
2022-09-19 02:06马皓杰王开永苏州科技大学数学科学学院江苏苏州215009

马皓杰,王开永(苏州科技大学 数学科学学院,江苏 苏州 215009)

1 Introduction

We consider the finite-time ruin probability of a nonstandard risk model,in which the claim sizes{Xi,i≥1}form a sequence of nonnegative,but not identically distributed random variables(r.v.s),and the inter-arrival times{θi,i≥1},form another sequence of nonnegative r.v.s.The arrival times of successive claimsconstitute a general counting process{N(t),t≥0}.The process{N(t),t≥0}is independent of{Xi,i≥1}and satisfies EN(t)<∞for all 0<t<∞.The total amount of premiums accumulated before time t≥0,denoted by C(t),is a nonnegative and nondecreasing stochastic process with C(0)=0 and C(t)<∞almost surely(a.s.)for every 0<t<∞.We suppose that{C(t),t≥0},{Xi,i≥1}and{N(t),t≥0}are independent.Let Λ={t:EN(t)>0}={t:P(τ1≤t)>0}.Let r≥0 be a constant interest rate and x≥0 be an initial reserve of an insurance company.Denoted the total reserve up to time t≥0 of the insurance company by Ur(t),

where 1Ais the indicator function of the set A.The discounted aggregate claims up to time t≥0 is denoted by

and the discounted value of premiums accumulated before time 0≤t<∞is denoted by

Then the ruin probability within a finite time t>0 is defined as

In this paper,without special statement,all limit relationships hold for x→∞.For two positive functions a(x)and b(x),we write a(x)~b(x)if lim a(x)/b(x)=1;write a(x)≲b(x)or b(x)≳a(x)if lim sup a(x)/b(x)≤1;writeif 0<lim inf a(x)/b(x)≤lim sup a(x)/b(x)<∞,and write a(x)=o(b(x))if lim a(x)/b(x)=0.Furthermore,for two positive bivariate functions a(x,t)and b(x,t),we write a(x,t)~b(x,t)uniformly for all t in a nonempty setΔ,if write a(x,t)≲b(x,t)or b(x,t)≳a(x,t)uniformly for all t∈Δ,if

The dominated variation distribution class is an important class of heavy-tailed distributions,which is denoted by D.A distribution V on(-∞,∞)belongs to the class D if for any y∈(0,1)

For more details about heavy-tailed distributions in the insurance and finance context or literature,the readers can refer to Embrechts et al[1],Foss et al[2]and so on.For a distribution V on(-∞,∞)and any y>1,we define


In this paper,we consider a risk model with dependent claim sizes.In the following,a dependence structure is given.

Definition 1Say that the real-valued r.v.s{ξi,i≥1}are upper tail asymptotically independent(UTAI),if


If we change the above relation into

In the following,we introduce some related heavy-tailed distribution classes.For a proper distribution V on(-∞,∞),let=1-V be its(right)tail.A distribution V on(-∞,∞)is said to be heavy-tailed ifthen{ξi,i≥1}are said to be tail asymptotically independent(TAI).

The UTAI structure was proposed by Geluk and Tang[4]when they investigated the asymptotics of the tail of sums with dependent increments.There are some papers investigating the UTAI structure,such as Liu and Gao[5],Asimit et al[6]and so on.

It is well know that in the renewal risk model,when the claim sizes and the inter-arrival times are all independent and identically(i.i.d)r.v.s,the ruin probabilities have been widely studied,see Tang[7-8],Hao and Tang[9].Recently,researchers have been interested in the dependence structures of the claim sizes and the inter-arrival times,see Yang and Wang[10],Wang et al[11],Chen and Wang[12],Yang[13],and so on.

Liu and Gao[5]consider a risk model,in which the claim sizes form a sequence of upper tail asymptotically independent and identically distributed random variables.Gao and Liu[14]also introduced a risk model,but the claim sizes are non-identically distributed random variables,and the distributions of the claim sizes belong to the intersection of the long-tailed distribution class and the dominated variation distribution class.

The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the uniform asymptotics for the finite-time ruin probability of a risk model with UTAI claim sizes belonging to the class D.Here are the main results of this paper.

Theorem 1For the above risk model,if the claim sizes{Xi,i≥1}are UTAI r.v.s with distributions Fi,i≥1,respectively.Assume that there exists a distribution F∈D such that

Suppose that for any fixed t>0,the general claim-arrival process{N(t),t≥0}satisfies E(N(t))p+1<∞for some p>JF+.Then for any fixed T∈Λ,it holds uniformly for all t∈ΛT≡Λ∩[0,T]that

Theorem 2Under the conditions of Theorem 1,for any fixed T∈Λ,it holds uniformly for all t∈ΛTthat

We will prove the main results in Section 3.We first give some lemmas in Section 2.

