
2022-04-29 00:10
当代中国与世界 2022年2期

The Unique Character of the Chinese Civilization and Its Significance to the World

By Li Guoqiang (Vice-President and Researcher, Chinese Academy of History) p.4

Abstract: The Chinese civilization was born unique, and has developed and grown through continuous exchange and mutual appreciation with other civilizations around the world. Chinas unique geographical environment nurtured an ancient economic society that was dominated by agrarian civilization, which formed the material basis of the Chinese civilization. Chinese characters were the core carrier for the transmission and dissemination of Chinese civilization. As the spiritual core of the Chinese civilization, Confucianism embodies the concept of “civil governance” and the idea of “harmony among nations”, which represent Chinas mode of internal governance and the value of external relations. Ancient Chinas institutions were highly regarded by European Enlightenment thinkers, and the imperial examination system influenced the birth of the Western civil service system and contributed to the modern transformation of Western civilization. The Chinese civilization continuously absorbed and transformed foreign cultures, and in turn spread to neighboring countries and influenced the historical process of Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia.

Keywords: Chinese civilization; civilization exchanges and mutual learning; community of shared future for mankind

Building a Unified National Market to Achieve Competitive Advantages in the New Era

By Yu Miaojie (Party Secretary and Vice-President of National School of Development,

Peking University, Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education, and Distinguished Boya Professor, Peking University)&

Ji Yu (Master Candidate, National School of Development, Peking University) p.15

Abstract: Building a unified national market is the basic support and inherent requirement for building a new development pattern, which will provide the conditions for the smooth flow of internal circulation and give full play to Chinas market advantages. Only by realizing the five “unification” of factor and resource markets, commodity and service markets, high-quality connection of market facilities, basic rules and structure of the market and fair market supervision, establishing and improving the rules of a unified national market and regulatory mechanism, breaking the key blockages in production, distribution, circulation and consumption, can we ensure a smooth domestic circulation and realize the competitive advantages of Chinas super large-scale market in the new era.

Keywords: unified national market; internal circulation; new development pattern; scale effect

Exploring the Basic Connotation and Interactionof “Two Big Pictures”

By Gao Zugui (Professor and Director of the Institute of International Strategic Studies,

Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National School of Administration)) p.26

Abstract: Since the 18th  CPC National Congress, the “two big pictures” have transcended the scope of domestic and international landscape, referring to the strategy for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the major changes unseen in a century in the world. The world is being reshaped by a new round of technological and industrial revolution; the process of economic globalization is evolving in a complex manner; international power contrast is undergoing profound and significant changes; the international order continues to change gradually under peaceful conditions, and the influence of socialist theories and practices in the world is increasing again. These is a series of important development trends that push the world forward in the great change of the century. The global spread of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have brought this great change into a new period of turbulence and accelerated evolution. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a comprehensive economic, political, cultural, scientific and technological, and military rejuvenation, the basic connotation of which is national prosperity, national revitalization, and peoples happiness, which is far-reaching and significant. Today, the strategic overall rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical stage. To reach this ambitious goal, we need to have high-quality development as a material guarantee and strategic support, complete the reunification of China, and expand and maintain our overseas interests well. More importantly, we need to take the overall strategic picture of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and changes unseen in a century in the world as the basic starting point for planning our work, grasp the multifaceted and deep-rooted linkages between these two big pictures, promote a positive interaction between them, and promote the evolution of the major changes unseen in a positive direction during the process of promoting the overall strategic picture of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, so as to contribute to the development and progress of all mankind.

Keywords: two major pictures; the great rejuvenation; positive interaction; community of shared future for mankind

Maritime Community with Shared Future: Concept, Practice and Prospects

By Fu Mengzi (Vice-President and Researcher, China Institute of Modern International Relations)& Wang Li (Deputy Director and Research Fellow, Institute of Marine Strategy,China Institute of Modern International Relations) p.37

Abstract: The concept of building a maritime community with shared future, first proposed by President Xi Jinping, echoes the common aspirations of the international community to govern the ocean, and represents a Chinese solution to global ocean governance, which has a strong vitality. In todays world of unprecedented changes in a century and COVID-19, the existing problems of global ocean governance are still to be mitigated. New problems are emerging, the governance deficit is prominent and the supply capacity is lacking. In the face of brand-new challenges, the international community needs to work together to find the right priority and gradually advance the governance agenda according to priorities; it needs to expand consensus, strengthen cooperation,rule the sea by law and scientific and technological support, and form a clear governance path.

