随着星巴克、肯德基、联合利华、雀巢等多家企业纷纷在中国推出人造肉产品,人造肉明星企业“超越肉类”(Beyond meat)计划在嘉兴投资建厂等,人造肉一时间成了食品行业的热词,但是不少国家和地区仍然对人造肉存在质疑,人造肉的前景在各国也有所不同。
Singapore's decision to allow the production andsale of laboratory-grown meat will prove a milestonein helping both the land-scarce country and othersto sustain food security and help counter climatechange, analysts said. As the first country to approvethe manufacture of cell-cultured meat, Singapore canserve as a role model to other countries keen to boostfood production using this technology.
Since the coronavirus was largely brought undercontrol in China and restaurants reopened, multipleforeign and domestic meat alternatives have been rolledout in the market, aiming to seize a large market sharein a country where such food products are still novel.The US' Starbucks and KFC, and popular Chinesebubble tea chains Naixue's Tea and Heytea have allrushed into the market, debuting plant-based foods ontheir menus in China stores.
Despite a lukewarm market response so far,manufacturers have high hopes for alternative proteinproducts. When Hey Tea, one of China's most popularmilk tea brands, launched a new burger containing"fake meat" , social media influencers scrambled totry it and make videos and tell their followers how ittasted.The Future Meat Burger, the tea maker's firstplant-based meat substitute, released in partnershipwith Chinese food tech company Starfield, caused asensation when it hit the market.Though these plantbasedmeat startups are favored by venture capitalists,they may still face difficulty winning consumerapproval in the long run, experts warned.
NESS ZIONA, Israel-It looks like chicken andtastes like chicken. But diners in Israel are tuckinginto laboratory-grown "meat" that scientists claim isan environmentally friendly way to feed the world'sgrowing population.In a small restaurant in anondescript building in a science park in the centralIsraeli town of Ness Ziona, diners munched burgersand minced meat rice rolls made with "culturedchicken"-meat grown in the adjacent SuperMeatproduction site."It was delicious, the flavor was great,"said Gilly Kanfi, a self-described "meat-eater" fromTel Aviv, who had signed up for the meal months inadvance. "If I didn't know, I would have thought it wasa regular chicken burger."The Chicken, as the eateryis called, is a testing ground of sorts for SuperMeat,hosting periodical test meals to generate customerfeedback while waiting for regulatory approval.