方 梅,郁志宏,张文杰,刘伟峰,别镇江,宋金宝
方 梅,郁志宏※,张文杰,刘伟峰,别镇江,宋金宝
(内蒙古农业大学机电工程学院,呼和浩特 010018)
铡草机抛送装置依靠抛送叶片高速旋转产生的离心力和高速气流的共同作用抛送物料。对于抛送装置的研究,国内外学者做了大量相关研究。Totten等用高速摄影技术研究了物料在鼓风机抛送装置的运动及功率消耗[1]。Dennis对牧草收获机抛送装置的气流流场进行模拟以增加抛送距离,达到提高抛送效率的目标[2]。Lisowski等建立了饲料收获机排料口内物料运动与颗粒速度的CFD模型,分析了刀型、主轴转速、动刀个数及秸秆喂入量等因素对抛送性能的影响[3-4]。贾洪雷等对不同抛送装置的转速和叶片倾角等因素进行试验研究来优化抛送装置的结构和运动参数[5-8]。胡瑞谦对质点在绕水平轴等速旋转平面叶片上的运动进行了理论分析,得到了运动微分方程及其解,讨论了各参数对物料质点运动的影响[9]。吴峰等对秸秆粉碎后抛式多功能免耕播种机抛送管道的结构进行了理论分析,并通过试验得到了最优工作参数组合[10]。秦宽等采用理论分析和ADAMS仿真方法对秸秆粉碎还田施肥点播机秸秆粉碎抛撒装置关键参数进行设计,并开展了田间优化试验[11]。章志强设计了一种可调节式秸秆粉碎抛撒还田机,分别对秸秆粉碎和抛撒过程进行了动力学分析,建立了秸秆抛撒特性和设计参数之间的关系[12],刘鹏等应用CFD-DEM耦合的方法对玉米碎秆在粉碎室内运动特性进行了分析与试验[13]。翟之平等从气-固两相流的角度对抛送装置进行研究,应用Fluent软件对抛送装置内气流运动规律进行了数值模拟,对抛送装置结构参数进行了优化[14-19]。张锋伟等采用气固耦合法对9FH-40型揉丝机排料装置内气流与物料作用规律进行了数值模拟研究, 对排料装置结构改进提出了意见[20]。翟之平等还对秸秆揉碎机的抛送装置进行了振动、噪声以及叶片疲劳断裂等方面的研究[21-22]。武红剑等运用离散元法及EDEM软件,针对青贮收获机抛送装置抛送叶片不同前倾角度,对玉米秸秆颗粒在抛送器中的运动进行仿真分析,得到了利于抛送的叶片倾角[23]。郭颖杰等用ADAMS软件对粉碎抛送装置的粉碎部件进行了动平衡和刀轴排列仿真分析,确定了刀轴排列的最佳方案,用ANSYS Workbench对该方案进行模态分析,结果表明该方案满足实际工作需求[24-25]。
1.机架 2.喂入口 3.轴承座 4.动刀 5.抛送叶片 6.抛送筒 7.抛送直管 8.抛送弯管 9.出料口 10.加强筋
1.Frame 2.Feeding inlet 3.Bearing bracket 4.Moving blade 5.Throwing blade 6.Throwing barrel 7.Throwing straight pipe 8.Throwing elbow pipe 9.Outlet 10.Reinforcing rib
图1 抛送装置结构与刀盘
Fig.1 Structure of throwing device and blade dish
表1 物料运动阶段
Note:andare the height and length of feeding inlet, m;is the distance from feeding inlet to bearing seat center, m;0is the length of reinforcing rib, m;is the inclination angle of throwing blade, (°);0is the initial phase angle, (°);0is the initial dynamic coordinate, m;0is the radius of rotation of material at the initial position of blade, m;is the angular velocity of blade, rad×s-1;is the distance from the origin of the fixed coordinate system to the straight line where the blade is located, m;is the distance from the material to, m;is the radius of rotation of the material, m;is the angle between the radius of rotation of the material and the blade, (°);is the angle between the gravity of the material and the blade, (°);is the angle of rotation of the material with the blade movement after collision with the blade, rad;is the radius of rotation of the cutter, m;is the angle between the blade and the radius of rotation, (°);Fis the centrifugal force, N;Fis the Coriolis force, N;Fis the frictional force of the blade on the material;is the supporting force, N;is the gravity, N.
