
2020-12-28 15:37:39
阿拉伯世界研究 2020年5期


AbstractThe currentkulturkampfbetween Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredim) and the government is profoundly challenging the very foundation of the state of Israel, i.e., its Jewishness and democracy. Due to differences in ethnic composition, historical origins, cultural traditions, and political aspirations, theHaredimis made up of different factions, but these factions share similar characteristics of their family resemblances, which could be proved by the outstanding performances as followings: The texts of Judaism are playing an increasingly prominent role in disciplining their daily life; the mainstream of theHaredimvociferously opposes the secular tendency of the state in ideology while keeping actual collaboration with the government in practice. TheHaredimmaintain that Israel is simply a state of Jews, hence their reticence about peace in the Middle East. Their independent religious education system, which centered on theyeshivot, is the most important institution to maintain the isolationism ofHaredimsociety, shaping the contour of today’s fundamentalism ofHaredim. Although the Israeli government has made efforts to improve their unemployment and promote the social integration, the actual results are not optimistic.

KeyWordsHarediJews; Fundamentalism;Yeshivot: Israel

AuthorSONG Lihong, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religions, Institute for Jewish and Israel Studies, Nanjing University.


AbstractOn the issue of the Jewish national rights in Palestine, the argument among Albert Einstein, Erich Kahler and Philip Hitti were mainly focused on the following questions. Firstly, the historical priority, namely which of the ancestors of Arabs or Jews came to Palestine first, who has been lived in Palestine all the time, and whether the history was interrupted. Secondly, whether the Zionist movement is for peaceful purposes and promoted Palestinian prosperity and benefited the Arabs. Hitti denied the Jewish claim to national rights of Palestine, arguing that the Arabs came to Palestine earlier than the Jews, Palestine has been owned by the Arabs since ancient times, and the Jewish immigration and construction in Palestine violated the Arabs’ rights. Einstein and Kahler disproved Hitti. Both sides asserted their national rights in Palestine on the basis of history and reality. The gaps between them are too great to reconcile. The dispute reflects the natural contradiction between the Arab nationalism and Zionism at the academic dimension, and the fruitless debate also indicates the complexity for solving the Palestinian issue in the future.

KeyWordsAlbert Einstein; Erich Kahler; Philip Hitti; Palestine; Zionism; National Rights of Jews

AuthorZHANG Tenghuan, Ph.D., Research Assistant, School of History, Beijing Normal University.


AbstractAmid the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, isolation policy is extensively implemented by loads of countries; at the same time, many countries also seek for multi-modal anti-epidemic cooperation under the threat of this global emergency. At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, Israel and Palestine announced to abandon the conflict and seek for cooperation; however, Hamas in the Gaza Strip had fluctuant attitudes conversion during the cooperation. At the beginning, Hamas refused to cooperate with Israel, meanwhile the military conflict between the two sides did not stop. As the epidemic intensified, Hamas released a signal to ask for cooperation with Israel, and then Israel modified the conditions of cooperation which enable achieved the first phase cooperation. Previously, cooperation between Hamas and Israel was very rare. It remains to be seen that whether the anti-epidemic cooperation between Hamas and Israel will expand new cooperation fields or bring regional peace. The purpose of this article is to use mutual trust theory to analyse whether the two countries can reach limited consensuses under common threat, and then deduct the possibility to eliminate persistent conflict between the two sides.

KeyWordsAnti-COVID-19 Cooperation; Mutual Trust Theory; Israel; Hamas; Military Conflict

AuthorZHANG Yuan, Ph.D., Professor, Middle East Studies Institute, Shanghai International Studies University.

67OntheRiseandFallofIsraelLaborPartyformthePerspectiveofIdeologyTrans ̄formation

AbstractAs the founding party of Israel, Israel Labor Party had been in power for many years. After the defeat of the parliamentary election in 1977, the political status of Israel Labor Party began to decline. Israel Labor Party has never been able to win the parliamentary election in the 21st century, and the number of votes and seats has repeatedly hit record lows, and its decline has intensified. One of the key measures taken by Israel Labor Party in response to the decline of its political status was to shift its ideology from labor Zionism to post-labor Zionism. It can be said that the change in ideology not only reflects the drastic changes in the social environment, the obvious and tending to failure of the previous policy, and the weakening of party organization, which has caused the decline of the party’s political arena, but also reveals a series of challenges faced by Israel Labor Party’s political revival, which include how to adapt to the drastic changes in society, advance the construction of ideological theories, and restore its own organizational strength.

