
2021-01-13 00:47:49黄海旺
科教导刊 2021年30期












Scientific Teaching Design Should Pay Attention to Unit Analysis

HUANG Haiwang


HUANG Haiwang

Editor and Senior Editor of People’s Education Press

Deputy Secretary General of science education branch of China Education Society(In charge of work)

Executive Editor of Primary School Science Textbook of People’s Education Hubei Education Edition

Instructional design is the key node between cur? riculum and teaching practice. It must answer three basic questions - where to go (establish teaching ob? jectives), how to get there (implement teaching pro? cess), and whether to get there (evaluate learning re? sults)

Curriculum standards are at the core of instruc? tional design. The ultimate goal of science teaching is to cultivate students’ scientific literacy. If scientif? ic literacy is the focus and refinement of the goal of scientific discipline education, which helps teachers better grasp the "key point" of the goal of science education, then the curriculum standard is to further specifyandclarifyscientificliteracy,whichhelps teachersaccuratelygraspthe"degree"inteaching practice. Teaching design should pay attention to unit analysis, which can better reflect the requirements of curriculum standards.

Teachers should start with the teaching material unit, first determine the unit teaching objectives, then select the teaching contents, then design learning ac? tivities and formulate the standards and methods of teaching evaluation according to the teaching objec? tives and teaching contents, and finally carry out sys? tematic and scientific teaching design with a unit as a whole. Specifically, it includes a series of teaching design processes of establishing unit teaching objec? tives, carrying out unit learning activity design, form? ingunitevaluationandprovidingsupportingunit teachingresourcesbasedontheanalysisofunit teaching materials and teaching methods, according to the situation and characteristics of students.

The unit teaching target design is the teacher’s studyandlifeexperience,basedonthestudent’s learning habits, power and interest, etc. based on stu? dents ’learning base and life experience, and analyz? es students’ learning habits, motivation and interest, etc., based on course standards learning goals, deter? mine the scientific knowledge, scientific research, sci? entificattitude,andfourdimensionsofscientific, technical, social and environment.

Thedesignofunitlearningactivitiesisthat teachers design various activity forms and teaching methodsaroundtheunittheme,accordingtothe needs of different contents in the unit, comprehensive? ly consider the position of the activity content in the field content of the whole primary school stage and the relationship with the front and rear knowledge and skills, and form the core activities of relevant units. Unit learning activities should be based on the life and learning situations experienced by students; Take the things, phenomena and practical problems aroundstudentsasthemainlearningcarrier; The main activity forms are games, observation, reading, experiment, design, display, communication and evalu? ation that students are willing to participate in; Scien? tificinquiry,designandproductionarethemain types of activities.

Unit evaluation should comprehensively evaluate students’scientificandtechnologicalliteracy.Unit teaching objectives include four dimensions: scientific knowledge,scientificinquiry,scientificattitudeand science, technology, society and environment. The ob? jectives of these four dimensions should be regarded as the content of evaluation, not just the objective of scientific knowledge as the content of unit evaluation. Whenconductingunitevaluation,teachersshould checktheachievementofunitteachingobjectives one by one. For all the objectives of the unit, the evaluation scheme is designed one by one to ensure that the teaching objectives of each unit are carried out with corresponding evaluation tools.

Takingthesixthgrade"biologyandenviron? ment" unit of the people’s education Hubei Educa? tion Edition as an example, teachers should deeply understandthecontentsrelatedtotheteachingof this unit in the curriculum standard, such as "know? ing that common habitats provide basic needs such as light, air, water, suitable temperature and food for organisms" and "recognizing that people should live in harmony with the natural environment and that it is very important to protect a variety of organisms aroundthem".Then,onthisbasis,determinethe unit objectives of relevant dimensions, such as:

In addition to understanding the basic conditions required for biological survival, growth, development andreproduction,knowledgeobjectivesshouldalso pay attention to the ability of organisms to adapt to the environment, the unique morphological characteris? tics and self-protection methods gradually formed by organisms to adapt to environmental changes, under? stand the important meaning of biodiversity, and list the causes of some organisms going extinct and their impact on other organisms.

In addition to using ecological bottles as habitat simulation experiments to compare and observe the re? actions of earthworms in different environments such as dry, wet, light and dark, scientific research objec? tives should also analyze which organisms live in a certain ecosystem, explain how these organisms inter? act with the environment, and use cases to analyze the causes of extinction of some organisms and ex? plore their impact, students are required to have the ability of analysis, reasoning, expression and communi? cation.

The goal of scientific attitude should emphasize scientific questioning, let students support their views withevidence, andbewillingtolistentoothers’ opinions.Science,technology,societyandenviron? mentobjectivesshouldpayattentiontostudents’ awareness of participating in the protection of biology and environment, and be willing to take actions to protect biology and ecological environment.

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