
2020-08-27 14:04:46翟长鑫文燕燕杜宗育
光电工程 2020年7期

刘 红,翟长鑫,文燕燕,席 磊,杜宗育


刘 红1,2*,翟长鑫1,2,文燕燕1,2,席 磊1,2,杜宗育1,2

1长春理工大学光电工程学院,吉林 长春 130022;2长春理工大学光电工程国家级实验教学示范中心,吉林 长春 130022

针对可见光通信系统存在的光照度和接收平面功率分配不均匀的问题,提出了基于多种群遗传算法的光源布局模型。以15个LED灯为例,构造和接收功率方差有关的适应度函数,采用多个种群协同进化的方式,对LED灯的位置坐标信息进行寻优。经Matlab R2016a仿真结果表明,优化后的功率分布直观上更均匀,功率方差达到1.5744 dBm,照度范围为889 lx ~1009 lx,照度均匀度亦达到91.73%,均优于传统遗传算法优化的布局和多种群遗传算法优化的矩形布局,从而为系统优化LED灯布局使得用户获得更好的通信体验提供了一种借鉴方案。


1 引 言

21世纪是数据爆炸式增长的时代,光通信技术因其信噪比高,调制速率快,保密安全性好的优点逐步取代传统的无线通信,可见光通信也成为了研究的热点之一。在可见光通信[1-5](visible light communication,VLC)系统中,为使照度分配均匀和通信功率覆盖均衡化,使用户得到更好的通信体验,常采用算法对LED的布局进行优化,王加安等[6]以能量损耗最小为原则,采用PSO算法优化LED圆形阵列的相关参数;Ding等[7]提出进化算法,以接收功率的比值为目标函数,对LED的发光光强进行优化;Liu等[8]提出基于基因密度的改进遗传算法,以接收光功率方差最小为原则,对LED的位置进行优化。多种群遗传算法(multi-population genetic algorithm,MPGA)采用多个种群协同进化的方式,在多元函数寻优方面往往能得到一个较为理想的结果。基于该算法,本文针对接收平面是长方形的情形,以接收功率方差最小化为目标函数,对LED的位置进行优化,使得照度和功率分布更均匀,提高了通信系统的性能。

2 可见光通信系统模型

图1 VLC系统模型






图2 LED灯布局图

表1 系统仿真参数


3 多种群遗传算法设计

多种群遗传算法[11]是在传统遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)的基础上发展得到的。传统遗传算法采用单个种群进化的策略,交叉概率和变异概率为固定值,因此在应用时存在早熟收敛的问题,即种群个体极有可能陷入局部最优解,或是未成熟收敛问题,即算法达到最大迭代次数时,还未得到最优解。多种群遗传算法引入多个种群协同进化的策略,使用移民算子,并将交叉概率和变异概率控制在一个区间内,有效避免早熟收敛问题;同时引入精华种群,避免了未成熟收敛的问题。


1) 染色体编码

2) 生成初始种群


3) 构造适应度函数


4) 遗传操作



② 交叉操作









表2 算法参数表

图3 算法流程图

4 仿真实验与数据分析

可见光通信系统实验仿真平台为Matlab R2016a。经MPGA算法优化得到的位置参数为1=2.5,2=2.5,3=1.57;1=1.5,2=1.03,3=1.5,4=1.5。将优化后的变量代入仿真系统模型,得到图4所示的照度和功率分布图。设定GA的交叉概率c为0.7,变异概率m为0.05,GA优化得到的位置参数为1=2.42,2=1.57,3=2.49;1=1.11,2=1.46,3=1.28,4=1.5,优化后的照度和功率分布如图5所示。陈勇等[12]曾针对5 m´5 m正方形的天花板提出5´5 LED布局,借鉴该模型,本文对5 m´3 m的长方形天花板提出5´3矩形布局,并采用MPGA优化位置参数,作为实验的对比,验证本文所提方案的可行性,矩形布局参数分布如图6所示。三种方案LED灯的布局图如图7所示。


从表中得到,本文所提经MPGA优化后的LED布局方案功率方差达到1.5744 dBm,其余两种方案功率方差偏大,即表示MPGA优化后的LED布局下接收功率分布均匀性最好。在照度方面,三种方案的照度都达到了ISO规定,MPGA优化后布局的照度范围为889 lx~1009 lx,区间长度最小,均匀性达到91.73%,优于GA优化布局和MPGA优化矩形布局下的结果,验证了所提方法的可行性。