图2 物料沿叶片运动的受力分析及参数定义
Fig.2 Force analysis of material moving along blade and parametric definition
Note:v1is implicated velocity after colliding, m×s-1;v1is radial initial velocity after colliding, m×s-1;v1is absolute velocity after colliding, m×s-1.
图3 碰撞后物料速度分解图
Fig.3 Decomposition of material velocity after collision
Note:v2is the relative velocity of the material at the end of the blade, m×s-1;v2is the implicated velocity of the material at the end of the blade, m×s-1;v2is the absolute velocity of the material at the end of the blade, m×s-1;1is the angle betweenv2andv2,(°);2is the angle betweenv2andv2, (°);is the angle betweenv2and the horizontal direction, (°).
图4 抛出叶片时物料速度分解图
Fig.4 Material velocity decomposition diagram
Note:1is the initial arc length, m;1is the radius of curvature of the elbow, m;0is the initial height, m;vis the air velocity, m×s-1;1is the material movement height when the material speed is equal tov, m;2is the material movement height from the material speed is equal tovto the collision with the elbow, m;1is the air resistance, N;F′is friction, N;F′is the centrifugal force, N;v3is the material speed at the height1, m×s-1;v4is the material speed when it collides with the elbow surface, m×s-1;v5is the material speed after colliding with the elbow, m×s-1;v6is the outlet speed, m×s-1.
图5 物料沿抛送直管和弯管运动受力分析
Fig.5 Force analysis of material movement along throwing straight and elbow pipe
3.2 物料沿抛送弯管运动阶段
图6 物料离开出料口后受力分析和运动轨迹
Fig.6 Force analysis and movement of material after leaving the outlet
表2 样机参数
4.1.1 含水率
试验原材料取自河北省保定市顺平县的玉米秸秆-双色先蜜902号,株高约1 650~1750 mm。玉米秸秆放于实验室自然风干10 d后进行含水率测定。利用高精度天平(精度:0.001 g)和鼓风干燥箱,依据GB/T 6435-2014《饲料中水分和其他挥发性物质含量的测定》的含水率测量方法,测定玉米秸秆含水率约为69.6%。
4.1.2 物料质量与直径
试验材料由铡草机切碎后,长度约为12 mm。使用高精度天平和游标卡尺(精度:0.02 mm)进行测量。玉米秸秆横截面可以近似为椭圆形,分别测量两端的长、短轴径,计算平均直径。测定玉米秸秆的平均直径为18.89 mm,平均质量为0.496 g。
4.1.3 气流速度
4.1.4 摩擦系数
4.1.5 抛送距离试验
加工农业纤维物料的最佳线速度为30~50 m/s[13],根据样机实际尺寸计算得到主轴转速范围为440~720 r/min,因此选择主轴转速450~700 r/min,间隔为50 r/min进行试验。试验材料为4.1.1节中的玉米秸秆。在出料口的正下方铺上一条长8 m、宽6 m的防水布,使所有物料都落在防水布上,试验现场图如图8。
主轴转速通过VARISPEE-616G5变频器进行控制,采用CYT-302旋转型扭矩传感器和CYT-30B扭矩转速测量仪进行主轴转速的测量与读取。当主轴转速达到设定值并稳定工作时,开始喂入玉米秸秆,连续喂入15 min后,用卷尺测量抛送距离,每组试验重复3次,取平均值。
利用MATLAB R2018a对建立的数学模型进行求解。仿真时,输入的参数如表2及4.1节中物理试验测定值,调用ode45函数进行数值求解,得到物料的抛送距离。
4.2.1 主轴转速对抛送性能的影响
主轴转速分别选取450、500、550、600、650、700 r/min 6个水平进行模拟仿真试验,对应平均气流速度12.77、14.12、15.45、16.86、19.06、19.93 m/s此时叶片倾和切碎的物料长度为原样机参数,分别为7°和12 mm,其他参数参考表2及4.1节中的测定值。采用抛送距离试验相同工况,得到仿真与试验结果如图9所示。
由图9可以看出,随着主轴转速的不断增大,物料抛送距离也逐渐增大。这是由于主轴转速的改变会使抛送管中气流速度发生变化,主轴转速越大气流速度就越大,并且会使物料与气流的相对速度产生一定的改变。由此可见,主轴转速越大越有利于物料的抛送。但是,转速过高还可能会引起机具共振,影响作业效率,噪声增大。转速过低,则会导致物料在管道中阻塞。因此,当叶片倾角为7°,物料长度为12 mm时,主轴转速为700 r/min更有利于抛送。
4.2.2 叶片倾角对抛送性能的影响
叶片倾角有前倾、径向、后倾3种,取前倾角度为负值,径向角度为0°,后倾角度为正值。同时,主轴转速取700 r/min,物料长度取12 mm,其他参数参考表2,分别对叶片倾角为−14°、−7°、0°、7°和14°进行模拟仿真,结果如图10。
2)以抛送距离为指标,对主轴转速和叶片倾角进行了仿真分析。结果表明:当切碎物料长度为12 mm时,采用叶片倾角为7°且主轴转速为700 r/min时抛送距离最大,更有利于抛送。
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Analysis and experiments of the movement process for the shredded material of disc knife chaff cutter
Fang Mei, Yu Zhihong※, Zhang Wenjie, Liu Weifeng, Bie Zhenjiang, Song Jinbao
