
2022-08-19 06:34王晓静朱光辉王红艳
电力系统保护与控制 2022年15期

葛 瑜,王晓静,朱光辉,3,王红艳


葛 瑜1,王晓静2,朱光辉1,3,王红艳1

(1.许昌学院电气与机械工程学院,河南 许昌 461000;2.河南轻工职业学院机电工程系,河南 郑州 450008;3.澳门科技大学系统工程研究所,澳门 999078)



0 引言


为给故障诊断提供理论指导和定性分析,许多基于模型的故障诊断方法被提出[1-4]。最近几十年,基于离散事件系统(Discrete Event System)模型的故障诊断方法被广泛研究,形成了丰富的理论成果[5-14]。Petri网是一种典型的离散事件系统模型,具有清晰的图形化描述和准确的数学定义,许多现实系统可以抽象建模为Petri网模型。本文基于Petri网模型提出一种分散式的(decentralized)故障诊断方法。






(1) 提出的分散式诊断方法相对于传统集中式方法[3,19-23]具有更高的计算效率和稳定性;

(2) 相比其他分散式方法[25-26],提出的方法不需要遵守特定的假设限制,扩大了方法的适用范围。

1 基本定义

2 问题陈述


2.1 问题场景


图1 应用场景


(1) 系统。建模为加标Petri网数学模型,其输出表现为一串标签序列。

(2) 诊断站点1和2。分别可以观测到一部分系统输出(观测区域可能重叠),它们合作观测整个系统;每个站点具备较强的计算能力,依据观测数据计算各自的诊断结果,并发送诊断结果到协调者。

(3) 协调者。具备较弱的计算能力,通过诊断协议与诊断站点交互数据,并根据站点的局部诊断结果计算最终的全局诊断结果。

2.2 问题定义


图2 分散式诊断框架

假设1 是Petri网故障诊断方法经常遵循的假设,主要作用为:(1) 防止系统运行在一个由不可观变迁组成的环里,从而导致站点永远观测不到系统输出;(2) 为Petri网在不可观子网中的可达性提供充要条件。用于表示站点诊断结果的诊断器定义如下所述。

3  问题求解

3.1 站点诊断算法




图3 站点诊断算法流程图

(4) 对所有变迁

3.2 诊断协议与协调者诊断算法


图4 诊断协议

表1 二元操作符



(2) 等待直到接收到局部诊断结果

(6) 返回行(2)

4 集中式与分散式方法对比


5 仿真


图5 生产螺丝和螺母的产品线Petri网模型

表2 仿真结果

Table 2 Simulation result

表3 不同方法运行时间对比(以s为单位)


图6 不同方法运行时间对比

6  结语


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Decentralized fault diagnosis of labeled Petri nets by basis markings

GE Yu1, WANG Xiaojing2, ZHU Guanghui1, 3, WANG Hongyan1

(1. School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Xuchang University, Xuchang 461000, China; 2. Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Henan Light Industry Vocational College, Zhengzhou 450008, China;3. Institute of Systems Engineering, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau 999078, China)

The rapid development of electronic information technology has spawned many complex systems which include a considerable number of components. Fault diagnosis aims to accurately detect faults in these systems in a timely manner, thus providing important support for the rapid recovery of system functions. This paper proposes a decentralized fault diagnosis approach based on Petri nets. Two algorithms for each diagnosis site and the coordinator in the decentralized architecture are provided. In addition, a diagnosis protocol used between diagnosis sites and the coordinator is developed. The diagnosis algorithm of each site is constructed based on Petri net basis markings and vectors. Thus, exhaustive enumeration of all transition sequences consistent with the observed label sequence is avoided, leading to better computational efficiency. The proposed decentralized diagnosis approach enjoys higher computational efficiency and better stability than the traditional centralized methods. Compared with existing approaches, that described here requires fewer assumptions on the structure of a net system and has broader applicability.

Petri net; fault diagnosis; decentralized structure; discrete event system




葛 瑜(1973—),女,硕士,副教授,从事控制理论与应用方面的研究;E-mail:gy_73@163.com

王晓静(1976—),女,硕士,副教授,从事电气控制方面的研究;E-mail: oney139@163.com

朱光辉(1986—),男,通信作者,博士,讲师,从事离散事件系统理论与应用、信息安全方面的研究。E-mail: ghzhu@must.edu.mo


This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62103349).

(编辑 许 威)

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