
2021-06-30 00:40刘大伟谭万鑫任廷志
农业工程学报 2021年7期

刘大伟,谭万鑫,金 昕,任廷志


刘大伟1,谭万鑫1,金 昕2,任廷志2

(1. 燕山大学机械工程学院,秦皇岛 066004;2. 燕山大学国家冷轧板带装备及工艺工程技术研究中心,秦皇岛 066004)

变速椭圆齿轮泵是一种具有大排量、低脉动的新型容积泵,为提升其在高转速下的动力学性能,降低振动和噪声,对该齿轮泵在周期负载作用下的拍击振动行为进行研究。阐明了基于外部非圆齿轮变速驱动的椭圆齿轮泵流量脉动平抑原理,给出了变速椭圆齿轮泵中两级非圆齿轮机构的传动比函数;基于集中参数法,考虑轮齿间的弹性变形、静态传递误差、齿侧间隙及周期负载等因素,构建了变速椭圆齿轮泵的非线性拍击动力学模型,运用龙格-库塔法求解系统的动态响应,定量分析了变速椭圆齿轮泵的拍击特性以及关键参数对拍击门槛转速的影响。结果表明:随着变速椭圆齿轮泵输入转速的增加,系统先后经历无拍击、单边拍击和双边拍击状态,在设计参数下系统的拍击门槛转速为985 r/min,当拍击发生后齿间动态啮合力均方根会迅速增大;提高泵口压强或系统制造精度能够提升拍击门槛转速,泵口压强由0增至3.5 MPa,系统的拍击门槛转速由118 r/min增至1 637 r/min,从动椭圆转子静态传递误差幅值由7´10-2mm降低至1´10-2mm,拍击门槛转速由441 r/min提升至985 r/min,而增加转子偏心率,会导致拍击门槛转速先缓慢升高后迅速降低,为抑制变速椭圆齿轮泵的拍击振动和噪声及提升无拍击状态下最大瞬时流量提供理论依据。


0 引 言





1 变速椭圆齿轮泵的机构原理







2 变速椭圆齿轮泵传动系统的动力学模型

2.1 力学模型






1.静态传递误差 2.间隙 3.直线弹簧4.直线阻尼

1.Static transfer error 2.Clearance 3.Linear spring 4.Linear damping

图3 啮合轮齿的等效机构

Fig.3 Equivalent mechanism of meshing gear teeth


1.外部主动非圆齿轮 2.外部从动非圆齿轮 3.齿轮泵主动椭圆转子 4.齿轮泵从动椭圆转子

1.External driving noncircular gear 2.External driven noncircular gear 3.Driving elliptical rotor of gear pump 4.Driven elliptical rotor of gear pump


Note:r1,r2,r3andr4are instantaneous base circle radii of gears 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, m,k1,c1are the meshing stiffness and damping between gears 1 and 2, N·m-1, N·(s·m-1),k2、c2are the meshing stiffness and damping between rotors 3 and 4, N·m-1, N·(s·m-1),1and2are half of the backlash of gears 1 and 2 and rotors 3 and 4 respectively, m,1and2are the static transfer error amplitudes on gears 1 and 2 and rotors 3 and 4 respectively, m,Tis the input torque, N·m,T3andT4are the load torque on gears 3 and 4, N·m.

图4 两级非圆齿轮力学模型

Fig.4 Mechanical model of two-stage noncircular gears

2.2 齿间动态啮合力









2.3 非圆齿轮刚性角加速度




2.4 齿轮泵转子的负载扭矩







Note:3and4are the pressure of high pressure liquid acting on rotor 3 and 4 respectively, N,3and4are the contact points between the rotor and the inner wall of the pump shell,3and4are meshing points of driving and driven gears of elliptical gear pump,3and4are the midpoint of33and44respectively.

图5 椭圆齿轮泵受力分析

Fig.5 Force analysis of elliptical gear pump

2.5 运动微分方程



3 拍击振动仿真结果与分析



表1 变速椭圆齿轮泵的基本设计参数

3.1 转速对拍击行为的影响

图6中给出了转速1分别为500、1 500和2 500 r/min时齿轮2弹性转角2和转子4弹性转角4的时域图,从两个图中整体来看,随着转速的增加,两对非圆齿轮的振动均加剧,并且转子4比齿轮2的振动更剧烈。当转速1为500 r/min时,2和4均小于0,系统不发生拍击;当转速1为1 500 r/min时,2为0和负值,4出现正值和负值,表明齿轮1、2间发生了单边拍击,转子3、4间发生了双边拍击。当转速为2 500 r/min时,2和4正负交替出现表明两级非圆齿轮间均为双边拍击。



Note:1is time varying instantaneous center excitation, Hz,2is tooth meshing excitation, Hz.

