
2022-02-06 01:02王哓林刘厚林
农业工程学报 2022年19期

李 明,王 勇,2,熊 伟,王哓林,刘厚林


李 明1,王 勇1,2※,熊 伟1,王哓林1,刘厚林1

(1. 江苏大学流体机械工程技术研究中心,镇江 212013;2. 苏州工业职业技术学院精密制造工程系,苏州 215104)

为了减少泵站侧向进水结构内的不良流态,提高泵组运行效率,基于计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)和响应面法(Response Surface Method,RSM)对泵站侧向进水前池进行几何参数优化。采用参数化设计对泵站侧向进水前池进行建模,通过与Workbench关联以对侧向进水前池的扩散角、坡度以及转向角实现指定值,采用典型Box-Behnke设计(Box-Behnke Design,BBD)方法得到17组三因素三水平试验方案,利用响应面法建立喇叭管出口断面流速分布均匀度与侧向进水前池扩散角、坡度以及转向角的回归方程,以最大出口断面流速分布均匀度为响应目标,确定最优参数组合,并将最优侧向进水结构的内部流动特性同原模型进行对比分析。研究结果表明,扩散角、坡度以及转向角对喇叭管出口断面流速分布均匀度具有显著影响(<0.05),扩散角与转向角的交互项对出口断面流速分布均匀度耦合作用显著,扩散角10°~13°、坡度8°~9°、转向角74°~75°时喇叭管出口断面流速分布均匀度达到最优。同原模型相比,优化后的侧向进水结构在设计水位下,断面流速分布均匀度至少提高23.41个百分点,流速加权平均偏流角提高13.95°,在低水位下断面流速分布均匀度至少提高18.30个百分点,流速加权平均偏流角提高14.79°,流道内没有偏斜流和大面积回流产生。该研究对于促进泵站侧向进水结构的优化设计具有一定的参考意义。


0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 数值计算方法

1.1.1 计算模型

泵站侧向进水结构二维布置图如图1所示,该泵站包含3台容量50%的循环水泵,每台水泵均由独立的进水流道提供进水条件。泵站的设计水位H=7 m,最低水位H=6.5 m,循环水泵流量Q=8.76 m3/s,扬程H=26.0 m,循环水泵吸入口直径D=2 500 mm,设计最小淹没深度H=4.5 m。侧向进水前池扩散角为,坡度为,转向角为。侧向进水前池闸门和进水流道衔接处流态较为复杂,故将特征断面1设在此处;通常选取距进水喇叭管中心1.5(为喇叭管进口直径)处流态代表进水流道流态情况,故将特征断面2设于此处。

注:H1、H2、H3分别为距底面不同高度的断面,其距离底面高度分别为2.10、4.55和5.95 m。α、β、γ分别为扩散角、坡度、转向角。

1.1.2 计算域及边界条件

图2 侧向进水结构计算域

1.1.3 网格划分及无关性验证



1.1.4 流态评价指标





1.1.5 计算方案


表1 数值计算方案


Note: 1#, 2#, and 3# represent the pump number.

1.2 响应面法及因素水平选取

当侧向进水前池扩散角和转向角较大时,会导致水流进入转向段内侧流速升高,易在转向后发生脱流,在进入进水流道前形成回流,导致侧向进水前池流态恶化,而侧向进水结构转向段与扩散位置具有一定的坡度,在流入过程中,水流的过流面积不断增大,流速不断降低,在一定程度会抑制因转向段内侧的脱流现象,因此扩散角、转向角和坡度对侧向进水前池的流态具有明显影响。根据单因素模型试验得到的结果,当扩散角在10°~25°、坡度在6°~10°、转向角在65°~80°时,侧向进水结构回流和旋涡较少,因此以此范围作为自变量的最初取值范围。采用Box-Behnke设计(Box-Behnke Design,BBD)方法进行试验设计及后续分析,每个因素只能选择3个水平,分别为上限值、下限之及其中间值。试验因素及水平如表2所示。

表2 试验因素及水平

2 结果与分析

2.1 数值计算结果验证


表3 C1断面纵向测点平均流速模型试验和数值计算误差


Note:is the distance from the longitudinal measuring point to the bottom,is the relative error, the same below.

表4 C1断面流速分布均匀度模型试验和数值计算误差

2.2 响应面法优化结果

2.2.1 试验设计结果


表5 BBD试验设计结果


Note:1,2and3are the level values of factors1,2and3, respectively.

