李文勤 王明华 丁锐 王铁广 李明
摘 要:针对大棚温度是一个离散的时滞系统,导致温度较难控制这一问题,该研究提出一种基于滞后时间削弱器的模糊PID控制方法。首先,依据能量平衡原理建立大棚温度的数学模型,并将其视为纯滞后和一阶惯性环节的组合,进而在试验数据拟合的基础上确定模型参数;然后,采用模糊PID与滞后时间削弱器结合控制的方式,通过反馈的方式修订系统模型,以降低纯滞后环节对系统性能的影响;并以某花卉大棚为例在MATLAB中进行建模仿真。仿真结果表明,滞后时间削弱器参与控制的模糊PID控制系统能有效地改善滞后环节的影响,系统无超调、无稳态误差,上升时间比PID缩短73.4%,比模糊PID缩短26.9%,且在调节时间上,带滞后时间削弱器的模糊PID控制比传统PID和模糊PID分别缩短77.4%、79%。
中图分类号 S24 文献标识码 A文章编号 1007-7731(2021)20-0110-04
Fuzzy PID Control System of Greenhouse Temperature Based on Lag Time Reducer
LI Wenqin et al.
(College of Machinery and Transportation, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the greenhouse temperature is a discrete time-delay system, which makes it difficult to control the temperature,this paper proposes a fuzzy PID control method based on the lag-time attenuator. First,establish a mathematical model of greenhouse temperature based on the principle of heat balance, and treat it as a combination of pure lag and first-order inertia, and determine the model parameters on the basis of test data fitting; then, use fuzzy PID and lag time attenuator Combined with the control method, the system model was revised through feedback to reduce the impact of the pure lag link on the system performance; a flower greenhouse was used as an example to model and simulate in MATLAB. The simulation results show that the fuzzy PID control system with the lag time attenuator participating in the control can effectively improve the influence of the lag link. The system has no overshoot and steady-state error. The rise time is shortened by 73.4% compared with PID and 26.9% compared with fuzzy PID. In terms of adjustment time,the fuzzy PID control with lag time attenuator is shortened by 77.4% and 79% respectively than the traditional PID and fuzzy PID.
Key words: Greenhouse; Temperature model; Fuzzy control; PID; Lag time reducer