Throwing device is an important factor that directly affects the performance of chaff cutter. For the problem of low throwing efficiency and residue blockage of disc knife chaff cutter, scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research, but most of the previous research is based on simulation and experimental research. For the movement of materials, theoretical analysis studies are rarely performed. Most scholars only analyze the movement of material in the throwing device separately, and ignore the influence of the front-end device and airflow on the material. Therefore, this study aims to establish a more complete theoretical analysis model to provide a theoretical basis for the design of the whole machine of the chaff cutter. A kinetic analysis method was proposed to reveal the laws of material throwing motion of the disc knife maize. Material movement process were divided into seven stages in the whole throwing process, according to the matching between the throwing device and the front-end device, and the influence of airflow on the material. The movement and force of the material were analyzed in each stage. The kinetic model of the material movement along the throwing blade, along the throwing straight and elbow, and after throwing out of the outlet was established, using the initial and final velocity of each stage to connect adjacent stages. Based on the dynamic model, the throwing distance of the material was taken as index value, and a numerical calculation model was established using MATLAB software. The parameters related to the maize straw material involved in the simulation and calculation process, including moisture content, mass and diameter, were measured by physical tests. The airflow velocities in the throwing tube at different working conditions were measured using a TSI9565 anemometer, and the average value (0.203) of the coefficient of friction between the maize straw material and the tube wall was obtained using a CNY-1 inclinometer. The parameters of simulation model were determined according to the actual structural parameters of the 9Z-6A disc knife chaff cutter and the test data related to the maize straw material, and the influence of the spindle speed and blade inclination angle on the throwing performance was analyzed. The results showed that the throwing distance increased approximately linearly with the increase of the spindle speed during the test range. The throwing distance first increased and then decreased, with the blade inclination angle increased. The maximum throwing distance was obtained when the length of the shredded material was 12 mm, the blade inclination angle is 7° and the spindle speed was 700 r/min. The results obtained from the throwing distance test were consistent with the trend of the theoretical simulation results, with a maximum relative error of 6.6%, which verified the accuracy of the dynamic model. The findings can provide a theoretical basis for the structural design, parameter optimization, and matching of the chaff cutter.
agricultural machinery; straw; shredded material; dynamic analysis; numerical simulation; movement law
S817.12; S226.7
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Fang Mei, Yu Zhihong, Zhang Wenjie, et al. Analysis and experiments of the movement process for the shredded material of disc knife chaff cutter[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(7): 76-84. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.010 http://www.tcsae.org