
2021-03-07 14:22:10
物理学报 2021年23期

Preface to the special topic:Non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems




(客座编辑:蔡子 上海交通大学)

In the context of traditional solid physics,the majority of studies in quantum many-body physics focus on the systems in or close to the thermodynamic equilibrium state,while the farfrom-equilibrium system is less known in general.In the past decades,due to the rapid development of quantum manipulation and measurement,enormous novel synthetic quantum materials have emerged in condensed matter,ultracold atomic,and solid state quantum information systems,where the systems can be driven out of equilibrium by dynamically tuning the Hamiltonian parameters,or coupling the system to a non-equilibrium bath.Due to its unique feature,such non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems exhibit novel properties that are completely different from the traditional equilibrium quantum many-body systems.Lots of fundamental concepts (for instance,the topological order,spontaneous symmetry breaking and universality class) have to be reexamined in the framework of non-equilibrium physics.Furthermore,understanding such complex quantum systems is also of important practical significance for the development of the new generation of quantum technologies.

As a new branch of physics,non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems are far from being understood due to the intrinsic difficulties of it strongly correlated and non-equilibrium features.At the same time,instead of focusing on a specific branch of physics,the researches in this field involve interdisciplinary theories and methods in condensed matter physics,atomic and molecular physics and quantum optics,quantum information and quantum computation,nonequilibrium statistic physics.The emergent non-equilibrium quantum many-body phenomena in above systems do not only possess the interest of its own,but also exhibit universal behavior that is independent of the details of these systems.It is expected that the interplay between the ideas and methods in various branches of modern physics can trigger exciting physics in this new field.This special topic contains several review papers written by experts working actively in this emergent field.These papers review latest progresses in several important directions in this field,including the non-equilibrium quantum magnetism and superconductivity,periodically driven quantum systems,dissipative and non-Hermitian systems,integrable systems and time crystals.We hope this special topic can inspire the interest of the readers,and attract more young scholars and students to join this exciting field.

Cai Zi

Shanghai Jiao Tong University,China

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