
2021-12-07 07:12:58李新阳
光电工程 2021年10期

周 鑫,李新阳


周 鑫1,2,李新阳1*

1中国科学院光电技术研究所自适应光学重点实验室,四川 成都 610209;2中国科学院大学,北京 100049



1 引 言

自适应光学(Adaptive optics,AO)系统以实时检测、控制、校正的方式来减少时间、空间上随机变化的波前像差,抑制大气湍流对光学系统成像质量的影响[1-2]。实际AO控制系统完成图像采集、整体斜率计算、波前复原运算和控制运算等信号处理和控制任务,产生系统采样周期2~3倍的时间延迟[2]。而系统时间延迟导致校正器生成的校正面形与实际的波前畸变不匹配,产生校正滞后误差[3]。时间延迟越长,系统的整体控制性能越差[4-5],对观测目标波前畸变进行预测可以补偿这一影响。

目前预测方法中,迭代预测方法对系统误差最小化,如递归最小二乘(least recursive squares,RLS)控制算法,计算过程简单,不容易陷入局部最小点,但当像差的模式阶数较高时无法在短时间内收敛[6-7]。基于模型预测方法使用大气湍流模型预测波前像差的变化,如线性二次高斯(LQG)控制算法,近似效果较好,但模型的精准度与控制器的控制难易度相矛盾[8-9]。神经网络预测方法采用神经网络结构对历史数据进行端到端预测,如前馈神经网络对波前斜率数据,较为显著地提高误差校正精度,但训练数据需求量大,较难训练出对大气湍流变化泛化能力较好的结构[10-11]。


2 预测方法原理

2.1 大气湍流理论



其中:为流向平均速度[16]。即未来一段时间的大气湍流信息可以通过现在和历史的大气湍流移动一段距离后得到,湍流保持不变的时间尺度大约在1 ms~10 ms范围内[17]。故本文通过以上大气湍流理论产生波前畸变仿真数据,实现对目标光复原波前变化情况的分析。

2.2 模板匹配运动估计算法




1) 对预测后的理想校正残差进行统计,作为先验知识预处理波前畸变数据,以此进行更加准确的运动估计,最终的预测结果也需要加上残差。

2) 直接采用理想校正残差进行预测,参考帧和当前帧相减后会滤去部分短时间内变化不大的成分,保留部分理论仍符合冻结湍流假设。


2.3 预测效果评价指标




3 仿真结果与讨论

3.1 仿真条件

仿真基于后续实验设置参数,采用Kolmogorov湍流统计理论、HV-57折射率结构常数模型、Buffton风速模型、大气冻结湍流假设,经过傅里叶级数(FS)方法时间演化产生10个大气相位屏。平台海拔高度3150 m,目标海拔高度30 km,目标仰角32.9672°,相位屏均匀分布且位于每段中间位置,各相位屏参数设置如表1所示。

目标波长550 nm,望远镜口径1.8 m,65阶复原波前分辨率465×465,采样频率500 Hz,共采样500帧,前8帧波前复原相位仿真数据如图1所示。

3.2 预测结果

由于65阶复原波前分辨率为465×465,可以将参考帧图像分为5×5个匹配块,每个匹配块为93×93个像素,搜索范围设为运动参数、分量中较大值的两倍。图像边角部分匹配块的空白区域过大,直接抛弃不纳入后续计算。本文通过比较未进行预测估计的(deletion)、直接模板匹配运动预测估计的(prediction)、改进方法1的(improvement 1)、改进方法2的(improvement 2)理想校正残差RMS,对模板匹配运动估计算法及其改进算法的预测效果进行对比。


表1 仿真各相位屏参数设置

图1 前8帧波前复原相位仿真数据



结果表明,在5帧到6帧,即10 ms到12 ms左右算法的预测性能会出现一定程度的下降,但仍具有预测效果,这与大气冻结湍流假设的湍流保持不变时间尺度相匹配。

表2 不同风速下算法预测效果对比

图2 不同算法预测效果对比

3.3 与RLS方法对比



4 实验结果与讨论

4.1 实验条件

实验使用云南丽江天文观测站1.8 m望远镜对天狼星进行观测,平台海拔为3193 m,观测条件如表3所示。

哈特曼传感器图像采集使用法国First Light公司EMCCD相机,型号OCAM2K,靶面240×240,探测有效子孔径数量156个,子孔径分辨率16×16。实验采样频率500 Hz,一次采样2018帧,前4帧哈特曼传感器探测到的光斑阵列如图4所示。

