李 镇,齐志国,秦 伟,陈 驰,吴 可,冯 甜
李 镇1,2,齐志国2,秦 伟1,3※,陈 驰4,吴 可2,冯 甜2
(1. 中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100048; 2. 河北地质大学土地科学与空间规划学院,石家庄 050031;3. 水利部水土保持生态工程技术研究中心,北京 100048;4. 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083)
分析侵蚀沟形态特征并构建体积估算模型,对大空间尺度探究切沟侵蚀具有重要意义。该研究选取位于东北黑土山地丘陵区穆棱市的典型样区,基于WorldView-2高分立体像对影像(0.5 m分辨率),利用ENVI 5.3提取同分辨率DEM,选择45条切沟,在ArcGIS10.3中提取并计算切沟顶宽(TW)、底宽(BW)、沟深()、断面面积(CSA)、沟长()、面积()及体积()等参数,分析形态特征及相互关系,构建切沟体积估算模型。结果表明:1)切沟TW、BWCSA及均值分别为5.63 m、2.82 m、1.05 m、4.94 m2、81.90 m、470.54m2、428.53 m3。断面BWTW均值为0.48,切沟以V~U型为主。TW/全部大于1,均值为5.95,表明沟道横向侵蚀较下切侵蚀速率更快;2)切沟体积与沟长()、面积()间均有极显著幂函数关系,相比-关系模型,-关系模型具有更小的平均相对误差和更大的纳什系数,可更准确有效预测切沟体积,建议将其作为东北山地丘陵区切沟体积估算模型;3)与黄土高原及干热河谷地区相比,东北黑土区切沟体积与面积幂函数关系的指数更小,而区内山地丘陵区较漫川漫岗区更大,反映出山地丘陵区更加强烈的切沟发育状况;切沟形态特征影响-模型构建的精度,建议将狭长度(/TW)作为切沟分类指标构建切沟体估算模型。研究结果可为东北黑土山地丘陵区大空间尺度切沟侵蚀的定量模拟提供方法和依据。
切沟侵蚀量常用其体积来表征,但体积在遥感影像上不易获取,由于沟长能够反映体积大小且易于获取,因此,切沟体积()和沟长()的关系成为研究的热点[16-17]。在国外,伊朗、澳大利亚、埃塞俄比亚等国家均开展相关研究,确定切沟体积模型(=aL)[16-19]。在中国,关于–关系的研究较少,Dong等[20]、李镇等[21]和Wu等[22]分别确定了西南元谋干热河谷和黄土高原区切沟体积和沟长之间的关系,Zhang等[23]建立了东北黑土漫川漫岗区切沟体积估算模型。研究[21-22, 24-26]发现,与沟长相比,切沟面积()是切沟体积估算模型更有效的参数,且在黄土高原、西南干热河谷和埃塞俄比亚高原分别建立了以面积为参数的体积估算模型(=aA),但相关研究在东北黑土区鲜有报道,限制了区域全面土壤侵蚀普查与评价。另外,在中国,对切沟侵蚀的研究起步较晚,基础数据欠缺,获取不同区域及发展阶段的切沟形态参数数据,建立切沟侵蚀的长期数据库,能够为理解切沟侵蚀机理及建立不同区域切沟体积估算模型创造条件;探究不同区域切沟体积估算模型系数差异,对建立更具适用性的沟蚀模型具有重要意义。
本文基于WorldView-2高分立体像对影像(0.5 m分辨率),利用ENVI提取同分辨率DEM,选择45条切沟,在ArcGIS10.3中提取并计算切沟顶宽、底宽、沟深、断面面积、沟长、面积及体积等参数值,分析东北黑土山地丘陵区切沟形态特征及相互关系,并构建体积估算模型。研究结果有助于理解切沟侵蚀进程,亦可为大空间尺度切沟侵蚀的定量研究提供方法和依据。
研究区(44.57°~44.65°N,129.86°~129.98°E)位于东北黑土山地丘陵区穆棱市,属于三江平原-兴凯湖生态维护农田防护区(图1)。选择WorldView-2高分立体像对数据(0.5 m分辨率)为数据源,拍摄时间为2018年5月,此时,农地刚完成翻耕与播种,植被覆盖率低,降低了植被对提取DEM精度的影响。参考唐杰等[15]的方法,基于ENVI 5.3 Terrain模块的DEM Extraction功能,输入立体像对数据的左、右影像,获取同名点坐标并输入控制点,通过交互式定义连接点,使其均匀分布在立体像对影像上,查看连接点精度,使误差最大值控制在1个像元内。最终得到栅格大小为0.5 m的DEM(图1),用于提取切沟形态参数。所有图层数据采用横轴墨卡托投影和WGS84坐标。
Note: Ι-1-1hw: Greater Hinggan mountainous water conservation and ecological protection section; Ι-1-2wt: Lesser Hinggan mountainous and hilly ecological protection section; Ι-2-1wn: Sanjiang middle and downstream ecological protection and farmland protection section; Ι-2-2hz: Changbai mountain water conservation and disaster prevention and mitigation section; Ι-2-3st: Changbai mountainous and hilly water quality protection section; Ι-3-1t: Northeast China rolling hills soil conservation section; Ι-4-1fn: Songliao Plain wind break and sand fixation and farmland protection section; Ι-5-1t: Southeast Greater Hinggan hilly and gully soil conservation section; Ι-6-1fw: Hulun Buir hilly and plain wind break and sand fixation and ecological protection section.