2 Some lemmas

This section presents some lemmas,which are useful in proving the main results of this paper.The following lemma can be obtained from Proposition 2.2.1 of Bingham et al[3]and Lemma 3.5 of Tang and Tsitsiashvili[15].

Lemma 1Let V be a distribution on(-∞,∞)belonging to the class D.

(1)For any 0

and for all x≥y≥D2,

(2)For any p>JV+,it holds that x-p=o(Vˉ(x)).

For the second lemma,we can get it directly from Theorem 3.3(iv)of Cline and Samorodnitsky[16]and Lemma 2.5 of Wang et al[17].

Lemma 2Let ξ be a real-valued r.v.with a distribution V∈D,and η be a nonnegative r.v.,which is independent of ξ.If Eηp<∞for some p>JV+,then

Referring to Lemma 2.4 of Wang et al[18]and Assumption 1.3 of Wang and Chen[19],we can obtain the following lemma.

Lemma 3For n real-valued numbers ci,1≤i≤n,let cˉn=(c1,…,cn).Let{ξi,1≤i≤n}be n TAI and real valued r.v.s with distributions Vi,1≤i≤n,respectively.Assume that there exists a distribution V∈D such that

Then for any fixed constant b>0,


ProofBy(10)and V∈D we get that Vi∈D,1≤i≤n,and for any y>1,i≥1,

Follow the proof of Lemma 2.4 of Wang et al[18]with some slight changes.It follows form Lemma 2.3 of Wang et al[18]that for any ε>0 there exists y0>0 such that for any 1≤j≤n,when xi>y0and xj>y0

For any x>0 and any fixed constant L1>by0,

By(2.7)-(2.9)of Lemma 2.4 of Wang et al[18],it holds uniformly for cˉn∈(0,b]nthat

Since Vi∈D,1≤i≤n,for any γ1>1,when x is sufficiently large,it holds uniformly for cˉn∈(0,b]nthat

By(13),it holds uniformly for∈(0,b]nthat


It follows from(14)-(16)that(11)holds.

In the following,we prove(12).It follows form(5)that for any ε>0 there exists y1>0 such that for any 1≤i≠j≤n,when xi>y1and xj>y1

For any x>0 and any fixed constant L2>bny1,

For J1,since Vi∈D,1≤i≤n,for any 0<γ2<1,when x is sufficiently large,it holds uniformly for cˉn∈(0,b]nthat

Hence,by(13),it holds uniformly for∈(0,b]nthat


For J2,by the proof of Lemma 2.4 of Wang et al[18]it holds that

By(17)-(19)we get that(12)holds.□

The following lemma is Lemma 3.4 of Gao and Liu[14].

Lemma 4Under the conditions of Theorem 1,for any fixed t∈Λ,

3 Proofs of main results

Now we begin to prove the main results of this paper.First,we should give the proof of Theorem 2 which is helpful for proving Theorem 1.

3.1 Proof of Theorem 2

We follow the line of the proof of Theorem 2.4 of Gao and Liu[14].For an arbitrarily fixed integer m,we have

By the proof of Theorem 2.4 of Gao and Liu[14]and Lemma 2,we can obtain that uniformly for all t∈ΛT.

For k2,it holds uniformly for all t∈ΛTand 1≤n≤m that

where H(t1,…,tn+1)denotes the joint distribution of(τ1,…,τn+1),1≤n≤m.

By Lemma 3,it holds uniformly for all t∈ΛTand 1≤n≤m that

Thus,it holds uniformly for all t∈ΛTand 1≤n≤m that

Therefore,we have it holds uniformly for all t∈ΛT.

By(4.7)and(4.8)of Gao and Liu[14],it holds uniformly for all t∈ΛTthat

which combining with(20)-(22)and Lemma 4 yields that(8)holds uniformly for all t∈ΛT.□

3.2 Proof of Theorem 1

From(1)-(4),we have for any x>0 and t>0,

Hence,for any x>0 and t∈ΛTit holds that


From(23)and Theorem 2,it holds uniformly for all t∈ΛTthat

By(24),and Theorem 2,for any q>0,it holds uniformly for all t∈ΛTthat

By(26),F∈D and Fatou’s lemma,we have for any δ>1,when x is sufficiently large

Letting δ↘1 and q↗∞,it holds uniformly for all t∈ΛT

By(25)and(27)we get that(7)holds.□

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