图3 不同风速下运动估计预测与RLS模式预测效果对比

表3 自然星观测条件

4.2 实验结果

由于每隔2帧(6 ms)的参考帧和当前帧波前复原图之间的运动趋势明显且连续性较好,以此对采用第一、二种改进的预测方法进行实验验证,复原波前分辨率为200×200,65阶。


图4 前4帧哈特曼传感器探测图像



4.3 与RLS方法对比


5 结 论


图5 不同算法预测效果对比

图6 不同风速下运动估计预测与RLS模式预测效果对比

表4 不同复原条件下算法预测效果对比


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Wavefront distortion prediction method based on motion estimation

Zhou Xin1,2, Li Xinyang1*

1Key Laboratory of Adaptive Optics, Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China;2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

The first 3 frames of wavefront recovery phase simulation data

Overview:In the actual adaptive optics control system, the time delay causes the mismatch between the correction profile generated by the corrector and the actual wavefront distortion, which leads to correction lag error. The longer the time delay, the worse the overall system control performance. Under the atmospheric frozen flow turbulence assumption, the atmospheric turbulence spatial characteristics will not change significantly in a certain time scale, and the atmospheric frozen flow turbulence is driven by the atmospheric transverse wind. According to the turbulence temporal aberration characteristics, a wavefront distortion prediction method based on motion estimation is proposed. Through the wavefront restored images of the reference frame and the current frame, the template matching algorithm can estimate the atmospheric turbulence motion direction, and then the current frame is moved to predict the next frame. Under the simulation conditions of the sampling frequency of 500 Hz, the wavelength of 550 nm, the telescope aperture of 1.8 m, and the phase screen numbers of 10, the overall ideal correction error of the 65 orders Zernike wavefront image can be reduced from 0.0614to 0.0508by predictive compensation, and the relative correction residual is 7.62%. Furthermore, the residual error is calculated with the template matching algorithm and the least recursive squares (RLS) algorithm to evaluate the prediction effect. By comparing different sampling frequencies and different transverse wind speeds, the method performs better when the variation tendency of wavefront restored images is obvious. Therefore, the prediction effect can be maintained better in severe conditions. Since the actual wavefront distortion deviates from the frozen flow turbulence assumption, two improved methods are proposed. The first one calculates the ideal prediction correction residuals, and the second one directly predicts the ideal correction residuals, which can further reduce the overall ideal correction error to 0.0343and 0.0242. Correspondingly, the prediction method is verified by using the actual observation data of Sirius, Hartmann sensor microlens array numbers of 156, the sub-aperture resolution of 16×16, the sampling frequency of 500 Hz, and backtracking frame numbers of 3. The overall ideal correction error promotion effects of the 65 orders Zernike wavefront image are 15.97% and 24.85% using two improved methods. Increasing the recovery area can slightly improve the prediction effect, but it is not proportional to the calculation cost. The experimental results fit the theoretical analysis well, which suggests that the algorithm has certain practical value and is helpful in actual adaptive optics control systems.

Zhou X, Li X YWavefront distortion prediction method based on motion estimation[J]., 2021, 48(10): 210288; DOI:10.12086/oee.2021.210288

Wavefront distortion prediction method based on motion estimation

Zhou Xin1,2, Li Xinyang1*

1Key Laboratory of Adaptive Optics, Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China;2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

In the actual adaptive optics control system, the time delay causes the mismatch between the correction profile generated by the corrector and the actual wavefront distortion, which leads to correction lag error. Under the atmospheric frozen flow turbulence assumption, a wavefront distortion prediction method based on motion estimation is proposed to compensate for the time delay. The template matching algorithm is used to estimate the atmospheric turbulence motion direction, according to the wavefront restored images of the reference frame and the current frame, and then the current frame is moved to predict the next frame. The prediction method applicability is evaluated, and the influence of backtracking frames on the prediction effect is discussed by comparing the simulation data of different sampling frequencies and different transverse wind speeds. The residual error is calculated with the template matching algorithm and the least recursive squares (RLS) algorithm. The simulation results show that the method performs better when the variation tendency of wavefront restored images is obvious. Therefore, the prediction effect can be maintained better in severe conditions. Finally, the prediction method is verified by using the actual observation data of Sirius, and the algorithm still keeps the prediction effect.

adaptive optics; turbulence prediction; motion estimation; wavefront correction

National Natural Science Foundation of China (62005286)




* E-mail: xyli@ioe.ac.cn

周鑫,李新阳. 基于运动估计的波前畸变预测方法研究[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(10): 210288

Zhou X, Li X Y. Wavefront distortion prediction method based on motion estimation[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(10): 210288






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