学生思维品质的渐进提升是英语学科核心素养中心智特征的体现(梅德明、王蔷 2018);发展思维品质能让学生分析问题和解决问题的能力得到发展,这也是英语课程的最终目标之一。然而,从教学实践中发现,很多教师并没有真正落实在英语课堂上给学生创造各种发展思维品质活动的要求,要么流于形式,要么讲解语法知识和词汇,根本谈不上发展学生的思维,何谈培养学生的思维品质。鉴于此,提出在高中英语阅读教学中应重视发展学生的思维品质。
《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》明确提出,“英语学习的目的不仅仅是对语言知识和技能的习得,更重要的是培养学生的英语学科核心素养,即语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力”(教育部2018)。思维品质是英语学科核心素养的四大重要组成部分之一。培养思维品质就是培养学生的逻辑思维、批判思维、创新思维,让他们通过分析、概括对各种观点进行正确评判,创造性地发表自己的看法,使其具备多元思维的意识和创新思维的能力(程晓堂 2017)。这就要求教师设计各种能帮助学生提升思维品质的问题。
在高中英语阅读教学中,很多教师只是单纯地让学生做判断对或错(True or False)的练习,或者回答简单的问题,或者跟着课件的思路走,没有深入挖掘文本背后的隐含信息,无法促进学生多维度思考,也很难培养其思维品质。真正的培养学生思维品质的阅读课堂应该挖掘文本背后的深层信息(inner information),设计有深度的问题,提高学生的逻辑思维能力。
例如,在讲授人教版高中《英语》必修1 Unit 2 English Around the World时,在让学生快速阅读完文本内容后,教师可以引导他们仔细观察标题,并提出以下两个问题:
Question 1:Can you tell me why this title is the most suitable?
S1:Because it summarizes the main idea of this passage(the development of modern English).
Question 2:Please list some other titles and by comparing them,please say out what features the best title have.
再如,在讲授人教版高中《英语》必修4 Unit 2 Working the land时,在学生略读文本后,教师可以提出以下问题:
Question 1:Who is the pioneer and in what aspect?
Question 2:Why is he a pioneer? What achievement has he made?
Question 3:Why is he a pioneer for all people instead of for Chinese people?
Question 4:What qualities makes him be a great pioneer?
思维导图是表征人们思维过程的一种图示,是用图的形式呈现人们的知识结构和他们表征知识的思维,是使知识结构和思维过程形象化、可视化的图形工具(廖秀慧 2013)。思维导图侧重从篇章结构的层面解读文本,以形象的环形图或其他清晰的图形帮助学生构建文本的框架,能把概念与概念之间、问题与问题之间、观点与观点之间建立关联。对于一篇难度大且篇幅长的文章,学生很难在短时间内理清其架构并弄清楚段与段之间的逻辑关系,但利用思维导图就能快速理清文章脉络。例如:在讲授人教版高中《英语》必修4 Unit 2 Working the land时,教师呈现如下思维导图:
英语课堂教学应与学生的生活建立关联,促进他们对学习或生活进行深度思考,提高其高阶思维。这就要求教师在课堂上应多角度设计与学生生活有关的问题,引导他们进行批判性思维。例如,在讲授人教版高中《英语》必修1 Unit 4 Earthquake时,教师布置如下任务:
After reading the passage,it is believed that during the Tangshan Earthquake,if the earthquake had hit Tangshan in the daytime,there would not have so many deaths and injuries;if there had been more earthquake-resistant buildings,there would not have so much loss;if people had noticed the sign of the earthquake,people in Tangshan would have escaped from it.
Question 1:So what is your understanding of natural disasters,especially an earthquake?
Question 2:How can you escape from the earthquake successfully?
Question 3:Thus,when our school holds the earthquake drills,what ought you to do?Why?
Ss:We should be serious about it including listening to the talk attentively and take an active part in it because only by doing so if the earthquake hits our city,shall we escape from the earthquake safely and survive.
例如,在讲授人教版高中《英语》必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating时,教师在处理完阅读文本后设计如下“说”的活动:
T:As we all know,a balanced menu is of great significance to manage a restaurant.But can we say that a balanced menu is the only aspect we should consider when we operate a restaurant?So when you run a restaurant,what are the other factors that can be taken into account?Now have a discussion in groups.
Group 1:Location.
While running a restaurant,we had better set it in a crowded place,such as near a shopping center.
Group 2:Atmosphere.
We must create a comfortable,peaceful and homelike atmosphere where the customers can enjoy their meals and feel relaxed.
Group 3:Service.
We believe a good service will be helpful to catch more customers to come to eat and gain more competition in the market.Thus,we had better serve the customers with smiles.Also we would use polite,considerate and warm-hearted to account our service.
Group 4:Prices.
Lower prices and better service will win back more customers because it is believed that in case of the same quality,the cheaper the prices are,the better it is.
再如,在讲授人教版高中《英语》选修6 Unit 1 Art时,在处理好while-reading后,为了让学生能运用从阅读文本中学到的 The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,The Impressionism 和 The Modern Art四个时期的绘画作品的相关知识,教师设计如下“说”的活动:
T:After reading the passage,look at the following 2 pictures.Please use what we have learned in the reading passage to describe the paintings and analyze the painters.As is known to us all,Mona Lisa is Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece,which is still popular all over the world.Please analyze the feature of the painting,such as the background of the painter’s creating the picture and analyse the painting style of the painter too.
Question 1:Look at the second picture,which period does it belong to?
Question 2:What conditions resulted in the occurrence of the painting?
Question 3:What is the feature of the painting?And talk about the painter.
S1:It is a masterpiece of an impressionist whose painting style is different from the former ones due to a number of new inventions and social changes.They painted outdoors,trying to seize the light and shadow quickly.That’s why the paintings look unrealistic and absurd.
阅读文本的最佳境界是提炼观点,能用学到的知识和能力解决新问题。这就要求教师能创造性地设计超越文本的活动。超越文本的活动设计应该是依据阅读文本中的details,concepts等,并在此基础上加以拓展和创新(inferring and creation)。设计这种超越文本的活动的目的是延续文本并加以拓展运用,从而提高学生的高阶思维。
例如,人教版高中《英语》选修6 Unit 3 A healthy life的阅读文本是一封爷爷写给孙子的信,用温和的言语,结合自己的经历循循善诱地劝导孙子戒烟。在完成careful-reading后,教师设计如下超越文本的活动:读后写作。
又如,在讲授人教版高中《英语》必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games时,教师提出具有批判性的问题:“What do you think of the ancient slavery?”然后把学生分成三大组,要求他们根据文本续写故事。故事的结局可以是喜剧(The two got married merrily)、悲剧(The poor young couldn’t run faster than Atlanta,he was thrown into prison.Unluckily he died soon),也可以是神话式的(The goddess of love saved the young man and he fell in love with the goddess of love)。