Keywords: maritime community with shared future; global ocean governance; ocean culture; the MaritimeSilk Road

Fifty Years of Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between China and Japan: Retrospect and Prospect

By Jia Qingguo (Professor, Former Dean of the School of International Relations, Peking University, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the 13th National

Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference)&Xia Weiyong (Associate Professor, School of Public Affairs Management, Yunnan University) p.48

Abstract: Fifty years ago, China and Japan normalized their relations through the efforts of many parties. Since then, relations between the two countries have undergone radical changes: economic and social exchanges have increased day by day, and not only have they lived in peace, but also achieved mutual benefits, which have brought great welfare to the people of both countries. However, the development of relations between the two countries has not been smooth and the status quo is not satisfactory, highlighted by the lack of mutual political trust between the two countries in recent years and the extremely negative perceptions of the two countries publics toward each other. This paper will first briefly review the achievements and difficulties and challenges faced by the two countries since the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations, then analyze the main reasons driving and hindering the development of the two countries relations, and finally put forward prospects and expectations on this basis. The paper argues that, as neighbors sharing the same waters, China and Japan in friendship and cooperation are not only a requirement for the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also a need for peace and prosperity in the region and the world, and it is the common historical responsibility of China and Japan to improve the relations between the two countries. To this end, both governments and peoples need to make more efforts.

Keywords: normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan; Sino-Japan cooperation; militarism; mutual political trust; Taiwan issue

Global Food Security and Food Security Governance with Chinese Characteristics

By Zhao Lei (Vice-President, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, Institute of International Strategic Studies, Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(National School of Administration)) p.59

Abstract: As the world enters a period of turbulence, there are many new challenges to food security: COVID-19 has aggravated global economy and food security; climate change and other related disasters have exacerbated the food crisis; the frequent occurrence of global armed conflicts and violence has affected food security; the process of carbon neutrality has, to a certain extent, transformed the energy crisis into a food crisis; and there are still structural problems in the governance of global food security. In general, Chinas food securitygovernance is distinctive and effective: first, conceptual innovation, which is to integrate food security into the overall national security concept and propose a new food security concept; second, grasping the key, which is ensuring national food security lies in seeds and arable land; third, having the world in mind, which is to actively participate in global food security governance; fourth, practical innovation, which is to turn the “Belt and Road” initiative into a global food security corridor.

Keywords: China; food security; characteristics; governance

Whole-Process Peoples Democracy is a New Form ofHuman Political Civilization

By Wang Bingquan (Deputy Director, Researcher and Doctoral Supervisor, Institute of Political Science, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Director and Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Department of Journal of Political Science) p.68

Abstract: Whole-process peoples democracy creatively develops the theory of socialist democracy, enriches and develops the connotation of socialist political civilization with Chinese characteristics, and realizes the organic unity of process democracy and result democracy, procedural democracy and substantive democracy, direct democracy and indirect democracy, and the will of the people and the will of the state. Whole-process peoples democracy is the most extensive, real and effective socialist democracy, an all-segment, all-round and full- coverage peoples democracy, which provides the foundation of democracy for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Keywords: Whole-process peoples democracy; democratic politics; socialist democracy

Energy Cooperation and Global Energy Governance in BRICS Countries

By Ma Tao (Researcher, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) & Chen Xi (Assistant Researcher, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology) p.85

Abstract: Energy cooperation is one of the important areas of pragmatic cooperation that BRICS countries can engage in at present. It has become imperative for BRICS countries to engage in multilateral strategic cooperation and governance around energy. BRICS countries have been increasing their market share in global energy and their position is gradually rising. Cooperation among BRICS countries is mostly bilateral, and countries are increasingly concerned about promoting a low-carbon economy and sustainable development. BRICS countries must face the challenge that existing global energy governance rules cannot fully meet development needs, deal with the conflict with developed countries in terms of carbon emissions, and also deal with the pressure on energy governance brought by rising financial risks. BRICS countries need to work together to develop strategies to deal with this, to cooperate in multilateral strategies in the areas of energy security, science and technology, finance and law, and to actively participate in the development of global energy governance rules. Strengthening multilateral cooperation within BRICS countries and participating in global energy governance together will surely bring more development opportunities for each country.

Keywords: BRICS countries; energy cooperation; energy governance; challenges; solutions
