
2021-12-27 09:41



Since the emergence of psychoanalysis, the subject is no longer to be regarded as positive subject with Descartes’cogito, but as the void subject with castration, which is performed as passive responses to ideology, and the traditional dual relationship between the subject and object has been changed into the ternary relationship among subject, object and the unconscious. The ideology in the modern society is a peculiar mixture of the Other and the Real. It plays the role of the Other, and belongs to the Real on the other hand. Hence, the subject is performed as the complex subject under the interpellation of ideology. When dealing with ideology interpellation, different responses will reproduce different types of subject: the way of discursive mechanism that Michel Foucault advocates will generate a subject with “self-mastery”; The interpellation of ideology of Louis Althusser will reproduce a subject with “break”; The subject in response to the Real in Jacques Lacan will generate the subject in the name of “persistence”, who is not compromise to his desire. In the study of ideology, importance should be attached to the complex relation between the ideology interpellation and the subject, thus building the ideology theory of Marxism.



Discourse is an integral part of the political system while concepts are basic factors of a discourse. It is a long tradition to get importance attached to political discourse in Chinese politics. It is a major way to produce new concepts by introducing concepts from other cultures since the modern times, and this way persists up to now. Following the path ofBegriffsgeschichte(history of concepts), this paper takeszhili(governance) as a case to explore how it is, as a popular term in contemporary China, shared and understood in the daily, academic and political discourses, and what differences are there among its meanings. Based upon academic literature and official documents, this author attempts to make clear that interaction among multiple factors is a basic way of producing concepts and academic groups, and that political leaders play key roles in this process. Mainly due to its multiple meanings, the same term can be transfered to different discourses and produce overlapping consensus. However, once a term becomes a political concept, it will be monopolized by the politics, and its meaning will be different from that in academic discourse.



A grassroots government is a node in the networks where the top-down administrative pressure meets with the bottom-up social needs. From a vertical perspective, with the change of pressure structure and social structure, grassroots governance has developed a mode of “formal operation of informal power”, “informal operation of formal power”, or “formal operation together with informal operation”. The informal governance of a grassroots government has become a reality, and its technique has been constantly changing into diversification and concealment. In adjusting the relation between informal governance and formal governance, presented are such different types as flexible governance, selective governance, integrated governance, and persuasive governance when viewing from the perspective of action orientation and action strategy. Grassroots government is increasingly adopting non-zero-sum game strategies to give an active respond. It is imperative to rid of the “pathology” mode of thinking, accept the rationalization of informal governance in a grassroots governance, perfect formal rules and procedures, so as to follow the reform of “institutionalization” of grassroots governance continuely, and uproot all kinds of expedient and arbitrary power techniques from the systemperse.



To develop cross regional coordination mechanism is indeed to make use of the advantages of emergency management system in China, and give full play to its characteristics. As one dimension of emergency management coordination, the development of cross regional coordination is of great helpful in the collective performance of emergency management as a complex adaptive system, so as to maximize its effect. The National Emergency Response Law does not provide any legal authority for cross regional coordination of emergency management, and yet in practice, China has developed two types of cross regional coordination mechanisms, based respectively on the regional development integration strategy and the paired-assistance policy. They significantly improve the collective performance of emergency management, and highlight the advantages of China's nationwide mechanism and coordinated national response. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen cross regional coordination in the modernization of China’s emergency management system and its capacity. In revising The National Emergency Management Law, both types of the mechanisms mentioned should be involved, and legal authority, provided, so as to get it perfected in practice.



It is late Heidegger’s only way out to head for a philosophy of language when he finds that the traditional western metaphysics is approaching a dead end at its completion. What Heidegger implies is that we are left with one and only option, namely, linguistics or meta-linguistics if we neither expect to be fettered by physics or meta-physics, nor are satisfied with ethics or meta-ethics. Unfortunately, meta-linguistics has already been undermined by analytic philosophy of language, one-sidedly indulging itself in the logical function of language. It is the poetic (non-logical) function of language that remains as an unexplored field in Heidegger’s later thoughts. His insights into philosophy of language signifies an alternative approach to the “linguistic turn” of western philosophy in 20th century, namely, to a poetic rather than analytic philosophy of language. It is indeed a pursuit of the “way” of God’s creation and a Nietzschean query for God behind Heidegger’s effort in finding the non-logical function of language and the essence of Being and man as well. Chinese scholars tend to compare Heidegger’s poetic philosophy of language with the poetic philosophy in Chinese tradition, and take such kind of comparison as an opportunity to reconcile western and Chinese philosophies. However, as an anti-tradition warrior in western philosophy, Heidegger has never truly been so successfull in making a breakthrough as to escape from the tradition. Heidegger still pursues the same philosophical ideals as the ones existing for generations in his radical way of doing philosophy. In his philosophy of language, there are two huge barriers making his comprehension of eastern philosophy impossible: the first is his persistent query for “Being”, and the second, his exploration of “Being” reduces to be the belief in God at last. These two barriers severely hinder Heidegger in his appreciation of Chinese poetics and poetic philosophy. His views on poetic philosophy of language may sound similar to Confucianism, Daoism and Zen, but the truth is they are just in opposite. Heidegger’s poetic and linguistic turn in philosophy provides valuable resources for us to rebuild metaphysics today, even though his de-construction of traditional western metaphysics can hardly be considered as a success.



Zhuang Zi highlights the difference between external form and internal virtue by comparing those with incomplete form and perfect virtue. Based on this difference, he then believes that, from the perspective of the relationship between knowledge and behavior, knowledge is formed without the help of actions related to “form”; from the perspective of the relationship between words and meaning, the generation of ideas is not mediated by the “form” of speech, while the difference between the imperfection of external form and the enrichment of internal virtue is further manifested in the fact that internal autonomy is not effected by external change. The perfection of individual virtue is reflected not only in the difference between it and the external body, but also in its relation to others. For people, it is important to keep the internal harmony and not be influenced by the external changes when facing the changes of the external world. Based on the general idea of valuing virtue but forgetting form, Zhuang Zi affirms that “focusing on one’s virtue and forgetting one’s external body ”, and advocates that “there are people's forms and no one's feelings”. Zhuang Zi's basic orientation is to deal with the affairs in the world through the adjustment of value position or spiritual orientation. The unity of that there are people's forms and no one's feelings is to be human and surpass human activity.



Defining the legal nature of state-owned enterprise (SOE) provides a starting point for the study of law theory about SOE. The relating theories can be generalized as “Oneness Theory” and “Duality theory”. “Commercial company theory” is the representation of the former, and “special legal company person theory”, “special legal person theory” and “public sector theory” are of the latter. And yet, all, starting from a traditional viewpoint of civil law, fail to be able to build a theoretical framework, which should provide the legitimacy of the particularity of SOE in its comparison with private enterprises. The legal nature of SOE should be discussed in the new theoretical framework of “privatization of administrative organization”, because the reform of SOEs in China can be essentially known as a process of privatization of administrative organization. The new duality theory developed from above mentioned theoretical framework interprets the double attributes of SOE. Functional attribute of SOE is primary, indicating SOE should be responsible for executing public functions. Organization attribute of SOE is secondary, meaning SOE is a means to get engaged in economic activities on behalf of the State. The duality of SOEs should be recognized and then balanced in the double track system of government and market.