2.2.2 参数显著性分析


通过方差分析对回归方程进行分析,当<0.05时,则该项的差异性显著,<0.001时,则该项的差异性极其显著,>0.05时,则该项的差异性不显著。回归方程系数的显著性检验结果见表6,从表中可以看出,回归方程的值小于0.000 1,表明回归方程极其显著,能够很好地反映3个参数对出口断面流速分布均匀度的影响。1、2、3的值分别为0.004 8、0.009 0、0.000 9,均小于0.05,因此,扩散角、坡度、转向角都是显著影响因素,且单一几何参数对出口断面流速分布均匀度的影响程度从大到小依次为:转向角(3)、扩散角(1)、坡度(2)。

表6 出口断面流速分布均匀度方差分析结果

2.2.3 多因素作用分析



图4 各因素作用对出口断面流速分布均匀度的影响

2.3 数值计算结果

2.3.1 设计水位优化模型数值计算结果


图5 A1方案特征断面速度分布

表7 设计水位下各运行方案断面流速均匀度


图6 设计水位下A1方案喇叭管出口断面流速分布

图7 设计水位下A2方案喇叭管出口断面流速分布

图8 设计水位下A3方案喇叭管出口断面流速分布

表8 设计水位下各方案喇叭管出口断面流速加权平均偏流角

2.3.2 低水位优化模型数值计算结果


图9 B1方案特征断面速度分布


表9 低水位下各运行方案断面流速分布均匀度

图10 低水位下B1方案喇叭管出口断面流速分布

图11 低水位下B2方案喇叭管出口断面流速分布

图12 低水位下B3方案喇叭管出口断面流速分布

表10 低水位下各方案喇叭管出口断面流速加权平均偏流角

3 结 论





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Optimizing the geometric parameters for the lateral inflow forebay of the pump sump

Li Ming1, Wang Yong1,2※, Xiong Wei1, Wang Xiaolin1, Liu Houlin1


Lateral inflow forebay is inevitably utilized to connect the diversion and inlet passage in water transport engineering, because of geographical and construction constraints. However, the flow in the lateral inlet forebay is very easy to generate undesirable flow patterns (such as the flow separation and backflow) leading to vibration and low operating efficiency. In this study, the geometric parameters were optimized for the lateral inlet forebay of the pump sump using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Response Surface Method (RSM), in order to improve the flow pattern for the high efficiency of the pump unit. Firstly, the parametric design was realized for the lateral inflow forebay of the pump sump using the 3D modeling software NX 10.0. There were the specified parameters associated with the Workbench, such as the diffusion angle, slope, and turning angleof the lateral inlet forebay. Secondly, the typical Box-Behnke Design (BBD) was selected to determine the three factors and three levels test. 17 groups of test schemes were obtained to simulate the flow field of the lateral inlet structure under the Fluent platform. Thirdly, the optimization target was selected as the uniformity of velocity distribution at the horn tube outlet section. The second-order polynomial regression equation was utilized to establish the regression equation of velocity distribution uniformity at the horn tube outlet section and geometric parameters, namely the diffusion angle, slope, and turning angleof the lateral inlet forebay. Subsequently, the significance of the regression equation was evaluated by the analysis of variance. As such, the regression equation reflected the relationship between the response values and factors. The maximum uniformity of velocity distribution at the outlet section was selected as the response target to determine the optimal parameter combination. Finally, the internal flow characteristics of the optimal lateral inlet structure were compared with the original model, including the uniformity of velocity distribution and the velocity-weighted average drift angle. Results indicate that there was a significant influence of the diffusion angle, slope, and turning angleon the velocity distribution uniformity at the horn tube outlet section. Among them, the most significant was the turning angle, whereas, the less significant was the slope. Furthermore, there was no significance of the slope, and the turning angleon the coupling effect of velocity distribution uniformity at the outlet section. By contrast, the diffusion angle and turning angle posed the most significance on the coupled uniformity of velocity distribution at the outlet section, in terms of the interaction between the diffusion angleand slope. Moreover, there was the greatest influence of the interaction between the diffusion angleand the turning angle. But, the least influence was found in the interaction between the diffusion angleand the slope. An optimal uniformity of the velocity distribution was achieved at the horn tube outlet section under the lateral inlet forebay with the diffusion angleof 10°-13°, the slopeof 8°-9°, and the turning angleof 74°-75°. Compared with the original model, the cross-sectional velocity distribution uniformity of the optimized lateral inlet structure under design water level increased by 23.41 percentage points at least, and the velocity-weighted average drift angle increased by 13.95°, similarly, under low water level, the cross-sectional velocity distribution uniformity of the optimized lateral inlet structure increased by 18.30 percentage points at least, and the velocity-weighted average drift angle increased by 14.79°. More importantly, there was no deflected flow and large-area reflux in the channel. These findings can provide the positive significance to promote an optimal design of the lateral inlet structure of the pump sump.

pump station; optimization; numerical simulation; lateral inlet forebay; flow pattern; geometric parameter





李明,王勇,熊伟,等. 泵站侧向进水前池几何参数优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(19):69-77.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.19.008 http://www.tcsae.org

Li Ming, Wang Yong, Xiong Wei, et al. Optimizing the geometric parameters for the lateral inflow forebay of the pump sump[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(19): 69-77. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.19.008 http://www.tcsae.org