图7 齿轮2和转子4的弹性转角频谱图

Fig.7 Spectrum of elastic rotation angle for gear2 and rotor4

改变输入转速1,计算得到两对齿轮的拍击状态如图8a、8b所示。从整体来看,随着转速的升高,两对齿轮会依次经历无拍击、单边拍击和双边拍击状态。当转速1为985 r/min时,转子3、4由无拍击状态变化到单边拍击状态,系统的拍击门槛转速n=985 r/min。随着转速继续增大,转子3、4率先进入双边拍击状态,原因是转子4的振动程度远大于齿轮2,故在高转速下转子3、4相对齿轮1、2更容易诱发双边拍击。

图8c为两对齿轮的齿间动态啮合力F随转速的变化规律,当转速小于985 r/min时,两对齿轮处于无拍击状态,随着转速的提升,F缓慢地线性增加,而当转速大于985 r/min后,齿轮发生拍击振动,F整体上随转速提高而快速上升,说明拍击会引起齿间动态啮合力大幅增加。另外由于拍击行为的复杂性,F在局部还会出现小的振动。

3.2 系统参数对拍击门槛转速的影响


图9a为不同泵口压强下系统的拍击门槛转速,随着泵口压强增大,拍击门槛转速n提升,泵口压强由0增至3.5 MPa,系统的拍击门槛转速由118 r/min增至1 637 r/min,这与圆齿轮拍击门槛转速的变化规律相同,负载增加能有效抑制轮齿的分离,降低拍击振动的发生。但对于变速椭圆齿轮泵来说,齿轮2和转子4的非匀速转动将产生周期性惯性扭矩,当转速增加到一定程度后,两齿轮上负载扭矩与惯性扭矩之和必然会出现正、负交替现象,从而引起拍击,因此对变速椭圆齿轮泵,即便泵口具有较大压强,也应计算相应的拍击门槛转速,以防止拍击振动发生。

分别改变齿轮1、2间静态传递误差1和转子3、4间静态传递误差2,得到系统拍击门槛转速n如图9b所示。随着1和2增大,拍击门槛转速n均呈下降趋势,当转子4静态传递误差幅值由1´10-2mm升高至7´10-2mm时,拍击门槛转速由985 r/min降低至441 r/min,故加工精度降低容易诱发拍击现象。相对外部非圆齿轮1和2来说,内部转子3和4的静态传递误差对n影响更大,为提高拍击门槛转速,内部转子3、4的精度应比外部非圆齿轮1、2更高。


为解释以上现象,求出了在系统参数下1为600 r/min时系统的齿间啮合力随的变化曲线,如图10b所示,当偏心率从0.05增大到0.15时,两齿轮间的平均啮合力与啮合力峰间值均程上升趋势,峰间值虽然上升速度快,但幅值不大,齿间整体啮合力随增大而缓慢增大,从而对拍击产生一定的抑制作用,使n小幅上升;随着继续增大,平均啮合力缓慢增长,而啮合力峰间值依然快速增长,导致振动加剧,齿轮容易脱齿,相应n大幅下降。故增大偏心率虽然能提升变速椭圆齿轮泵排量,但其转速受拍击振动限制,实际工作中的有效流量并不一定得到提升,因此偏心率的设计必须同时兼顾泵的排量和临界转速。

4 样机振动测试与分析

根据表1参数设计的变速椭圆齿轮泵试验装置如图11所示,由椭圆齿轮泵、变速非圆齿轮和变频电机组成。椭圆齿轮转子3、4通过轴承安装在泵体内部,故转子3、4的扭振将通过轴承座传递到泵体上,将两个加速度传感器分别布置在泵体侧面和上面,使两个加速度传感器轴线相互垂直且垂直于转子3、4轴线。泵的出油口置于空气中,设置采样频率为1 000 Hz,调节输入转速得到系统不同流量下的振动数据。

