
2022-01-07 03:09:30穆罕穆德沙法MuhammadShafa巴基斯坦王受信
国际人才交流 2021年12期

文 / 穆罕穆德·沙法(Muhammad Shafa,巴基斯坦) 译/王受信







穆罕穆德·沙法(Muhammad Shafa),西安交通大学材料科学与工程学院助理教授,2016—2017年在阿联酋大学做博士后。沙法博士在实验凝聚态物理学、半导体纳米线和薄膜合成、制造纳米器件等领域作出了重要贡献并发表了若干篇高质量文章。











Why should we care about nanoscience? It will change our lives and change our understanding of matter.A group of leading scientists gathered by the National Science Foundation in 1999 said, “The effect of nanotechnology on the health, wealth and standard of living for people in this century could be at least as significant as the combined influences of microelectronics,medical imaging, computer-aided engineering and man-made polymers developed in the past century.”

Nanoscale science deals with the study of phenomena at a very small scale—10-7m (100 nm) to 10-9m (1 nm)—where properties of matter differ significantly from those at larger scales.This very small scale is difficult for people to visualize.Nanoscale science is a multidisciplinary field and draws on areas outside of chemistry, such as biology, physics, engineering and computer science.Because of its multidisciplinary nature, nanoscience may require us to draw on knowledge in potentially unfamiliar academic fields.

Is Gold Always Gold?

Think about what happens when you keep cutting something down.At what point will you get down to the individual atoms,and at what point does “color” change and go away? Remind that individual atoms do not have color.The color of a substance is determined by the wavelength of the light that bounces off it, and one atom is too small to reflect light on its own.Only once you have an aggregate (a bunch) of atoms big enough can you begin to discern something approaching “color”.For example, a bunch of salt crystals together look white, but an individual salt crystal is colorless.Which analogies to drive home the concept that different thicknesses of a material can produce different colors.For example, oil on water produces different colors based on how thin the film of oil is.In an oil slick the atoms aren’t changing;there are just different thicknesses (numbers of atoms) reflecting different colors.Leaves on a tree look green because the atomic structure on surface of leave reflects back green wavelength and absorbs all others.As leaves die, the atomic structure changes so you get brown reflected back as the chlorophyll breaks down.For gold, color is based on the crystalline or atomic structure at the nanoscale: light absorbs differently based on the thickness of the crystal.In thePersonal Touchstory, Sandra’s dress changes color because she can change the arrangement of atoms in her dress,which will then reflect different colors.

How to Build Nanostructures?

Carbon Nanotubes: This describes a recently-created structure that has some amazing properties.Nanotubes are very light and strong and can be added to various materials to give them added strength without adding much weight.Nanotubes also have interesting conductance (electrical) properties.Carbon Buckyballs: Buckyballs are another very strong structure based on its interlaced “soccer ball” shape.It has the unique property of being able to carry something inside of it, penetrate a cell wall, and then deliver the package into the cell (not sure how you “open” the buckyball).It is also non-reactive in general to the body, so your body will not try to attack it and it can travel easy in the bloodstream.

Building Nanostructures.How we build things that are so small? There are three main methods that are used to make nanoscale structures.First, the tips of scanning probe microscopes can form bonds with the atoms of the material they are scanning and move the atoms.Using this method with xenon atoms, IBM created the tiniest logo ever in 1990.Alternately, scientists can chisel out material from the surface until the desired structure emerges.This is the process that the computer industry uses to make integrated circuits.Finally, self-assembly is the process by which molecular building blocks “assemble” naturally to form useful products.Molecules try to minimize their energy levels by aligning themselves in particular positions.If bonding to an adjacent molecule allows for a lower energy state, then the bonding will occur.We see this happening in many places in nature.For example, the spherical shape of a bubble or the shape of snowflake are a result of molecules minimizing their energy levels.

Self-Assembly by Crystal Growth.One particular type of selfassembly is crystal growth.This technique is used to “grow”nanotubes.In this approach, “seed” crystals are placed on some surface, some other atoms or molecules are introduced, and these particles mimic the pattern of the small seed crystal.For example, one way to make nanotubes is to create an array of iron nanopowder particles on some material like silicon, put this array in a chamber, and add some natural gas with carbon to the chamber.The carbon reacts with the iron and supersaturates it, forming a precipitate of carbon that then grows up and out.In this manner, you can grow nanotubes like trees!

Biological Nanomachines in Nature.There are many natural nanoscale devices that exist in our biological world.Life begins at the nanoscale! For example, inside all cells, molecules and particles of various sizes have to move around.Some molecules can move by diffusion, but ions and other charged particles have to be specifically transported around cells and across membranes.Biology has an enormous number of proteins that self-assemble into nanoscale structures.

The Evolution of Microscopes

One of the big ideas in science is that the creation of tools or instruments that improve our ability to collect data is often accompanied by new science understandings.Science is dynamic.Innovation in scientific instruments is followed by a better understanding of science and is associated with creating innovative technological applications.Traditional light microscopes are still very useful in many biology-related applications since things like cells and bacteria can readily be seen with this tool.They are also fairly inexpensive and are easy to set up.

Optical Microscope.How big is a nanometer? You can see down to about 1000 microns with the naked eye, and a typical microscope as used in biology class will get you down to about 10 microns.More advanced microscopes, such as scanning electron microscopes can get you pretty good resolution (1 micron) range.Newer technologies (within the last 20 years or so) allow us to“see” in the range of 100 nanometers to 1 nanometer.

Electron Microscope.The difference between the standard light microscope and the scanning electron microscope is that electrons, instead of various wavelengths of light, are“bounced” off the surface of the object being viewed, and that electrons allow for a higher resolution because of their small size.You can use the analogy of bouncing beach ball on a surface to find out if it is uneven (beach ball scattering in all different directions).

Atomic Force Microscope.The atomic force microscope uses the tip to interact with the atoms on the surface of the sample to detect information with atomic resolution.The smallest tip you can possibly make has to be made from atoms.The tip interacts with the surface of the material you want to look at, so the smaller the tip, the better the resolution.But because the tip is made from atoms, it can’t be smaller than the atoms you are looking at.Tips are made from a variety of materials, such as silicon, tungsten, and even carbon nanotubes.

The difference between the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)and the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) is that the AFM relies on movement due to the electromagnetic forces between atoms, and the STM relies on electrical current between the tip and the surface.Mention that the AFM was invented to overcomes the STM’s basic drawback: it can only be used to sense the nature of materials that conduct electricity, since it relies on the creation of a current between the tip and the surface.The AFM relies on actual contact rather than current flow, so it can be used to probe almost any type of material, including polymers, glass, and biological samples.The signals (forces or currents) from these instruments are used to infer an image of the atoms.The tip’s fluctuations are recorded and fed into computer models that generate images based on the data.These images give us a rough picture of the atomic landscape.

What makes the science at the nanoscale special is that at such a small scale, different physical laws dominate and properties of materials change.

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