
2021-04-06 08:49山东孙启禄
疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年3期

山东 孙启禄


题材动物体裁记叙文文章词数 难度 建议用时302 ★★ 5 分钟

When wild animals come near to someone while they're enjoying time in nature, the typical advice is to avoid interacting with them and respect that humans are visitors in their space.But what if they are very friendly and decide to say hi?

That's exactly what happened to Daren Ford and Kerrie Rocket when they were hanging out on paddleboards (桨板) in West Sussex, England, one day. They had no idea that they were being followed by a curious seal until he plopped himself on a board and joined them for a ride! Apparently, the little guy is well-known in the area where Daren and Kerrie were. In fact, he's so popular that he's even been given a name: Gavin.

Since Kerrie and Daren had never come across Gavin before, they were a little scared when he first hopped on Daren's board. In a video of the meeting, Daren jokingly says, “If he bites my toe, I'm jumping in.” Of course, Gavin wasn't trying to hurt anyone! He just lounged (懒洋洋地躺着) around with Daren until he decided it was time to try Kerrie's board instead. Without any hesitation, the cute seal slipped into the water and helped himself to a new seat. And he just kept going! “To our amazement, the seal just started going from one board to another, jumping on and relaxing,” Kerrie said.

None of the humans knew quite what to do until they had some time to process the meeting. “It was an amazing experience, but it never really sank in until we got home and realized how rarely this actually happens,” she added.

What a lucky group! We're so glad that they got to see the wonder that is Gavin and ended up sharing it with the world!

Reading Check

1. What are people advised to do when meeting with animals in nature?

A. Run away immediately.

B. Make contact with them.

C. Avoid disturbing them.

D. Do anything as you please.

2. When did Daren and Kerrie realize they were being followed by the seal?

A. When the seal was chasing them.

B. When the seal dived into the water.

C. When the seal was swimming in the water.

D. When the seal jumped onto their paddleboards.

3. How did Kerrie and Daren feel when Gavin went from one board to another?

A. Pleased. B. Curious.

C. Surprised. D. Frightened.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

When wild animals come near to someone while they're enjoying time in nature, the typical advice is to avoid interacting with them and respect that humans are visitors in their space. 当人们在享受大自然时,野生动物接近我们,典型的建议是避免与它们互动,尊重人类是它们空间的访客这一事实。

【点石成金】本句是一个含有时间状语从句的复合句。 the typical advice is...in their space是主句部分,后面的动词不定式短语作表语,that引导的是宾语从句;when和while引导的都是时间状语从句。

新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2