将采集到的数据降噪滤波后进行傅里叶变换,得到泵体加速度的幅值-频域曲线。由于理论计算得到的是齿轮扭振响应,试验测得的是泵体振动数据,二者在振动幅值上无法对应,因此对振动频率成分进行对比。图12a给出了电机转速为130 r/min时泵体加速度频谱图,测得系统主要含8、48.2和100 Hz的频率成分。继续调节电机转速得到输入转速1=300 r/min时系统得频谱图如图12b所示,对比图12a发现调节转速后系统所受激励组成基本不变,激励幅值增大,与图7理论计算的变化趋势相符。图13为输入转速1=130 r/min理论计算所得频域图,其中时变瞬心激励频率1=4.33 Hz、轮齿啮合激励频率2=47.67 Hz,对比输入转速1=130 r/min时系统理论计算频谱和试验所得频谱,发现试验所得泵体加速度激励组成与理论计算基本吻合,但试验所得频谱只有时变瞬心激励二倍频,无其基频。



5 结 论


2)随着输入转速的增大,两级非圆齿轮会依次经历无拍击、单边拍击和双边拍击状态,当输入转速低于985 r/min时,系统处于无拍击状态,齿间动态啮合力呈线性缓慢增加,一旦出现拍击,齿间动态啮合力将迅速增大。

3)提高泵口压强或齿轮的制造精度,能提升变速椭圆齿轮泵的拍击门槛转速,泵口压强由0增至3.5 MPa,系统的拍击门槛转速由118 r/min增至1 637 r/min。将转子4静态传递误差幅值由7´10-2mm降低至1´10-2mm,拍击门槛转速由441 r/min提升至985 r/min,而在两对非圆齿轮中,提高泵内转子的精度对拍击的抑制更为显著。


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Nonlinear vibration model and rattling characteristics of elliptical gear pump with timing-varying input speed

Liu Dawei1, Tan Wanxin1, Jin Xin2, Ren Tingzhi2

(1.,,066004,; 2.,,066004,)

A pair of outer noncircular gear has widely been used to prevent severe flow pulsation in a variable-speed elliptic gear pump. The displacement is normally several times that of the circular gear pump with the same pump cavity volume, while the instantaneous flow rate is uniform. The structure can be expected to broadly apply in agriculture, petroleum, chemical industry, food, medical treatment, and transportation. However, the beating vibration and noise that occurred easily can be detrimental to the performance of a pump, because of the special internal excitation of non-circular gear. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the nonlinear dynamics of the pump, and thereby reveal the mechanism of a rattle for better design of a high-quality elliptical gear pump with variable speed. In this study, a transmission ratio function of a two-stage non-circular gear mechanism was constructed in a variable-speed elliptical gear pump using the flow pulsation suppression of an elliptic gear pump driven by external non-circular gear. A nonlinear rattle vibration model was established in a variable-speed elliptical gear pump using the separation of elastic rotating angle considering the elastic deformation of the teeth, the static transmission error, the backlash between teeth, and the periodic load. A Runge-Kutta method was utilized to calculate the dynamic responses for the vibration curve, excitation composition, and amplitude at different rotate speeds. A systematic analysis was made on the evolution in the rattle state and system intensity, as well as the influences of pump port pressure, transmission error, and eccentricity on the rattle threshold rotation speed. The results showed that the vibration of the internal rotor was greater than that of external non-circular gear in a variable-speed elliptical gear pump. Moreover, the vibration of two-stage non-circular gears contained the time-varying instantaneous center excitation frequency, the tooth meshing excitation frequency, the multiplication, difference, and sum of these frequencies. The two-stage non-circular gears successively experienced the states of no impact, unilateral impact and bilateral impact with the increase of input rotation speed. Compared with the outer noncircular gears 1 and 2, the internal rotors 3 and 4 vibrated more violently, and entered the rattle state earlier. The dynamic meshing force rose linearly and slowly, when there was no rattle. Once the rattle occurred, the dynamic meshing force rose rapidly. Improving the pump port pressure or the manufacturing accuracy of gears can improve the rattle threshold rotation speed of a variable-speed elliptical gear pump. Among the two pairs of non-circular gears, the internal rotors 3 and 4 had a greater influence on the rattle threshold rotation speed. The rattle threshold rotation speed increased slowly and then decreased rapidly, as the rotor eccentricity advanced. Therefore, the flow rate of a pump cannot be improved, although the eccentricity can contribute to the pump displacement, due mainly to the reduction of rattle threshold rotation speed.

gear; gear pump; non-linear vibration; rattling state; rattling threshold









刘大伟,谭万鑫,金昕,等. 变速椭圆齿轮泵的非线性振动模型与拍击特性[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(7):15-23. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.003 http://www.tcsae.org

Liu Dawei1, Tan Wanxin, Jin Xin, et al. Nonlinear vibration model and rattling characteristics of elliptical gear pump with timing-varying input speed[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(7): 15-23. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.003 http://www.tcsae.org
