Actively Study and Practice New Theories
YU Bojun
YU Bojun
Deputy Director of Zhejiang Provincial Teaching and Research Office
Primary School Science Teacher
Core member of Science Curriculum Standard Revision Group of Ministry of Education
Nowadays, with the development of media and the rapid spread of information, all kinds of new the? ories and ideas about education are constantly emerg? ing. Many ideas have a lot of inspiration for primary school science teaching. Science teachers should have a positive attitude to learn and understand, and also learn to identify and choose relatively authoritative in? formation. Curriculum standard is our first choice of theoretical learning materials.
In the primary school science curriculum stan? dards, experts and scholars have summarized the ex? perience of primary school science education in Chi? na for more than ten years, and absorbed the new achievementsofinternationalscienceeducation. Theseachievementsincludecoreliteracy, bigcon? cepts, advanced learning, high-level thinking, interdis? ciplinary project-based learning, such as stem, sci? ence and engineering practice, etc. The introduction and presentation of some new theories have a posi? tive impact on science education in China. Science teachersshouldtimelyunderstandthisinformation, strengthen the study of frontier information, improve their theoretical level, and lay the foundation for im? proving the teaching level.
To learn a theory, we must first understand it. Teachers should know its origin and development, ex? plore its connotation and essence, and understand its similaritiesanddifferenceswithothertheories. Through in-depth study and thinking, gradually inter? nalize into a part of your own knowledge structure, so that you can truly understand and master.
The primary school science curriculum standards as a whole reflect the requirements of core literacy. What is the relationship between the newly added technology and engineering fields and the develop? ment of core literacy of students? Science teachers can first understand the basic connotation of core lit? eracy, understand its background and meaning. The proposal of core literacy is a requirement of national and social development, conforms to the development trend of international education, and also provides a path for further deepening education reform. Among the six core literacy in which students develop core literacy, closely relatedto scientific disciplines are scientific spirit and practical innovation. For example, there are requirements for the application of technolo? gy in practical innovation: the focus is to understand the organic connection between technology and human civilization, and have the interest and willing? ness to learn and master technology; have engineer? ing thinking, can transform ideas and solutions into tangible objects or improve existing objects And opti? mization,etc.Thisspecificrequirementverywell guides and complements the teaching in the fields of technology and engineering in the curriculumstan? dards of elementary school science courses, especially the proposal of engineering thinking, and makes up for the specific operation path of the implementation of the curriculum standards.
For example, the curriculum standards put for? ward the requirements of STEM teaching in the teach? ing suggestions. Regarding STEM education, we can understand its history and evolution, and its signifi? cance for the current implementation of science teach? ing in our country. STEM is an acronym for the Eng? lish acronyms of the four disciplines of science, tech? nology, engineering, and mathematics. Among them, science is about understanding the world and explain? ing the objective laws of nature; technology and engi? neering are about transforming the world on the basis of respecting the laws of nature to achieve control and control over nature. Use and solve the problems encounteredintheprocessofsocialdevelopment; mathematics is used as a basic tool for technology and engineering disciplines. STEM takes science as the carrier, engineering as the path, and integrates theelementsoftechnology,mathematicsandother disciplinestoconductcross-disciplinarycomprehen? sive project learning, which is an education to culti? vatestudents’comprehensiveliteracy.Mostofthe problems in life need to be solved by applying knowl? edge from multiple disciplines. STEM education espe? cially advocates the development of individualization and creativity, as well as the integration and integra? tion of disciplines. Such teaching concepts, content design and teaching strategies are an excellent supple? ment to the current education in our country, and to a certain extent make up for the lack of practical op? portunities and lack of innovation ability in our coun? try’s education. Therefore, it is welcomed by schools of all levels and types, and even more by students. It greatly improves teaching methods, enriches stu? dents’ learning methods and learning experience, and adapts to the teaching needs of modern society.
Learningtheorymust becombinedwithone’s ownpractice.Usetheorytoguideyourclassroom teaching,changeandimproveyourownteaching methods and means, use your own teaching practice topresenttheories,createnewcasesandresults, such as reflecting the characteristics of engineering thinking in production activities, using project learn? ing method to enrich science classroom teaching and so on. Applying theory to practice and using teach? ing practice to test new theories will better under? stand the new theory, improve one’s own theories, and better implement teaching. As for how to teach around core concepts, how to reflect the requirements of advanced learning, and how to implement interdis? ciplinary project-based learning, you can learn from theory to practice.
New theories are generally put forward in order to adapt to the new economic society and educational situation, but also to make education better meet the requirements of social development and the require? ments of the development of subject teaching. With the explosive growth of knowledge, society’s demand for innovative talents is an inevitable trend. To adapt to this historical development, science teachers must grasp the requirements of the times, care about new theories, new views and new methods, and explore and practice in time, so as to keep up with the pace of the times and contribute to the education cause.