图4 MPGA优化参数分布图。(a) 照度;(b) 功率

图5 GA优化参数分布图。(a) 照度;(b) 功率

图6 MPGA优化矩形布局参数分布图。(a) 照度;(b) 功率

图7 LED灯布局图。(a) MPGA优化;(b) GA优化;(c) 矩形布局

表3 布局参数表

5 结 论

可见光通信系统中存在功率分配不均匀影响用户体验的问题。本文以5 m´3 m´3 m房间作为系统模型,以置于天花板上15个LED灯为例,通过Matlab R2016a模拟仿真室内接收的光照度和功率情况。为达到功率分布更均匀采用多种群遗传算法,将LED灯位置信息作为染色体个体,构造和功率方差有关的适应度函数,多种群遗传算法在传统遗传算法的基础上引入移民算子和精英保留策略,经多个种群协同进化求得最优解。代入仿真模型中,求得通信系统照度和接收功率分布情况,并引入传统遗传算法优化布局和多种群遗传算法优化的矩形布局作为对比。实验证明,经多种群遗传算法优化的布局功率分布直观上感受最均匀,方差可达到1.5744 dBm,照度范围在889 lx~1009 lx之间,照度均匀度达到91.73%,均优于其余两种方案。从而,为可见光通信系统寻求已定LED灯的最佳位置提供了一种可靠的借鉴方案。

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An optimized light source layout model for visible light communication system

Liu Hong1,2*, Zhai Changxin1,2, Wen Yanyan1,2, Xi Lei1,2, Du Zongyu1,2

1School of Photo-Electronic Engineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin 130022, China;2National Demonstration Center for Experiment Opto-Electronic Engineering Education, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin 130022, China

Power distributions under the proposed layout optimized by MPGA

Overview:With the rapid development of technology, traditional wireless communication can’t quite meet the needs of fast-growing data service gradually. Researchers are seeking new ways to overcome this conundrum. Since the light communication has the advantages of high SNR, high modulation rate and high security, it is promising to achieve a new height in data communication system. Visible light communication also becomes a hot field for scientists to explore. However, there are many problems to solve in order to make a perfect visible light communication system. Due to the LED lamps discretely mounted on the ceiling, distributions of illuminance and power are incredibly uneven on the receiving plane, so that user experiences can’t be exhilarating. To create a better atmosphere for communication, a layout optimized by multi-population genetic algorithm is proposed. Traditional genetic algorithm may get involved in premature convergence or running into a local optimization solution. The strategy of multi-population co-evolution is introduced into multi-population genetic algorithm to get rid of these problems. The immigration operation strengthens the bond of multi-populations, and the elitism strategy makes sure that the result is found out under our request. A room with dimensions 5 m´3 m´3 m plays the role of simulation model. Particularly, the base of the model is rectangular, which is different from most of the previous studies. 15 specific LED lamps are mounted on the ceiling and serve as sources of optical illuminance and power. The position coordinates of lamps make up chromosome individuals. A function related to the variance of the receiving power is constructed as the fitness function. After being optimized by the algorithm, parameters are plugged into the model simulated on Matlab R2016a. Furthermore, to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, layout optimized by traditional genetic algorithm and rectangular layout optimized by multi-population genetic algorithm are taken as comparisons. The diagrams show that parameters of the proposed method are the evenest intuitively. Through the numerical analysis, the variance of power reaches 1.5744 dBm, the illuminance falls in a range between 889 lx and 1009 lx and the uniformity ratio of illuminance is 91.73%, all of these parameters in multi-population genetic algorithm (MPGA) are the best among the three methods mentioned above. Therefore, the feasibility of this optimization method is evidently proved by this experiment. It can provide references when people tend to find a way to properly design the LED layout, thus finally contributes to building the visible light communication system.

Citation: Liu H, Zhai C X, Wen Y Y,An optimized light source layout model for visible light communication system[J]., 2020, 47(7): 190565

An optimized light source layout model for visible light communication system

Liu Hong1,2*, Zhai Changxin1,2, Wen Yanyan1,2, Xi Lei1,2, Du Zongyu1,2

1School of Photo-Electronic Engineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin 130022, China;2National Demonstration Center for Experiment Opto-Electronic Engineering Education, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin 130022, China

To solve the unevenness of distributions of optical illuminance and power in visible light communication system, a light source layout based on multi-population genetic algorithm is proposed. Taking 15 LED lamps as an example, the position coordinates were optimized under the fitness function related to variance of received power through the co-evolution of multi-populations. The simulation results on Matlab R2016a showed that, after being optimized, the distribution of power was evener intuitively, the variance of power reached 1.5744 dBm, the illuminance fell in a range between 889 lx and 1009 lx and the uniformity ratio of illuminance was 91.73%, all of which were better than those of the layout optimized by traditional genetic algorithm and the rectangular layout optimized by multi-population genetic algorithm. This experiment provides a feasible solution for optimizing the visible light communication system so that users can have a more comfortable communication trip in this system.

visible light communication system; light source layout; the uniformity ratio of illuminance; the evenness of power; multi-population genetic algorithm




: Liu H, Zhai C X, Wen Y Y,. An optimized light source layout model for visible light communication system[J]., 2020,47(7): 190565

刘红,翟长鑫,文燕燕,等. 可见光通信系统光源优化布局模型[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(7): 190565

* E-mail: zhaixin1997@gmail.com




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