KeyWordsIsraeli Politics; Israel Labor Party; Party Ideology; Labor Zionism; Social Democracy

AuthorWU Shiyao, Ph.D., Lecturer, School of International Studies, University of International Business and Economics.


AbstractLocating at the intersection of Asia, Africa and Europe, and adhere to the world’s energy and trade channels, the Arab countries are the important nodes of the “Belt and Road” initiative. With the establishment of various mechanisms such as the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, China and Arab countries have continuously expanded their cooperation in various fields under the framework of the “Belt and Road” Initiative. The Arab countries have become important investment destinations for Chinese companies to “go global”. The political security situation and social development of Arab countries as well as their natural endowments and economic development, and their investment environment is obviously different. Based on the investment environment theory and the key factors affecting the investment environment, this paper builds the investment environment index system of the Arab countries with the factors of opportunity, institution and risk, and calculates the investment environment index and comprehensive investment environment index of the Arab countries The paper also quantitatively analyzes the investment environment of the Arab countries, and explores the key factors which affect the Arab investment environment, so as to lay a basic foundation for Chinese companies to invest in Arab countries and choose specific investment destinations.

KeyWords“Belt and Road” Initiative; Arab Countries; Investment Environment

AuthorsWEN Wei, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Foreign Studies, University of International Business and Economics; WU Hao, Professor, School of Oriental Languages and Literature, Sichuan International Studies University.


AbstractUnder the “Belt and Road” Initiative, the key to the financial integration between China and Arab countries lies in the construction of the financial cooperation mechanism. Strategy-driven and government-led, the present China-Arab states financial cooperation mechanism is still at its initial stage. With the relatively inadequate and informal cooperation mechanism, the diversified entities have not yet actively participated in the market. Guided by the International Regime Theory, this article tries to accurately identify the risks through progressive theoretical interpretation and interdisciplinary analytic method. On this basis, it is highly required to clarify the logical route of facilitating the construction of the financial cooperation mechanism according to specific stages and levels, namely, to generalize and deepen interests, reinforce supervision cooperation and risk prevention, innovate cultural communication and cooperation.

KeyWordsThe “Belt and Road” Initiative; Arab States;Financial Cooperation Mechanism; China-Arab States Cooperation

AuthorsYE Wei, Ph.D. Candidate, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Shanghai International Studies University; ZHANG Jin, Professor, School of Economics and Finance, Shanghai International Studies University.


AbstractThe dilemma of social development in the Middle East concerns people’s livelihood, social political and economic development, social order, fairness and justice, etc. For most Middle Eastern countries, the core issue of social development is the contradiction between their lower levels of social-economic development and higher levels of political systems. Therefore, it is imperative for the Middle East to resolve this contradiction so that the role of the state and the government can be given due play, and through its endogenous strength, the economy can be stabilized, poverty can be solved, and the capacity for self-reliance and long-term sustainable development can be enhanced. At present, the Western social governance plan for the region still occupies the mainstream, but there are also some misunderstandings. The optimal governance plan for the Middle East countries needs to be explored by the countries themselves and further cooperation with the international community.

KeyWordsMiddle Eastern Countries; Social Development in the Middle East; Middle Eastern Politics; Middle Eastern Economy; Multiple Governance

AuthorFENG Lulu, Ph.D., Professor, China-Arab Research Institute, Ningxia University.

143ThePredicamentofStateGovernanceofEgyptintheMubarakEra:AnAssess ̄ment

AbstractDuring the Mubarak period, Egypt made a lot of achievements in state governance, however many structural governance challenges were left. First, the path dependence of authoritarianism was maintained. The political diversification reform implemented at the beginning of his coming to power is nameless, the construction of the rule of law is elusive, and the privatization reform has led to serious corruption of vested interest groups.. Second, although the economic index has maintained medium-to-high-speed growth for a long time, the inclusiveness of development is insufficient, unemployment and poverty were worsened in 2008-2011, which aroused strong public dissatisfaction. Third, the governance system for people’s livelihood such as education, employment and health care were defective, the effectiveness of NGO governance was limited, and the Internet ecological governance was sluggish. The problems of multi-subject governance in the Mubarak era still remain on the table, and the governance’s transformation could avoid the recurrence of the revolution in 2011.

KeyWordsEgypt; Hosni Mubarak; State Governance

AuthorXING Wenhai, Ph.D. Candidate, School of History, Zhengzhou University; Non-Resident Research Fellow, Center for Iranian Studies, Southwest University.

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