起来形成名物化结构语义链条,让人听起来格外费力。用心理语言学的行话说,要听懂名物化结构的意义,需要耗费听者/读者很多认知资源来加工语言信息。如果第一次听到,你会觉得整句行文呆滞、凝重,缺乏灵动活泼之感。虽然语句正确,甚至不失雅致对仗,但是缺乏活力,是“板着面孔说话”的办公文体。

这里就牵涉到在通常情况下我们对句子的要求:有效、有力、简洁、平易。要实现“有效有力”这一目的,就要多用动作动词,让句子本身流动起来,积蓄语势,形成前倾的活力。如此,读者读起来才会感到轻松易懂。一旦句子具备活力,流动之气就会在字里行间弥漫开来,写作因此才会富有表现力和感染力。简洁,就是做到一个句子只表达一个意思;不要把几个或几层含义糅合起来,一股脑儿塞进一个句子里头。对照这样的标准,我们可以把上述句子1 (a)还原成:

1 (b):When you reorganize the old Department into two new ones, institute separate detailed bookkeeping procedures and maintain separate bank accounts for each Department.

显然,如果现在你请别人再朗读一遍这个主从复合句,自己闭上眼睛听,估计你会很容易记得句中的每一项内容。也就是说,你对这个句子语义的加工明显感到轻松容易了。这归因于三个动词的使用,每一个意义就是一个独立的句子。虽然when you reorganize the old Department into two new ones 作为次要内容处理了,但是,整个句子“运动”或“流动”起来了——每一句都有一个动词,主语(施事者)和谓语(施为)自然联系。因此,判定或者考察句子是否有效有力,可以使用这样一个标准:让所有动作(actions)由动词(verbs)执行;使所有动词产生动作。


2 (a):The Dean made a decision to conduct a review of the matter. (主任作出了审查这件事的决定)


这个句子里头有decision、review 这样两个动词的名物化形式,臃肿乏力,抽象冗长,明显让人觉得缺少“精气神”。看看下面修改后的句子如何:

2 (b):The Dean decided to review the matter.

主任决定干吗?决定审查此事。语义清晰明了,句式简练,句子流动,舒朗透气。再看看下面美国作家John Steinbeck 在他的游记《跟查理狗狗一道旅行》()中的一段描写:

The wind struck on the moment we were told it would, and ripped the water like a black sheet. It hammered like a fist. The whole top of an oak tree crashed down, grazing the cottage where we watched. The next gust stove one of the big windows in. I forced it back and drove wedges in top and bottom with a hand ax.Electric power and telephones went out with the first blast, as we knew they must. And eight-foot tides were predicted. We watched the wind rip at earth and sea like a surging pack of terriers. The trees plunged and bent like grasses, and the whipped water raised a cream of foam. A boat broke loose and tobogganed up on the shore, and then another. Houses built in the benign spring and early summer took waves in their secondstory windows…


Struck on( 连续袭来);ripped the water(劈开海水);hammered like a fist(像锤子一样击打);crashed down (啪地断了);stove in(砸破了【一扇大窗户】);forced back(用力顶回去);drove wedges(打入楔子);went out(熄灭);plunged and bent(【树木】猛倒下、弯曲);raised(扬起【一层白沫】);broke loose(断了绳),tobogganed up(像雪橇车一样被抛上去);took waves(伴着海浪)。差不多每个句子都使用了主动语态,都包含一个动感强烈的动作性动词,句子个个“精气神”饱满,淋漓尽致地描摹了暴风雨侵袭的情状。效果如何?整个场景栩栩如生,令读者身临其境。跟着作者一起体味狂风暴雨袭击时的惊心动魄,读者必定印象深刻。大风大雨来临,自然界客观上也不可能拖沓! 读者脑海里浮现的就是狂风和海浪的各类特定景象,回忆起来特别容易。这就是有效有力、简洁平易的句子取得的写作效果!


3 (a): The effects reported in this study have one of the two explanations. Either the congeners themselves have direct and permanent effects upon the central nervous system, or there may be a retardation of the metabolism of ethanol by the congeners so that it has a stronger effect! The probability of the latter is less, because the observation of the effects occurred well after the blood alcohol concentrations were immeasurably small.



3(b): We can explain our results in one of two ways. Either the congeners themselves affect the central nervous system directly and permanently, or they affect it indirectly by first retarding the metabolism of ethanol, which in turn affects the central nervous system.The“indirect” explanation is less probable, though, because we observed the effects well after the blood alcohol concentrations were immeasurably small.

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