图1 研究区位置
Fig.1 Location of study area
高分立体像对数据生成DEM过程中,因植被的存在难免会存在噪声,为了降低因植被噪声导致切沟形态参数提取的误差,结合土地利用情况和Google Earth影像,选择发育于农地上的45条切沟。基于ArcGIS10.3软件,采用目视解译法提取沟缘线,分别计算沟长和面积,进一步利用ArcGIS10.3中3D Analys模块下的Profile Graph功能生成断面图,分别确定各切沟断面顶宽、底宽、沟深,共计357个断面,最后计算各断面的面积,计算公式如下:
式中m为利用DEM(0.5 m分辨率)获取的体积平均值;M为第条切沟体积的测量值;P为第条切沟体积的预测值。r越小或ns越大,说明模型预测值与测量值越接近。
最后,将所有数据导入SPSS22.0中进行统计分析,在Origin 2016 Pro 中绘制统计图。
切沟的平均顶宽(TW)、底宽(BW)、沟深()、断面面积(CSA)、沟长()、面积()和体积()等参数统计如表1所示。研究区切沟的顶宽在2.92~10.76 m之间,均值为5.63 m;底宽在1.33~5.40 m范围,均值为2.82 m,沟深分布于0.64~2.09 m,均值1.05 m;断面面积在1.72~17.13 m2范围,均值为4.94 m2;沟长在22.52~208.20 m之间,均值为81.90 m;面积分布于100.32~1 505.23 m2之间,均值为470.54m2;体积在46.67~2 338.43 m3范围,均值为428.53 m3。其中,Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验结果显示,切沟沟长、面积、断面面积及体积均服从对数正态分布。
表1 切沟形态特征统计(n=45)
Note: TW is the top width of gully; BW is the bottom width of gully;is the gully depth; CSA is the cross-sectional area of gully;is the gully length;is the gully area;is the gully volume. The same below.
切沟断面主要参数频率分布特征如图3所示。可以看出,切沟顶宽集中分布在2~8 m范围,累积频率超过80%(图3a)。从底宽分级结果来看(图3b),主要分布于0~4 m范围,累积频率均超过76%。沟深主要分布在0~2 m范围,累积频率超过90%,其中以0~1 m比例最大,达到56.58%(图3c)。最后,断面面积主要分布在0~5 m2范围,频率为64.43%,小于10 m2的累积频率达到了88%(图3d)。
图5显示,东北山地丘陵区切沟体积与顶宽、底宽、沟深、断面面积、沟长及面积之间存在显著线性关系。沟长在遥感影像上较容易获取,因此已被作为主要参数来估算切沟的体积[16-17, 21-23]。切沟沟长、面积及体积均服从对数正态分布,切沟体积和沟长的回归分析结果如图5e所示,表达式为
表2 切沟体积预测值与测量值的的相对误差(Er)和纳什系数(Ens)
以Web of Science数据库和CNKI作为数据源,获取中国已有侵蚀沟体积估算模型的相关数据。对比发现,当前研究主要集中于-关系;对-关系研究较少,且研究区主要在黄土高原和西南干热河谷,东北黑土区尚鲜有报道。对于同类型侵蚀沟来说,相比东北黑土区,黄土高原及干热河谷区的侵蚀沟体积估算模型(V=aA或V=aL)的值更大,说明这2个区域环境更脆弱,沟蚀更严重[16]。但并不能忽视东北黑土区的切沟侵蚀问题。东北黑土区侵蚀沟超过29.5万条,且近89%为活跃侵蚀沟[6],侵蚀沟防治与治理已是该区域水土保持工作的重点。
不同研究区不同类型侵蚀沟之间的-参数存在较大差异,反映了不同环境下侵蚀沟的侵蚀程度不同。与浅沟相比(表3),切沟体积估算模型(=ab)的值更大,说明切沟断面尺寸更大,侵蚀更严重。其中,被看作是单位沟长上切沟断面面积的增长率[18],接近1,说明从沟头到沟口断面面积近乎恒定[30-31]。相比黄土高原、干热河谷区,东北黑土区值最小(表2)。本研究区,从沟头、沟中到沟口切沟断面面积均值分别为3.58,9.35和4.89 m2,晋西黄土区该值分别为26.3,45.1和53.9 m2[21],相比晋西黄土区切沟的平均沟长(=12.54 m),沟长更长(=81.90 m)的东北黑土区切沟单位沟长上切沟断面面积的增长率更小,因此,值更小。与漫川漫岗区相比,山地丘陵区切沟具有更大的断面面积及更短的沟长,即随切沟的增长,断面面积对切沟体积更重要,因此,山地丘陵区-关系中值更大。–关系(=aA)反映了切沟体积随着面积的增长以幂函数的形式增加。b可以被看作为单位切沟面积上沟深的增长率,接近1,说明沟深近似为定值[21]。本研究中切沟从沟头、沟中到沟口,平均沟深较接近,分别为0.88,1.20和1.02 m,因此值接近1。不同研究区的值在1.14~1.47之间,相比于–关系变幅较小(表3)。总之,从拟合方程的决定系数来看,相比-,-关系预测切沟体积更具优势。另外,探究不同环境下切沟体积估算模型的系数差异,仍是未来需要解决的问题,对于深入理解切沟侵蚀进程具有重要意义。
表3 中国不同侵蚀区域V-L和V-A关系中参数a、b及侵蚀沟断面主要参数值
Notes: a and b are the parameter of the model (=aLor=aA).
