
2021-01-13 13:08卢卡莫利纳里LucaMolinari
世界建筑 2021年12期

卢卡·莫利纳里/Luca Molinari

庞凌波 译/Translated by PANG Lingbo

































"We need a new space contract." This was the phrase that opened the first press conference of Hashim Sarkis, curator of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, a few months before we were overwhelmed by the pandemic and this exhibition unwittingly became a necessary laboratory in a rapidly changing world.

For this reason, it is not easy to comment critically on an event that has had such an exceptional gestation and that has taken on the responsibility of being the first major public and open moment at international level, after almost two years of dramatic confinement.

The title chosen by Sarkis was immediately charged with a prophetic sense, under the pressure of a rising anti-urban thinking that in the months of the lockdown seemed to run through the texts of many experts and commentators ringing death knell for the future fate of our cities.

Now that the third wave is over and the most massive vaccination campaign in history has begun, it seems that the most pessimistic reflections on the fate of our metropolises have immediately receded, while the title "How will we live together?" remains in its urgency with respect to how we want to imagine the places we will inhabit in the coming decades.

The question launched by its curator and the massive call for a new generation of authors to propose visions, on the other hand, has had a destabilising effect on the traditional, reassuring formula of the Biennale, which for some years had focused heavily on the relationship between the curator-demostrator and an often reassuring account of the state of the art in contemporary architecture.

The structure in five thematic sections, organised in a scalar fashion from the infinitely large to the microscopic, produced works and installations that proved interesting in most cases because of their fragility and problematic nature, and seemed to clash violently with many of the more disciplined choices of previous Biennales.

The 17th Biennale represents a real structural fissure between two worlds that could be increasingly distant from each other and that have had in the pandemic a violent peak of separation between a before and an after, between the idea of the exhibition as an authorial statement and the vision of the exhibition as an open laboratory.

The exhibition curated by Sarkis does not have the iconic power of Paolo Portoghesi's Strada Novissima or Fuksas's "Less Aesthetics More Ethics", but, if anything, subtly introduces the doubt and instability of a new and necessary direction to which major events are called, namely that of being a problematic, collective and open laboratory for responding to a world experiencing an epochal metamorphosis of meaning to which architecture is called upon to provide some possible answers.

This condition must not be exempt from a confrontation with form and its role in giving substance to the places we inhabit, and perhaps in this, this year's Biennale exhibition is particularly weak, as if it had collectively given up on identifying reassuring iconic elements that are incapable of looking at the problems posed by the curator.

There is a sense of imperfection and instability in the proposals that reflect this uncertain time, in a restless alternation between the compulsive collection of data to read, as if it were a haruspex activity that will then magically lead to the project, and the clumsy attempt to pursue artistic practice to answer such broad questions.

In many of the works on show there is a sort of distrust of form, almost a generational reaction to the brief historical period of the socalled "archistars", in which individual research has produced, in a compressed period of time, a widespread condition of narcissistic formalism on the scale of the global market, which has not advanced contemporary architectural culture but frozen it in an infinite collection of ready-to-wear works easy to consume in every corner of the world.

The 2016 Biennale curated by Alejandro Aravena had already posed the question, looking in an attentive and militant manner at all those "souths" of the planet in which architecture had taken on the political responsibility of intervening, measuring itself against the painful and unresolved contradictions of the present world.

But there was a need to move forward, and the pandemic has paradoxically provided an opportunity to shape an edition of the Venice Biennale that is an imperfect attempt to respond to this unstable time. Behind this question that is so central to our lives and the need to finally reformulate a pact that is both social and spatial, lies the dramatic question of what role architecture can play in a world that is changing so rapidly.

The theme posed by Sarkis is not only an open question to the world, but above all a provocation launched at the category he represents, i.e. architectural culture and the world of the profession. In a perspective of clear contraction of new construction in advanced countries to reduce consumption of land and resources, what role will the designer play? On the other hand, what models can architecture offer in rapidly expanding countries?

In the midst of a mounting global climate and environmental crisis, what contribution can architecture make, given that it is responsible for a significant part of greenhouse gas emissions? In the face of a revision of biological statutes that will tend to restore the centrality of the human being to an open and circular dimension with all other living beings, what impact can the design of the environments we inhabit have?

