文 / 杨帆 刘晓梓 贾潇潇 冀鹤
在银装素裹的初冬时节,燕赵大地迎来了小儿血液肿瘤领域的学术盛会。 11月13日,河北省儿童医院成功举办了“河北省儿科学会血液肿瘤专业委员会第一次学术会议暨河北省引才引智国际学术交流儿童血液肿瘤高峰论坛”。来自美国、加拿大等国家和北京、上海、广州、南京等多名国内外知名儿科血液肿瘤专家、学者齐聚“云端”,同台论道、积极分享,共同为提升遭受恶性血液、肿瘤疾病折磨的患儿治愈率和生存率、改善生存质量献计献策。河北省科学技术厅党组副书记、副厅长兼河北省外国专家局局长郭玉明,河北省儿童医院院长段国辰出席开幕式并讲话。
此次盛会学术氛围严谨、交流气氛融洽,国内外专家、学者围绕当今学科领域热点、难点话题积极阐述观点、分享交流经验。来自加拿大病童医院的儿童肿瘤研究中心的首席研究员、加拿大皇家医学院内科学院士Ronald Grant医生,在小儿实体肿瘤的医疗和科研领域有着精深的造诣。他通过对加拿大病童医院自2004年至今的10多年临床治疗经验和回顾性数据总结得出,当前针对小儿复发性神经母细胞瘤多种新方法,已经向一线治疗方案方向发展,CAR-T细胞免疫疗法和以疫苗接种为基础的治疗可能即将问世,这将为改善预后、降低复发率和死亡率带来新的曙光。
来自美国洛杉矶儿童医院血液疾病和骨髓移植中心的主任兼血液和骨髓移植(BMT)的临床研究主任、美国儿科血液和骨髓移植协会主席Michael Pulsipher教授,在急性白血病尤其是急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)患者同种异体移植领域造诣颇深,曾荣获美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)优秀奖,并作为6个国家多中心研究的主要或共同研究者。他介绍了经过多中心联合研究、有着庞大科学数据佐证的最新研究结果,指出了CAR-T细胞治疗在急性淋巴细胞白血病预测复发中面临的挑战,为未来细胞免疫疗法的进一步探索指引了航向。
As the season changes, the fruitful golden autumn transfers into the early winter.An academic conference in the field of pediatric hematologic tumors was held in the Yanzhao area.On November 13th, Hebei Children’s Hospital successfully held the “The First Annual Conference of the Hematology-Oncology Committee of Hebei Pediatrics Association Cum Summit Forum for International Academic Exchange and New Progress in Children’s Hematology and Tumors in Hebei Province”.A number of wellknown pediatric hematological tumor experts and scholars from the United States, Canada and other countries,as well as domestic cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing and so on,joined and shared their inspirational views of treatment and academic knowledge for enhancing the cure rate and survival rate of children suffering from malignant hematological tumor diseases,and improving the quality of life.Yuming Guo, deputy director of Science and Technology Department of Hebei Province, Director of Hebei Provincial Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs, with Guochen Duan, the director of Hebei Children’s Hospital, attended the opening ceremony and made a significant speech online.
Deputy director Yuming Guo stressed that for many years, Hebei Children’s Hospital (HBCH) insists the communication and cooperation of world-class medical research institutes.Not only HBCH cultivate numerous well-known pediatric experts with academic attainments and professional skills, but also we achieved satisfactory results in enhancing the standard of medical technology and enabling the sick kids to touch the hope of life.He mentioned that the Science and Technology Department of Hebei Province and Hebei Provincial Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs continually apply to the new developmental stage, implement the new development concept, promote high-quality development, insist the innovation as the main impetus, regard talents as the first supporter.Both institutions will support the communication and cooperation project of HBCH as always, such as technological innovations, exchanging channels, attracting talents, and so on.We will contribute to the development of Children’s health careers of the future of our nation and country.
President Guochen Duan expressed sincere thanks and a warm welcome to each director, specialist, and colleague who attended this summit forum.He mentioned that HBCH is one of the committee members of national academic organizations.The major pediatric hematologic tumor of HBCH represents a remarkable development.It is the leader unit of the designated hospital for leukemia treatment and a designated hospital for the treatment of hematological diseases in Hebei Province.Moreover, it is also the leading unit of pediatric solid tumor diagnosis and treatment in Hebei Province.The department of pediatric hematologic tumor participates in the national project research of several cooperative groups.The doctors’ abilities are enhanced gradually in the nations’ academic research area.By the long-term cooperation of advanced medical research institutes in Italy, Canada, America,and other countries, the diagnostic technique of pediatric hematologic tumor in HBCH reaches a senior level in Hebei province and China.
Nowadays, As the only pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation treatment center in Hebei Province, Hebei children’s hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine has 6 transplant warehouses and has completed 58 cases of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation treatment for children with various diseases.That displays our hospital the extraordinary achievement in the field of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation treatment.To establish an advanced hematologic tumor treatment center in the Province and in China the inpatient building of the General Department of Internal Medicine of our hospital will be put into use.Another ten transplant warehouses will be added and the bed in the department of hematology and oncology will come up to 200 beds.
The academic atmosphere of this Summit Forum is strict and the atmosphere of exchanges is harmonious.Domestic and foreign experts and scholars actively expressed their views and shared exchange experiences around current focused and frustrated topics in pediatrics.Professor Ronald Grant who is a principal investigator of the pediatric oncology research center at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) of Canada, and an academician of internal medicine of Canada Royal College.He has impressive attainments in the medical and scientific research fields in pediatric solid tumors.Since 2004, based on 15 years of Sickkids clinical treatment experiences and a retrospective database, he summarized a variety of methods focusing on pediatric recurrent neuroblastoma, which can be seen as an upfront therapy project.CAR-T cell immunotherapy and vaccination-based therapy may be forthcoming, which will present as a new expectation to improve prognosis, reduce recurrence and mortality.
Michael Pulsipher serves as Head of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy section and Endowed Chair of BMT Clinical Research, Los Angeles Children’s Hospital.Professor’s expertise is in acute leukemia.He especially has profound knowledge in the field of allogeneic transplantation for patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).He has won the USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) Excellence Award, and he is also the main or co-investigator of multi-center study in 6 countries.His report showed the latest research results that have been supported by huge scientific data and multi-center joint studies.He pointed out the challenges faced by CAR T cell therapy in predicting the recurrence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Furthermore, he pointed out a meaningful direction for further exploration of Cellular immunotherapy in the future.
As the largest Grade III, Class A general children’s hospital in Hebei Province, Hebei Children’s Hospital will always adhere to the concept of ‘Make use of all resources’ in discipline construction, firmly adhere to support the talent development strategy of ‘going out and bringing in’, and adopt the domestic and international dual-track approach to gather and use talents.Hebei Children’s Hospital will always adhere to the public positioning of the hospital, strive to be the pioneer of children’s health cause, build more disciplinary cooperation and exchange platform, actively participate in protecting children’s health cause, and continue to contribute to providing medical assistance.