表4 不同断面形状的切沟体积估算模型(V-A)
Note:is the average of gully area;is the average of gully volume;is the average of gully depth; CVDis the average coefficient of variation of gully depth from gully head to gully mouth.
基于WorldView-2高分立体像对影像(0.5 m),利用ENVI软件生成同分辨率DEM,在ArcGIS10.3中提取并计算切沟顶宽(TW)、底宽(BW)、沟深()、断面面积(CSA)、沟长()、面积()及体积()等参数值,分析东北黑土山地丘陵区切沟形态特征并构建体积估算模型。研究结果显示:
1)切沟断面BW/TW集中分布于0.40~0.60范围,均值为0.48,切沟以V~U型为主。/TW值在4.48~41.39范围,均值为15.28;TW/均值为5.95 m,且全部大于1,表明横向侵蚀速率比下切侵蚀更快。
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Gully volume estimation model using high-resolution satellite imaging in mountainous and hilly regions with black soil of Northeast China
Li Zhen1,2, Qi Zhiguo2, Qin Wei1,3※, Chen Chi4, Wu Ke2, Feng Tian2
(1.,,100048,; 2.,050031,;3.,100048,; 4.,,100083,)
Severe gully erosion has posed a threat to food security in the black soil region of northeastern China, one of the largest grain-producing areas. Therefore, the prevention and control of gully erosion have become the top priority of soil and water conservation in recent years. Consequently, an estimation model of gully volume is a key step in modeling and mapping the gully erosion over a large scale, thereby to determining the erosive prone areas for better control of gully erosion. However, few researches were focused on modeling gully volume in this area. This study aims to explore the gully features, and then to build a gully volume model, finally assess the erosion parameters using the high-resolution remote sensing stereoscopic satellite imaging. The same high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) was extracted from ENVI software using WorldView-2 stereoscopic satellite images (0.5 m resolution). ArcGIS 10.3 was selected to calculate gully morphological parameters of 45 gullies in a catchment located in the mountainous and hilly region of northeast China. The specific parameters included the top width (TW, m), bottom width (BW, m), depth (, m), cross-sectional area (CSA, m2), gully length (, m), gully area (, m2), and the volume (, m3). The results showed that the average values of TW,BW,, CSA,,, andwere 5.63 m, 2.82 m, 1.05 m, 4.94 m2, 81.90 m, 470.54 m2, and 428.53 m3, respectively. The means of the width ratio between the gully top and bottom was 0.48, indicating that the cross-section of the gully was mainly in an intermediate shape (V-U shape). The mean of the ratio between gully top width and depth was 5.95, where all of gullies were greater than 1, indicating that the collapse of gully-wall was faster than that of deep-cutting in the study area. There was an extreme significance in the gully volume and the length () or area () of study areas. A very prominent relationship of power function was also found between the gully volume and length/area, and the determination coefficients (2) of the volume estimation model were 0.57 and 0.90, respectively. Furthermore, the mean relative error and Nash coefficient further verified that themodel was more accurate and effective to predict the gully volume. Thevalue of power function was smaller in the black soil region of northeast China, compared with the Loess Plateau and the dry/hot valley regions, whereas, thevalue was larger in the mountainous and hilly regions than in the rolling and hilly regions of Northeast China, indicating that the gully erosion was more serious in the mountainous and hilly region of Northeast China. The precision of the-model depended mainly on the gully features. Correspondingly, the ratio between gully length and top width can serve as an index of classification for better performance in modeling gully erosion. The finding can provide a scientific basis to assess the gully volume over a large scale in the mountainous and hilly regions of Northeast China.
models; remote sensing; gullies; morphological parameters; black soil; mountainous and hilly region
李镇,齐志国,秦伟,等. 利用高分立体影像构建东北黑土山地丘陵区切沟体积估算模型[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(7):122-130. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.015 http://www.tcsae.org
Li Zhen, Qi Zhiguo, Qin Wei, et al. Gully volume estimation model using high-resolution satellite imaging in mountainous and hilly regions with black soil of Northeast China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(7): 122-130. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.015 http://www.tcsae.org