In the face of a social, racial and gender condition that is undergoing a rapid transformation under the pressure of new generations, what does it mean to imagine spaces for an increasingly fluid and restless social body?

To all these questions we add an increasingly weak and ambiguous role of political thought and action that in recent years is producing weak leadership, angry and ignorant populism, and an absence of generous vision that cannot be nourishment and opportunity for architectural thought.

We are living in a time of widespread myopia crushed on an eternal present driven by an aggressive hyper-capitalism that does not ask for long-term visions and individual critical thinking.

An infinite present that works on the amnesia of our histories and, at the same time, on the cancellation of utopian thought, the only true conceptual and sense engine of Western culture from the Renaissance to today. The lack of a utopian tension capable of producing visionary thoughts and actions thus enters into a radical conceptual contrast with the questions generated by this Biennale, which instead seeks to pose serious questions that presuppose a courageous epistemological and prospective shift.

Perhaps this is also why the responses offered by such young and willing authors could not formally live up to our expectations? But is it also for this reason that this Venetian edition is becoming the most visited event in the history of International Architecture Exhibitions with an unexpected percentage of young people?

A simple post-pandemic effect or, instead, an exhibition that asks the right questions at a time of widespread crisis?

I believe that the Biennale curated by Hashim Sarkis has taken the courage to finally face up to the contradictory realities we are experiencing and the emerging questions of meaning that a new generation of young citizens is insistently asking.

In other words, what kind of world do we want to inhabit and build in the coming decades? What new social, spatial and inter-living pact must we imagine in order to respond to an environmental and symbolic crisis that has no parallel in our history?

In selecting the invited designers, it is as if Sarkis has made it official that we cannot ask the generation of architects who established themselves between the end of the 1990s and the first two decades of the new century to provide answers that their work has not been able to provide.

This is not a snobbish choice or an intellectual provocation, but the consideration that the current situation requires a conceptual shift that only a different generation can begin to formulate with the imperfect and blunt tools that these authors may have.

Perhaps the real limitation of this selection is the starting point, namely the fact that the search for authors has been limited to young people from the great universities of the advanced world, in fact a young elite that has been trained with design and cultural tools that have not yet been reformulated with respect to a new world. Africa is still missing from this selection, despite the call of a series of quality authors, Eastern Europe emerges with difficulty, South America stops at the architecture of civic action that is now a mature and consolidated practice, the countries of South-East Asia that are now a laboratory of diversity to be investigated and, in its own small way, Italy, one of the great absentees after decades of cultural centrality.

In addition to these geographical reflections, due attention has not yet been paid to the landscape project and the social and symbolic centrality it is acquiring in the overall revision of the concept of the project in this new century, perhaps because the very idea of landscape could be an important basis in the reinterpretation of a circular and less anthropocentric vision of the very notion of the project.

Due to the pandemic and the usual compressed timeframe, the Biennale has not been able to be that laboratory of contemporaneity that it should be in the coming years, rethinking even part of the formula, which clearly cannot do without the large exhibition, but should expand an experimental and research dimension that anticipates the exhibition itself, becoming a motor of critical sense.

What we no longer need are exhibitions that tell us about works and projects that we immediately find on the web, while today, more than ever, we need open public laboratories that produce innovative and courageous critical content, capable of shifting the tired centre of gravity of a discipline that must change with the world it is called upon to transform.

This, however, should not be resolved in the usual reassuring collection of data, tables and infographics in seductive colours and shapes, but in products in which the reformed idea of design must return to the centre with a regenerated and recognised sense of political and social responsibility. Together, we cannot think that questions of this magnitude are posed only to architecture. The time of the demiurge architect, of the Atlas who holds the world on his shoulders thanks to the disruptive and messianic force of his projects, is over, while we will increasingly need new generous visionaries capable of working in a system with other disciplines, aware that architectural thought produces necessary forms and, at the same time, has the capacity to coordinate and bind different knowledge that can dialogue together.

"How will we live together?" will remain for a long time an urgent question to which different answers must be given, and this makes the 17th Biennale a useful occasion to continue reflecting on.□
