Abstracts of Major Papers in Issue

2022-03-17 11:21
重庆第二师范学院学报 2022年4期

MakingInnovationsontheBasisofTraditionintheGeneralLayoutofPartyBuildingintheNewEraby GAO Yingjie P.5

The construction of the Party in the new era has formed a "5+2" layout model on the basis of the layout mo-dels of "three major constructions" and "five major constructions". It has not only absorbed the important experience and fine traditions of the development of the Party′s cause in the past 100 years, but also achieved a new leap and improvement according to the development needs of the times and the actual situation of the Party construction. The "5+2" layout in the new era continues to adhere to the construction direction of Marxist political parties, the construction principle of seeking truth from facts and advancing with the times, and the construction method of systematic promotion, which has obvious historical inheritance. At the same time, it has realized the clarification of element functions, the accuracy of element positioning, and the perfection of element structure, showing the distinct characteristics of the times and innovation.

Key words: new era; Party building; keep the tradition; innovation


by GONG Xianwen P.16

Based on the synergy theory, this paper constructs the urban-rural logistics composite system, analyzes the connotation of the coordinated development of urban-rural logistics, establishes a coordinated development model, and uses this model to analyze the mechanism of the interactive coupling and coordinated development of urban-rural logistics. Using the theory of supply chain integration, this paper constructs the index system for the coordinated development of urban and rural logistics, and puts forward the countermeasures for the coordinated development of urban and rural logistics from the aspects of material circulation, capital financing, information circulation and trade circulation.

Key words: urban and rural logistics; interactive coupling; coordinated development

OntheLocationof"DianyueCountryRidingElephants"inRecordsoftheHistorian:AlsoontheSignificanceof"Dianyue"intheDevelopmentoftheSouthwestSilkRoadby HU Yuhua P.21

"Dianyue" is an ancient country name mentioned inRecordsoftheHistorian. Due to the brief documentation, the location of Dianyue has always been controversial. For a long time, most of the academic circle believed that "Dianyue is Tengyue". In recent years, some scholars gradually put forward different views, but most of them agree that "Dianyue is Panyue", holding different opinions on its location. According to the historical records and relevant unearthed relic, combined with the research of scholars at home and abroad, from the perspective of histo-rical philology, it is concluded that Dianyue is Panyue, also known as Kamarupa Country in the Tang Dynasty, which was located in the present Assam region of India. As the most important trade transfer station and cultural communication center of the Southwest Silk Road, Dianyue greatly promoted the mutual communication and integration in business and culture between ancient China and India.

Key words:RecordsoftheHistorian; Dianyue; Panyue; location

StructuralFeaturesandCognitiveMotivationofCaused-emotionConstructioninModernChineseby WANG Yacong P.33

Caused-emotion constructions in modern Chinese are form-meaning pairs expressing the interactive force between an event or entity and an emotional experiencer, under which the emotive state of emotional experiencer changes. Emotional cause, causative force, emotional experiencer, and result of emotional change are the four ba-sic components that constitute the caused-emotion constructions in modern Chinese. Among them, the emotional cause is construed as trajector, which can be an event or an entity. The entity can be divided into physical entity and abstract entity. The emotional experiencer is construed as landmark. Causative force is coded by main verbs, and emotional changing results are coded by emotional verbs that express the emotional changes of emotional experiencers under the influence of emotional cause. The formation of caused-emotion constructions in modern Chinese is owing to the interaction and mutual restraint among the agent of embodiment & cognition, the caused-emotion event and the language.

Key words: modern Chinese; caused-emotion construction; canonical event model; embodied cognition

OntheChinesePoetics′Expositionaboutthe"Words"inthe"ExpressingAmbitionwithPoetry"by WANG Changzhong P.45

The Chinese classical poetics′ exposition about the "words" in the "expressing ambition with poetry" mainly focuses on its functions, ways and characteristics. In the aspect of functions, the focus is on the functions of expressing and achieving the ambition, including putting forward the words′ function, that is, to transmit the ambition, to explore the relationship between words and ambition, to clarify what kind of ambition. The ways are to achieve the ambition, considering the particularity of poetry art to require and stipulate language strategies and skills. The characteristics mainly include two aspects related to "ambition" and "poetry", and the former is the main one. The Chinese classical poetics′ exposition about the "words" in the "expressing ambition with poetry" basically closely linked and centered on the "ambition".

Key words: Chinese classical poetics; "expressing ambition with poetry"; "words"; exposition

RelationshipBetweenPlayfulnessandKindergartenTeacher′sCreativeTeachingBehavior:ModeratingEffectofWork-lifeConflictby LE Xingyu, ZHOU Yuanyuan P.60

In order to investigate the relationship between playfulness and kindergarten teacher′s creative teaching beha-vior and its mechanism, 210 kindergarten teachers were investigated by using the kindergarten teacher′s creative teaching behavior scale, work-life conflict scale and teacher′s playfulness scale. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between playfulness and kindergarten teacher′s creative teaching behavior, and that work-life conflict plays a moderating role between playfulness and kindergarten teacher′s creative teaching behavior. The research results are of great significance to promote the innovation ability and professional development of kindergarten teachers. Kindergartens should strengthen teachers′ positive personality traits, reduce teachers′ work pressure, and provide more learning time to improve their teaching ability. Kindergarten teachers should coordinate work-life conflicts and strive to maintain the best physical and mental states.

Key words: kindergarten teacher; playfulness; creative teaching behavior; work-life conflict

OntheIntegrationoftheGreatPartyBuildingSpiritintotheIdeologicalandPoliticalEducationofCollegeStudentsby ZHOU Xuan P.86

In the course of 100 years′ development, the Communist Party of China has nurtured the great Party building spirit of adhering to the truth, adhering to the ideal, practicing the original intention, undertaking the mission, fearing no sacrifice, fighting bravely, being loyal to the Party and living up to the people. With its scientific connotation and important value, the great Party building spirit provides rich resources for strengthening the ideological and political education of college students in the new era. To integrate the great party building spirit into college ideological and political education, it should be focused on the integration of students′ ideal and belief education, patriotism education, frustration education and moral self-discipline education, and take the integration of ideological and political theory teaching activities, campus culture creation activities, and students′ innovation and entrepreneurship practice activities as the basic path, so as to promote college students to consciously shoulder the historical task of national rejuvenation.

Key words: great party building spirit; ideological and political education; college student; contents; path